脑血管意外/诊断,cerebro vascular accident/diag
1)cerebro vascular accident/diag脑血管意外/诊断
2)cerebrovascular accident脑血管意外
1.Influence of comprehensive nursing intervention on extremities function in patients with cerebrovascular accidents;综合护理干预对脑血管意外病人肢体功能的影响
2.Analysis of temporal rhythm of cerebrovascular accidental death in 144 cases;144例脑血管意外患者死亡时间节律分析
3.Community rehabilitation instructions for patients with cerebrovascular accident hemiparalysis;脑血管意外偏瘫病人的社区康复指导

2.The Investigation on the Medical Situation of Cerebrovascular Accident Patients脑血管意外患者就诊情况的调查分析
3.Study on serum tumor necrosis factor-? in Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident脑血管意外患者血清肿瘤坏死因子含量的研究
4.Clinical analysis on 19 cases of ischemic stroke in pregnancy妊娠期缺血性脑血管意外19例临床分析
5.Application of nasopharyngeal ventilation tube for patients with cerebral vascular accident complicating with glossoptosis鼻咽通气管在脑血管意外病人舌后坠中的应用
6.Analysis of six years intervention trail to prevent cerebral vascular accident预防脑血管意外六年干预试验结果分析
7.Auditory comprehension of reversible passive voice sentence after cerebral vascular acci dent脑血管意外后可逆被动句的听理解研究
8.The Investigation of Correlated Risk Factor of Cerebrovascular Accident in Ambo-operation;围术期脑血管意外相关危险因素的研究
9.Relationship between ECG Abnormalities and Prognosisin in Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident脑血管意外患者的心电图改变与预后的关系
10.Pre-hospital care for patients with acute cerebral vascular accident prognosis院前救护对急性脑血管意外患者预后的影响
11.Nursing observation on early enteral nutrition support in craniocerebral injuries patient脑血管意外患者早期肠内营养治疗的护理观察
12.Analysis of Different Hypertension Circadian Rhythms about Stroke Patients.伴有脑血管意外的高血压患者血压近日节律特点分析
13.Application of Reaction Level Scale in Emergency Tracheal Intubation of Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident反应水平分级(RLS)在脑血管意外的急诊气管插管中的应用
14.Effect of mineral spring bath in Xing Cheng on hemology of cerebral thrombus convalescence兴城矿泉浴对脑血管意外恢复期病人血液流变性的影响
15.3. 24 patients of the 25 dialvsis patients with cerebrovascular accident suffered hvpertension in the course;3.25例并发脑血管意外的透析患者透析病程中有24例有高血压;
16.HuoXueJiangTang Soup Treating DM Incorporating Cerebrovascular Accident s Clinical Study;活血降糖汤治疗糖尿病合并脑血管意外的临床研究
17.The Functions of Blood Edge-flowing in Pathogenesis and Treatment of Cerebral Vessels Accidental Accession;血液缘流在脑血管意外发病机理及治疗中的作用
18.Risk factors and prognoses of cerebrovascular diseases in maintenance hemodialysis patients维持性血液透析患者脑血管意外的危险因素及转归

cerebrovascular accident脑血管意外
1.Influence of comprehensive nursing intervention on extremities function in patients with cerebrovascular accidents;综合护理干预对脑血管意外病人肢体功能的影响
2.Analysis of temporal rhythm of cerebrovascular accidental death in 144 cases;144例脑血管意外患者死亡时间节律分析
3.Community rehabilitation instructions for patients with cerebrovascular accident hemiparalysis;脑血管意外偏瘫病人的社区康复指导
3)Cerebral vascular accident脑血管意外
1.The cost-effectiveness analysis of early rehabilitation of cerebral vascular accident patients;脑血管意外住院患者早期康复治疗的成本-效果研究
2.Method: According to the matching conditions,18 pairs(36)of aphasic patients were collected who had suffered cerebral vascular accident.方法 :按照配对因素共选择脑血管意外后失语症患者 18对 ,并根据随机化的原则分配至康复组和对照组。
3.Objective To exercise the limb function of the cerebral vascular accident (CVA) pa-tients during the early stage purposely.目的 针对性地对脑血管意外患者进行早期肢体功能锻炼。
4)Cerebrovascular disorders脑血管意外
1.Study On the Risk Factors Of Cerebrovascular Disorders and Prognosis;脑血管意外病人危险因素及预后的调查研究
2.This study aims to investigate the roles of Triglyceride(TG) and non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol(nHDLC) in the occurrence of cerebrovascular disorders and their clinical significance.为探讨甘油三酯、非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇在脑血管意外发病中的作用及其临床意义 ,选取 182名脑梗死及脑出血患者作为实验组 ,对照组为 15 0名身体健康的体检者 ,分别测定血清甘油三酯 (TG)、总胆固醇 (TC)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDLC) ,根据Friedewald公式计算出低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDLC ) ,并按Frost法计算出非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(nHDLC)的含量。
5)Cerebral accident脑血管意外

脑血管意外    脑血管意外  cerebrovascular accident  又称“卒中”,俗称“中风”。由于血管病变所引起的一种局限性神经系统疾患。急性脑部血液循环障碍,所引起的脑功能紊乱的总称。主要病理过程为脑组织的缺血或出血,包括短暂性脑缺血发作,脑血栓形成及栓塞所致脑梗死、脑出血、蛛网膜下腔出血等。特点为起病急骤,进展迅速,脑受损症状的局灶性与脑血容血液供应的分布有密切关系。因脑组织的需氧量最大,一旦脑组织的血液供应减少或中断,即可出现脑功能紊乱和脑组织的破坏,甚至导致生命危险和致残。鉴于症状于数秒、数分或数小时内达高峰,因此必须争分夺秒地进行抢救。