
1.notch-tow barge凹尾驳(尾部有顶推凹口
2.A notochord limited to the caudal region, characteristic of the urochordates.尾索限于尾部的脊索,有尾索动物的特征
3.A spar that connects the tail surfaces and the main structure of an airplane.尾桁连接飞机的尾部表面和机身的桁
4.horny rings on a rattlesnake's tail that make a rattling noise when shaken响尾蛇尾部的角质环, 摆动时格格作响
5.Copulatory bursa draw out to 3/4on the tail.交合伞不全包盖尾,至尾部约3/4处.
6."cercus:Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito."尾须:某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须。
7.Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito.尾须某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须
8.tail gate spreader尾部挡板式石屑撒布器
9.The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.蝎子的毒钩在其尾部.
10.The sting of a wasp is in its tail.黄蜂的螫针在尾部
11.a steak cut from the rump.从尾部切下来的牛排。
12.A surfboard fin sliced the crest of a wave.冲浪板尾部划破浪尖。
13.(aeronautical) pertaining to the tail section of a plane.(航空)与飞机的尾部相关。
14.the rail around the stern of a ship.围绕着船的尾部的栏杆。
15.the twiddly bits at the end of the sonata奏鸣曲结尾部难奏之处.
16.the closing section of a musical composition.音乐作品的结尾部分。
17.The escutcheon was emblazoned with an emblem船尾部饰有盾纹图案。
18.A platform or balcony at the stern or quarters of some early sailing ships.船尾了望台一些早期船的尾部或尾舷上的平台或阳台

end portion尾部;尾相
4)The buttocks;the rump.臀部;尾部
