救治措施,treatment and cure measures
1)treatment and cure measures救治措施

1.Research on Theory of Time-effect Treatment and Time-effect Criterion of Treatment Measures;时效救治理论与救治措施时效标准研究
2.Toxic Mechanism and Treatment of Hydrogen Cyanide in Fire Smoke;氰化氢在火灾烟雾中的致毒机理及救治措施研究
3.Mechanical ventilation is an important method for treating respiratory failure.机械通气是救治呼吸衰竭的重要措施。
4.Abstract: Mechanical ventilation is an important method for treating respiratory failure.文摘:机械通气是救治呼吸衰竭的重要措施。
5.A New Treatment of Minor Gastro-intestinal Type Radiation-burn Injury;轻度肠型放烧复合伤救治新措施的研究
6.Discusses the Highway Tunnel Soil Slip Lifesaving Plan and the Punishment Measure探讨高速公路隧道坍方救生方案及处治措施
7.On the Shortcoming of the Relief Measure About WTO 《The Guarantee Measure Agreement》;简析WTO《保障措施协议》救济措施的缺陷
8.Vector control measures and its efficacy used in camps of earthquake rescuing troops抗震救灾部队营区媒介昆虫防治措施及效果观察
9.The Judicial Measures of the Falling Objects from Tall Buiding and the Analysis of the Related Measures;高楼坠物侵权的司法救济及相关救济措施探析
10.Appropriate remedial action could be taken to help the students.可以采取适当的补救措施帮助学生。
11.take remedial measures against unemployment采取对付失业现象的补救措施.
12.I had scarce time to think - scarce time to act and save myself.我来不及细想,也来不及采取措施自救。
13.effective legal remedies有效的法律补救措施(办法)
14.The proportion of first aid was not high(29.4%).院前急救措施的比例不高,仅为29.4%。
15.Objective Inquiry into the heavy asphyxiation rescues measure of the new born.目的探讨新生儿重度窒息抢救的措施。
16.The bank plan a rescue operation for the company.银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
17.Research on the Problems of Judicial Remedies on Letter of Credit Fraud;信用证欺诈的司法救济措施问题研究
18.Study on the Remedial Measures of the "Negative Consensus" in the WTO;WTO“反向协商一致”规则的补救措施研究

schistosomiasis patients'cure血吸虫病人救治措施
3)disaster relief measures救灾措施
1.Disaster policies and disaster relief measures in Cao Wei period曹魏时期的荒政理念及救灾措施
1.This paper summarizes the errors in library circulation work and the type,reason,results and countermeasures of the errors.本文概括性地列举了流通部读者服务工作中出现的操作失误和服务失败的类型、成因、后果及补救措施,系统、全面地论述了如何在管理制度、工作程序、技术层面和服务意识上下功夫,制定预防和解决在读者服务过程中出现操作失误和服务失败的长效机制。
5)Remedial measures补救措施
1.Failure mechanisms and remedial measures of large retaining walls in Fengjie County;奉节县城区高挡土墙裂损破坏机理及补救措施
2.Composite foundation design and its remedial measures;复合地基的设计与补救措施
3.Analysis and remedial measures of the unsuccessful causes of the automatic backup power in 110 kV transformer substation110kV变电站备自投动作不成功原因分析及补救措施
6)remedial measure补救措施
1.Construction problems of pipe sinking cast-in-place pile and remedial measures of suspending pile;沉管灌注桩施工问题浅析及吊脚桩的补救措施
2.The reason of causing concrete crack and remedial measures;混凝土裂缝产生的原因及其补救措施
3.The generation reasons and the remedial measure of concrete project structural crack;混凝土工程结构裂缝的产生原因及补救措施

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。