非肥胖2型糖尿病,nonobese type 2 diabetes mellitus
1)nonobese type 2 diabetes mellitus非肥胖2型糖尿病
1.Relationship between insulin resistance and lipid metabolism in nonobese type 2 diabetes mellitus;非肥胖2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗与脂代谢的关系

1.The Effect of Subtotal Gastrectomy on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Non-Obese Patients胃大部切除术对非肥胖2型糖尿病的治疗作用
2.T Cell Subsets Expression in Type 2 Diabetes Obese and Non-obese Patients;2型糖尿病肥胖和非肥胖患者T淋巴细胞及亚群的表达
3.As is known that over 90?of diabetes patients are of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) which is obviously related to obesity.肥胖与2型糖尿病明显相关,肥胖型2型糖尿病已构成2型糖尿病的主要类型。
4.Correlation of Metablic Parameters of Non-Obesity Type 2 Diabetic Patients to Functions of TAFI, PAI-1 and vWFTAFI、PAI-1、vWF等与非肥胖型2型糖尿病患者代谢参数的相关性研究
5.It is associated with a greater risk of heart disease or type2 diabetes.腹型肥胖极有可能会引发心脏病和2型糖尿病。
6.The Relationship between Blood Plasma Adiponectin Concentration and Insulin Resistance in the Obese and Non-obese Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;初诊2型糖尿病非肥胖和肥胖患者血浆脂联素水平和胰岛素抵抗的相关性研究
7.Obesity is a main cause of heart disease, cancer and type2 diabetes.肥胖是心脏病、瘤和2型糖尿病的主要原因之一。
8.A followed-up survey of diabetic risk factors in the simple obesity肥胖2型糖尿病发病相关危险因素调查
9.Relation between diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients and central obesity2型糖尿病肾病与中心性肥胖的相关研究
10.Orlistat for adjutant treatment of fatty type 2 diabetes mellitus in 32 patients奥利司他辅助治疗肥胖2型糖尿病32例
11.The Relationship between Resistin and Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;抵抗素与肥胖和2型糖尿病的相关性研究
12.Research on Treating Fat Diabetes Type 2 by Way of Qiyi Huazhuo益气化浊法治疗肥胖2型糖尿病的研究
13.Efficacy of 5-year follow-up of acutase in the treatment of obese type 2 diabetic蕲蛇酶治疗肥胖2型糖尿病5年追踪疗效观察
14.Clinical Observation on Type 2 Diabetes by the Treatment of Invigorating Spleen and Removing Phlem Decoction健脾化痰汤治疗肥胖2型糖尿病临床观察
15.Effect of Acupuncture on Fatty-insulin Axis in Type 2 Obese Diabetic针灸对肥胖2型糖尿病“脂肪-胰岛”轴的调节作用
16.The effects of the exercise therapy on obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus运动疗法对肥胖2型糖尿病患者治疗的影响
17.Research Progress of the Relationship of Resistin with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus抵抗素与肥胖及2型糖尿病相关性研究
18.Observation of Curative Effect of Gastric Bypass Operation on Non-Obese Type 2 Diabetes and Change of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1胃转流术对非肥胖型2型糖尿病的疗效观察及其对胰高血糖素样肽-1的影响

1.Clinical Study on Reducing Sugar Effect of Kaiyu Qingre-Jiangzhuo Prescription on T2DM;开郁清热降浊方治疗肥胖2型糖尿病多中心、随机对照降糖作用的临床研究
3)normal weight diabetes mellitus非肥胖型糖尿病
1.Background:Our country currently concerning fat diabetes mellitus of type research is more abundant,but it is less study of the traditional Chinese medicine type and relative factors of normal weight diabetes mellitus.研究背景目前我国关于肥胖型糖尿病的证型临床研究较丰富,对于非肥胖型糖尿病证型分布及其体重减轻相关因素研究较少。
4)overweight and obesity type 2 Diabetes超重/肥胖2型糖尿病
5)non-obese diabetic mouse非肥胖型糖尿病(NOD)鼠
6)non-obesity diabetes (NOD)非肥胖型糖尿病小鼠(DOD)

非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病  旧称"成人发病型糖尿病","青少年的成人发病型糖尿病",糖尿病的一个临床类型。其特征为:①起病缓慢。②典型病例见于成人、中老年,偶见于幼儿。③血浆胰岛素水平按体重计相对性降低,且在刺激后呈延迟释放,有时肥胖病人空腹血浆胰岛素基值可偏高,糖刺激后血浆胰岛素亦高于正常人,但比相同体重的非糖尿病肥胖者为低。④遗传因素系此型糖尿病的基本病因。⑤抗胰岛细胞自身抗体(ICA)不增高。⑥胰岛素受体往往不敏感,故在治疗上不依赖胰岛素,但有时为控制高血糖及症状,也常采用胰岛素治疗。参见"糖尿病"。