肾功能异常,Renal Insufficiency
1)Renal Insufficiency肾功能异常
1.Evaluate the Effect of Heparin on the Patients with Renal Insufficiencyafter Cerebral Infarction;速碧林对脑梗死后肾功能异常的疗效观察

1.The Research and New Achievement of the Adaptation of Kidney Function in Sports Field;运动性肾功能异常研究及进展——自由基与肾功能异常
2.Clinical Study of Protection of Amifostine for Patients with Cisplatin-induced Nephrotoxicity using Chemotherapy Again氨磷汀对顺铂致肾功能异常患者再化疗的肾脏保护作用
3.Analysis on Causes of Renal Allograft Dysfunction in Cytomegalovirus Pneumonia Recipients肾移植术后巨细胞病毒肺炎伴肾功能异常原因分析
4.Clinical study of the relative factors between acute cere_ovascular disease and renal function failure急性脑血管病期急性肾功能异常相关因素的临床观察
5.A Clinical Analysis of Early Graft Dysfunction after Renal Transplantation: Risk Factors, Prevention and Treatment;早期移植肾功能异常相关因素及防治措施的临床分析
6.Impact factors correlated with renal dysfunction in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus老年2型糖尿病肾功能异常的相关影响因素分析
7.Relationship of Membrane Glycoprotein Ⅱb / Ⅲa Level in Platelets of Patients with Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia to Renal Disfunction子痫前期及子痫患者GPⅡb/Ⅲa的水平及其与肾功能异常的相关性
8.Study on Abnormal Lipoprotein Metabolism in Renal Failure肾功能衰竭时脂蛋白代谢异常的探讨
9.The relationship between dyslipidemia and residue renal function in CAPD patientsCAPD患者血脂异常与残余肾功能的相关研究
10.Analyze on kidney dysfunctions in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome妊娠期高血压综合征肾功能指标异常分析
11.Treatment of Renal Tubule Dysfunction Following Nephrotic Syndrome by Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine中西医结合治疗肾病综合征肾小管功能异常临床观察
12.Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings.尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常
13.Relationship between tubular dysfunctions and tubulointerstitial lesions in patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome原发性肾病综合征肾小管功能异常与肾小管间质病理损害的相关性分析
14.In Case2 and a previous report patients with medullary abnormality on US had normal renal function.在病例2和以前的病例报道中,超声提示肾髓质异常的患者,其肾功能表现为正常。
15.Effect of dyslipidemia on renal function in metabolic syndrome of the elderly血脂异常对老年代谢综合征患者肾功能损害的影响
16.A case of hyperthyroidism accompanied with renal glycosuria and exceptional high serum testosterone甲状腺功能亢进症伴肾性糖尿和雄激素异常增高1例
17.hypertonic dysfunction of uterus高张力性子宫功能异常
18.Circulating antibodies cause kidney failure and bleeding.血液中的抗体导致肾功能失常并出血

function unusual功能异常
3)abnormal function异常功能
4)abnormal liver function肝功能异常
1.Painful swelling of joints and abnormal liver function following intravenous infusion of levofloxacin;左氧氟沙星静脉输注致关节肿痛伴肝功能异常
2.5% , 42 people had abnormal liver functions along with variable degree of fatty liver, which accounted for 2.5 % ,不同程度脂肪肝伴有肝功能异常者 4 2名 ,占脂肪肝患者的 2 。
3.[Objective] To study the cure effect of combination of TCM and WM treating abnormal liver function of diabetes.[目的]研究中西医结合治疗糖尿病肝功能异常的疗效。
5)liver dysfunction肝功能异常
1.Clinical features and causes of elderly patients with hepatitis-markers-negative liver dysfunction肝炎病毒标志物阴性老年肝功能异常病因及临床特点
2.Two patients developed liver dysfunction after treatment with Xianlinggubao capsules for osteoporosis.2名患者服用仙灵骨葆胶囊治疗骨质疏松症引致肝功能异常。
6)Pulmonary disfunction肺功能异常

非少尿性急性肾功能衰竭非少尿性急性肾功能衰竭non?oliguricacute renal failure  24小时尿量大于400ml的急性肾功能衰竭。临床表现无少尿期阶段,也无明显多尿期阶段,水及电解质紊乱表现轻,但氮质血症却明显。治疗参见“急性肾功能衰竭”。