金锁固精丸,Golden Bolus for Securing Essence"
1)Golden Bolus for Securing Essence"金锁固精丸
2)JINSUO GUJIN PILL/pharmacology金锁固精丸/药理学
3)Suoyang Gujing Pills锁阳固精丸
1.Determination method of sildenafil citrate added illegally in Suoyang Gujing Pills;锁阳固精丸中非法添加物枸橼酸西地那非的检出方法
2.Determination of echinacoside in suoyang gujing pills from different pharmaceutical manufactures by HPLCHPLC法测定不同厂家锁阳固精丸中松果菊苷的含量
3.Study on quality standard for Suoyang Gujing pills锁阳固精丸质量标准研究

1.Determination of echinacoside in suoyang gujing pills from different pharmaceutical manufactures by HPLCHPLC法测定不同厂家锁阳固精丸中松果菊苷的含量
2.Effection of Neizhang Pill on TNF-α Expression in Serum and Decidual of Anti-Sperm Antibody Positive Mice内障丸对抗精子抗体阳性小鼠血清和蜕膜中TNF-α表达的影响
3.The Effect of Neizhang Pill on T Lymphocyte Subsets Following Anti-Sperm Antibody-Positive in Adult Mice内障丸对抗精子抗体阳性小鼠T淋巴细胞亚群的影响
4.The mechanism can keep the down-clip moving parallel to the up-clip in the clips and can avoid self-holding of the whole clip.该机构能确保夹丸机构中的下针固定架相对主横杆平行移动,防止机构自锁。
5.Poor testicular salvage rate was the result of delayed presentation at this department in most cases.有三位?丸扭转的病人于后曾接受抗精虫抗体的测试,其中有一位病人有阳性反应。
6.Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes;非特异性睾丸炎睾丸生精上皮的改变
7.In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dauzzle your eyes.其实所谓自由正是最牢固的枷锁,虽然它的链环在阳光下熠熠闪光,令你目眩。
8.reverse anchor jam nut反向锁闭机构紧固螺帽
9.Remove the lock cylinder retainer clip.拆下锁芯固定夹子。
10.Precision register quoins: Quoins on which the degree of adjustment can be set precisely.精密定位字锁:可以作准确及精细调校的字锁。
11.Ivestigation of Fertile Ability of Sperm Derived from HSL Knock out Mice Testis by ICSIHSL敲除小鼠睾丸精子受精能力的单精注射研究
12.Directional Solidification γ-TiAl Shot Peening Process定向凝固γ-TiAl板坯喷丸工艺研究
13.Determination of Catalpol in Baihe Gujin Pills With HPLC MethodHPLC法测定百合固金丸中梓醇的含量
14.Gene chip study on cerebral gene of effect of Jinkui Shenqiwan and Youguiwan on mouse model of kidney-yang asthenia with syndrome disproved accroding to therapeutic efficacy of drugs used金匮肾气丸、右归丸对肾阳虚小鼠模型以药反证的脑基因芯片研究
15.Micromovement and Anatomical Acromioclavicular Plate in Treatment of Distal Clavicle Fractures微动解剖型肩锁钢板内固定治疗锁骨远端骨折
16.Treatment of Allman Ⅲ acromioclavicular dislocation with clavicular plate锁骨钩钢板内固定治疗Allman Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位
17.Reconstruction of Coracoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Ligaments with Multi-bundle-polystyrene-suture for Treatment of Ⅲ Degree Acromioclavicular Dislocation多股聚苯乙烯线固定喙锁、肩锁治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位
18.The Clinical Research on Treatment of Dislocations of Acromioclavicalar Joint by Using Reconstruction of Coracoclavicular Ligament and Clavicular Hook锁骨钩钢板固定及重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位的临床研究

