肾破裂,Rupture of kidney
1)Rupture of kidney肾破裂

1.Spontaneous Rupture of the Kidney after Renal Allograft:Review and Case Report肾移植术后自发性肾破裂(文献复习及病例报告)
2.Spontaneous renal rupture in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: Clinical analysis of 11 cases肾综合征出血热并自发性肾破裂11例临床回顾性分析
3.Conclusions: Kidney rupture is related to transplant rejection, renal ischemia, inadequate drainage of renal veins, and urinary obstruction.结论:肾破裂的发生与排斥反应、缺血性损害、静脉引流不畅及尿路梗阻有关。
4.Eight Cases of Renal Graft Artery Rupture after Renal Transplantation肾移植术后移植肾动脉破裂8例报告
5.Nephron Sparing Surgery for Renal Angiomyolipoma with Spontaneous Rupture (Report of 7 Cases);肾错构瘤破裂出血的保肾手术(附7例报告)
6.Purpose: To elucidate the causes and treatment of spontaneous rupture of renal transplants.目的:探讨移植肾自发性破裂的原因及防治措施。
7.Color Doppler ultrasound manifestation of renal spontaneous rupture:case report移植肾自发性破裂彩色多普勒超声表现1例
8.Abstract: Purpose: To elucidate the causes and treatment of spontaneous rupture of renal transplants.文摘:目的:探讨移植肾自发性破裂的原因及防治措施。
9.However, a pre-existing renal abnormality will increase the risk of rupture.然而,若存在肾脏的先天性异常则会增加此种破裂的风险。
10.To rupture or break open, as a surgical wound.裂口裂开或破裂,如伤口
11.make cracks or chinks in.使在……中破裂或裂缝。
12.An opening, a tear, or a rupture.裂口口子、裂缝或破口
13.Examine block for cracks or fractures.测试泵体裂纹或破裂。
14.cerebral vascular accident脑血管破裂, 栓塞
15.In December negotiations broke down.十二月,谈判破裂。
16.To our knowledge, this is the first case of kidney rupture as the consequence of genitourinary tuberculosis.根据我们所知,这是第一个因泌尿生殖器结核诱发的肾脏自发性破裂之病例。
17.He was managed successfully with ureteral double-J stenting for2 months.病人接受输尿管导管置入并留置两个月,以此方法成功地治疗此次肾盂破裂。
18.We present a24- year-old man with rupture of the left renal pelvis following blunt abdominal trauma.我们报告一位24岁男性病患,于腹部钝伤后造成左侧肾盂破裂的病例。

renal transplanted移植肾破裂
3)renal rupture repair肾破裂修补
5)kidney artery rupture肾动脉破裂
6)spontaneous renal rupture自发性肾破裂
1.AIM: To analyze the clinical features and effective treatments of spontaneous renal rupture in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) so as to lower its incidence rate.目的:分析肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者自发性肾破裂的临床特点,探讨降低其发生率的预防策略及其有效治疗措施。

病理性脾破裂病理性脾破裂pathologic rupture of spleen 1966年Knoblich首次提出此名称。是指在各种原因引起的病理性脾大的基础上,因轻微创伤或无明确诱因以致脾破裂者。这种病理脾可以在医生的触诊、患者用力排便甚至剧烈呕吐时破裂。绝大多数脾破裂见于病理性脾破裂。如疟疾、传染性单核细胞增多症、白血病、脾血管瘤、脾的良性或恶性肿瘤、戈谢病、系统性红斑性狼疮、霍奇金病等所致的病理性脾大均可致脾破裂。