利润率,Profit rate
1)Profit rate利润率
1.Concentration and Profit Rate of Manufacturing in China;中国制造业集中与利润率的关系
2.This paper aims to examine two hypotheses about evolutionary path of industrial profit rate in Chinas industry.在此基础上 ,对利润率变动的时间变动模式做出了检验 ,结果表明产业利润在大多数行业是不平稳的 ,不具有集中的趋势 ,而在时间上是逐年衰减的变化模式。
3.This paper proposes a method to quantify the relationships of objects, factors and profit rate in bid ding construction projects, based on fuzzy set theory and analysis of the representative factors in bidding.对影响投标利润率的典型因素进行了分析,并且运用模糊数学集合论,将在投标工作中与利润率决策相关的各因素之间的关系定量化,提出了投标报价利润率模型,其算法具有普遍的应用价值。

1.falling-rate-of profit theory资本利润率渐减理论
2.it rate of capita资本未平均化的利润率
3.Uniform Profit Rate and Differential Profit Rate:A Contrast between Two Equilibrium Systems;统一利润率与差别利润率——兼论两种均衡体系的比较
4.How to Understand the Law of Profit Rate Averaging;必须正确理解利润率平均化规律——“利润率非平均化”质疑
5.The projected profit rate of the company equals or exceeds the rate of interest on Bank deposits for the same term.公司预期利润率可达同期银行存款利率
6.The managing director be Interested only In Increasing profitability总经理仅对提高利润率感兴趣
7.Meanwhile, the engine industry profit rate is decreasing.另一方面,发动机整体行业利润率下降。
8.Profit margins in some key industrial sectors are narrowing.一些重要行业的利润率已开始收窄。
9.High profit rates can almost turn out a new star company immediately.高利润率可以迅速造就企业界的新星。
10.After - tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sale税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比
11.After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sales.税后利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
12.The computer company had a net profit margin of 30% last year.去年这家电脑公司实现30%的净利润率
13.law of the falling tendency of the average rate of profit平均利润率趋向下降的规律
14.Profit rate determined by tax authorities经税务机关核定的利润率%
15.Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.利润率低意味着缺乏新投资的动力。
16.After- tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sale.税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
17.To Research into Questions of Industrial Structure Convergence Based on the Profit Margin;基于利润率的产业结构趋同问题研究
18.Achieve Average Profit Rate and Promote Social Justice and Harmony;实现利润率平均化,促进社会公平和谐

profit margin利润率
1.In this framework,we characterize the bidirectional relationship between the entry behavior and profit margins;compare the entry barriers and the competition intensity in 4 sub-industries.本文评述了研究企业进入行为的影响因素和市场效应的相关国内外文献,在此基础上提出了一个研究企业进入与行业利润率之间双向动态关系的分析框架。
2.This paper,base on the viewpoint of evolutionary paradigms in economics and the industrial CAS(Complex Adaptive System)characters,a analytical furame of the industrial supply and demand network was founded,to look back on the previous works of scholars in the relation between industrial concentration and profit margin.在回顾以往产业集中度与利润率关系的研究成果的基础上,利用国内消费类产业集中度与毛利率的相关系数分析,对以往研究结论做了进一步印证。
3.The most sensitive factor affecting the annual profit margin is the drop of product selling prices.介绍了乙基麦芽酚的糠醛法生产流程、主要原料和产品质量指标 ;对 1 0 0t/a乙基麦芽酚生产线的投资、产品成本进行了估算 ,总结出主要经济指标 ,并分析了盈亏平衡与敏感性 ,指出年利润率的最敏感因素是销售价格的下降 ,其次是原材料价格的上涨 ,而项目投资增大及产量下降的影响不大。
1.Toward the Relationship between Industrial Concentration and Profitability—an Empirical Test from Iron and Steel Industry;产业集中度与利润率的关系研究——来自钢铁产业的实证检验
2.An Analysis of Profitability of Investment in Privately-Run Education;在这样的原则下,承认民办教育的产权,且民办教育投资是一种特殊而高风险的投资,那么高回报理所当然,因此分析其利润率调控手段是十分必要的。
4)Profit Ratio利润率
1.Elman neural network is a dynamic feedback network,an improved model is proposed based on the Elman neural network by introducing time profit factor and applied to the prediction of the composite index of stock.实验模拟结果表明:将改进的Elman模型用于股市投资是可行的,有效的,具有一定的应用潜能,该模型不仅可以明显提高网络的预测精度,达到快速收敛,而且还能够明显提高股民投资的利润率,实现较大幅度地获得收益的目的。
2.Considering that the main purpose of investors is to obtain more profit, in order to get more accurate forecasting precision and obtain more accurate results, then obtai.为了提高网络的预测精度,得到更加精确的预测结果,从而获得更多的利润,本文在Elman人工神经网络的基础上,将时间收益因素引入到Elman网络的目标函数中,提出了一种改进的Elman神经网络模型—TPFENN(Time Profit Factor Elman Neural Network),并将其用于股票综合指数的预测以及股票利润率的计算和比较。
6)rate of profit利润率