JINSUO GUJIN PILL/pharmacology金锁固精丸/药理学
3)Suoyang Gujing Pills锁阳固精丸
1.Determination method of sildenafil citrate added illegally in Suoyang Gujing Pills;锁阳固精丸中非法添加物枸橼酸西地那非的检出方法
2.Determination of echinacoside in suoyang gujing pills from different pharmaceutical manufactures by HPLCHPLC法测定不同厂家锁阳固精丸中松果菊苷的含量
3.Study on quality standard for Suoyang Gujing pills锁阳固精丸质量标准研究
4)Gujingling Bolus固精灵丸
1.Gujingling Bolus for 150 Cases of Spermatorrhea Due to Imbalance Between the Heart and Kidney in Their Physiological Function;固精灵丸治疗心肾不交型遗精150例
5)Gujing Pill固精丸
1.Determination of Paeoniflorin in Gujing Pill by HPLC;HPLC法测定固精丸中芍药苷的含量
2.Objective To establish a method for the content determination of paeoniflorin in Gujing Pill.目的建立固精丸中芍药苷的含量测定方法。
6)Gujing Shenrong pill固精参茸丸
1.Determination of paeoniflorin in Gujing Shenrong pill by HPLC method;高效液相色谱法测定固精参茸丸中芍药苷的含量

锁阳固精丸【通用名称】锁阳固精丸【其他名称】锁阳固精丸 锁阳固精丸 拼音名:Suoyang Gujing Wan 英文名: 书页号:2000年版一部-604 【处方】 锁阳 20g 肉苁蓉 (蒸)25g 巴戟天 (制)30g 补骨脂 (盐炒)25g 菟丝子 20g 杜仲 (炭) 25g 八角茴香 25g 韭菜子 20g 芡实 (炒)20g 莲子 20g 莲须 25g 牡蛎 (煅) 20g 龙骨 (煅)20g 鹿角霜 20g 熟地黄 56g 山茱萸 (制) 17g 牡丹皮 11g 山药 56g 茯苓 11g 泽泻 11g 知母 4g 黄柏 4g 牛膝 20g 大青盐 25g 【制法】 以上二十四味,粉碎成细粉,过筛,混匀。每100g粉末用炼蜜30 ~40g 加适量的水泛丸,干燥,用玉米朊包衣,晾干,制成水蜜丸;或加炼蜜110~130g 制成 大蜜丸,即得。 【性状】 本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸或大蜜丸;气微,味苦。 【鉴别】 取本品,置显微镜下观察:不规则分枝状团块无色,遇水合氯醛液溶化; 菌丝无色或淡棕色,直径4~6μm 。种皮栅状细胞2 列,内列较外列长,有光辉带。种 皮栅状细胞淡棕色或红棕色,表面观类多角形,壁稍厚,胞腔含红棕色物。种皮石细胞 类多角形,壁极厚,波状弯曲,胞腔分枝状。石细胞稍分枝或似纤维状。纤维束鲜黄色, 周围细胞含草酸钙方晶,形成晶纤维,含晶细胞的壁木化增厚。木纤维成束,壁较薄, 非木化,纹孔斜裂缝状、人字状或十字状。橡胶丝呈条状或扭曲成团,表面显颗粒性。薄 壁组织灰棕色至黑棕色,细胞多皱缩,内含棕色核状物。薄壁细胞类圆形,有椭圆形纹 孔,集成纹孔群。草酸钙针晶束存在于黏液细胞中,长80~240μm,针晶直径 2~8μm。 草酸钙针晶成束或散在,长26~110μm。果皮表皮细胞橙黄色,表面观类多角形,垂周 壁略连珠状增厚。木栓细胞淡红色至微紫色,壁稍厚,多重叠。不规则块片半透明,边 缘折光较强,表面有纤细短纹理和小孔及狭细裂隙。不规则碎块淡灰褐色,有的具凹凸 纹理。不规则块片无色或淡黄褐色,表面具细纹理。 【检查】 应符合丸剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ A)。 【功能与主治】 温肾固精。用于肾虚滑精,腰膝酸软,眩晕耳鸣,四肢无力。 【用法与用量】 口服,水蜜丸一次6g,大蜜丸一次1 丸,一日2 次。 【规格】 水蜜丸每100丸重10g 大蜜丸每丸重9g 【贮藏】 密封。