Craves病,Graves's disease
1)Graves's diseaseCraves病
1.Combined Disease with Syndrome:Clinical Optimization Mode of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine;病证结合是中西医结合临床的最佳模式
2.Concepts and Relationships of Disease,Syndrome and Symptom in TCM;病、证、症的概念及其相互关系

1.curly dwarf【植】卷叶, 萎缩
2.The study of viruses and viral diseases.毒学一种毒和毒性疾的研究
3.A disease caused by a virus.一种由毒引起的疾
4.The flowers and trees rust, downy mildew, black spot disease, leaf blight, branch blight disease, powdery mildew etc. were significantly controlled by this fungicide.对花木锈、霜霉、黑斑、叶枯、枝枯、白粉、溃疡等防效显著。
5.Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt of Tomato Crops with Avirulent Isolates of Ralstonia Solanacearum;无致力青枯菌对番茄青枯的控研究
6.act like a doctor for ordinary illness and a consultant for serious illness小当医生,大当参谋
7.diabetic mononeuropathy糖尿单一神经
8.diabetic polyneuropathy糖尿多发神经
9.adeno-associated satellite virus腺毒伴随卫星
10.She is critically ill.她得很严重 [危] 。
11.psittacosis-lymphogranuloma viruses鹦鹉-淋巴肉芽肿
12.purple blotch of onion(葱头干腐) 葱紫斑
13.feline viral respiratory disease complex猫毒性呼吸系统疾
14.common cold virus感冒毒[归于鼻毒属]
15.Epidemics throughout history历史上的传染
17.Rauscher leukemia virus劳舍尔氏白血
18.leukemic adenia白血性淋巴腺增生

1.Combined Disease with Syndrome:Clinical Optimization Mode of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine;病证结合是中西医结合临床的最佳模式
2.Concepts and Relationships of Disease,Syndrome and Symptom in TCM;病、证、症的概念及其相互关系
1.In Thunderstorm, the word "sickness" frequently appears.《雷雨》中"病"字出现最为频繁,每次出现都随着具体语境的变化而有审美及涵义上的种种不同。
2.His metaphor of human sickness for the whole urban civilization as a detrimental agent to the humanity is particularly representative of his preference for the "meditative" and "trustworthy".现代性是在主观的基础上发展的,沈从文通过病的隐喻指出都市文明对生命和人性的摧残和扼杀。
1.There are a lot of plots about illness and cure in The Three Kingdoms.以我国古代著名章回体演义小说《三国演义》(毛宗岗本)中出现的大量疾病与治疗案例为主要考察对象,比较《三国演义》全书中出现过的形形色色治疗者之间有怎样的差异,总结小说中因为疾病无法治愈而丧生的“病人”之间有哪些共同点,思考小说中具体实在的“医人”行为和抽象虚在的“医国”事业间有什么联系。
2.The paper basing on Lin Daiyu s illness, analyses her special character as a lover, a poet, and a hermit.本文以病为切入点,分析了林黛玉作为情人、诗人、超世者的独特文化心理构成。
5)virus disease病毒病
1.Preliminary report of controlling pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) virus disease by applying 20% Confider SL and 70% Antracol WP in field;应用康福多、安泰生联合防治辣椒病毒病大田试验初报
2.Advances of Research on Virus Disease of Pseudostellaria heterophylla;太子参病毒病及其脱病毒研究进展
6)Borna disease virusBorna病病毒
1.Detection of Borna disease virus P24 RNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells in psychiatric patients;重庆地区精神疾病患者Borna病病毒感染的初步报道
2.ObjectiveThe objective was to establish one-step real-time RT PCR, which is superior to traditional Fluorescent quantitative nested RT PCR, to rapidly detect Borna disease virus in diseased hosts, for nationwide molecular screening of potential infections.目的本研究旨在关注中枢神经新发感染性病毒Borna病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV),拟对BDV一步法实时RT-PCR检测方法进行一些有益的探索,并和前期开发建立的BDV荧光定量套式逆转录酶聚合酶链反应(FQ-nRT-PCR)检测方法进行比较,优选出快速、准确、敏感、特异的检测BDV的方法,为大规模流行病学监测提供一种简便、可靠的检测手段。
