溴隐亭/治疗应用,bromocriptine/therapeutic use
1)bromocriptine/therapeutic use溴隐亭/治疗应用
2)ambroxol/therapeutic use氨溴索/治疗应用
1.The Application of Bromocriptine for Female Hyperprolactinemia and Infertility (A Report of 46 Cases);溴隐亭治疗女性高泌乳素血症并不育46例分析
2.Bromocriptine inhibits adjuvant arthritis in rats;溴隐亭对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的影响
3.Effect of Bromocriptine and its mechanism on the fertility in the mouse;溴隐亭对小鼠生育的影响及其作用机理

1.Clinical Observation of 101 Cases of Hyperprolactinemia Treatmented with Bromocriptine溴隐亭对高泌乳血症101例治疗观察
2.Follow-up and Analysis of Prolacatinomas after Bromocriptine Treatment泌乳素垂体腺瘤口服溴隐亭的随访分析
3.The Research Development of Bromocriptine in the Treatment of Prolactinomas溴隐亭治疗垂体泌乳素腺瘤的研究进展
4.Different serum prolactin levels after oral administration of bromocriptine in liver cirrhosis patients溴隐亭对肝硬化患者催乳素水平的影响
5.Aim To establish an HPLC for determination the content of bromocriptine mesylate Tablets.目的建立高效液相色谱法测定甲磺酸溴隐亭片的含量。
6.A randomized, double-blind trial of bromo-criptine efficacy in nonfluent aphasia after stroke一项关于溴隐亭治疗卒中后非流利性失语疗效的随机双盲试验
8.The Comparative Research on Microprolactinoma Treated with Transsphenoidal Surgery, Bromocriptine, and Gamma Knife;催乳素微腺瘤经蝶手术、溴隐亭与伽玛刀治疗的对比研究
9.Study of Estrus Induction with Bromocriptine and Cloprostenol on Tibetan Mastiff应用溴隐亭和氯前列烯醇对藏獒诱导发情的研究
10.Effect of Kidney-Replenishing Herbs on the Morphous of Corepus Luteum in the Improved SD Rats Model of Bromocriptine-Induced Abortion补肾益气方对改良溴隐亭致大鼠流产模型黄体功能的影响
11.Study on Reversing HCC Multidrug Resistance Combination Therapy with Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Bromocriptine in Vitro and in Vivo;人肿瘤坏死因子α联合溴隐亭逆转肝细胞肝癌多药耐药性体内外实验研究
12.The Mechanism Whereby the Kidney Replenishing Herb Promote the Secretion of Prolactin and the Effect of This Herb on the NK Cells in the Model of Bromocriptine-induced Abortion;中药治疗溴隐亭致流产鼠影响PrRP及其受体的表达和NK细胞活性的研究
13.Bromocriptine Different Administration in the Treatment of Female Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia of Infertility;溴隐亭不同给药法在治疗女性特发性高泌乳素血症性不孕中的应用
14.Expression of Heparanase in Placenta in Spontaneous Abortion Rats with Bromocriptine and the Effect of LMWH乙酰肝素酶在溴隐亭致自然流产大鼠胎盘中的表达及低分子肝素的保护效应
15.A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden.凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
16.New progress of Research and application of S,S-Dimethyl-β-Propiothetin as food attractantsS,S-二甲基-β-溴代丙酸噻亭作为动物诱食剂的研究和应用新进展
17."Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten towns with their unwalled places."该隐,基比亚,亭纳,共十座城,还有属城的村庄。
18.In the distance on the left, the twisting stone bridge leading to the pavilion in the centre of the lake was vaguely discernible.左边远远地湖心亭和弯曲的石桥隐约看得见。

ambroxol/therapeutic use氨溴索/治疗应用
1.The Application of Bromocriptine for Female Hyperprolactinemia and Infertility (A Report of 46 Cases);溴隐亭治疗女性高泌乳素血症并不育46例分析
2.Bromocriptine inhibits adjuvant arthritis in rats;溴隐亭对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的影响
3.Effect of Bromocriptine and its mechanism on the fertility in the mouse;溴隐亭对小鼠生育的影响及其作用机理
1.The Observation of Bromocryptine with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;溴隐亭治疗难治性多囊卵巢综合症的观察
2.Studies on the oestrous introduction mechanism with bromocryptine,progestogen and gonadotropic hormone in lactating ewes;溴隐亭与孕激素配合促性腺激素诱导泌乳绵羊发情机理的研究
3.Estrus induction and serum estradiol and progesterone levels after treatment with bromocryptine in bitches;乏情母犬用溴隐亭处理后的发情表现与血清中孕酮和雌二醇水平变化
5)parlodel tablet溴隐亭片
6)Pyridostigmine Bromide/ther use溴吡斯的明/治疗应用
