1.Study on canning of compressed biogas was carried out.为了有效的开发生物质能源,对沼气进行了罐装试验,试验基于生物质甲烷技术,对从沼气池出来的沼气进行了脱硫、脱碳、脱水处理,之后通过成套设备将净化后的沼气压缩装入钢瓶。

1.bottled or canned pineapple juice.瓶装或罐装的菠萝汁。
2.bottled or canned juice of tomatoes.瓶装或罐装的番茄果汁。
3.This may be due to spoilage before canning, under processing during canning, and leakage of contaminated water through can seams during cooling.这个可能是由于罐装罐装中的变质在罐装冷却时污水通过罐的接缝处漏进罐内
4.The use of a pressure canner is vital when canning meat.罐装牛肉时,压力罐的使用很重要。
5.Food which has been closed up in tins is called tinned food.密封在罐头里的食品叫作罐装食品。
6.Preserved and sealed in a can or jar.罐装的在罐或坛中保存或封存的
7.The frozen concentrate in cans is really good.罐装冰冻橘汁好极了!
8.She was brimming her jars.她将她的水罐装满。
9.Filling nozzle is diving bottle to fill and moving up slowly,avoid bubbling.罐装针头潜入瓶底罐装、缓慢上升、防止气泡。
10.I know, but I like canned fruit, especially canned pineapple.我知道,但我喜欢罐装水果,尤其是罐装凤梨。
11.The amount that a jar can hold.一罐一个罐子能装的容量
12.Food in cans is called canned food.装在罐头里的食品叫罐头食品。
13.We are manufacturers of Metal Tins, Decorative Gift Tins, Tea Tins, Tea Caddies, Mint Tins, Cookie Tins, Chocolate Tins, Cosmetic Tins.我们正在制造金属罐,礼品装饰盒,茶叶铁罐,茶叶球童、币空罐、干罐、克力罐、化妆品铁罐.
14.pear-shaped can马蹄形罐(装火腿用)
15.cager rocker shaft装罐用推车机的推杆
16.2-pot gravel compaction ficompaction filter unit双罐砾石充填过滤装置
17.shop-field erection of tank工厂内油罐的焊接装置
18.crate machine for packing bottles or cans into crates瓶子或罐子装箱机器

can filling,filling装罐
3)can filling and sealing machine装罐封罐机
4)canned food罐装食品
1.In order to control the heat transfer process effectively,a new inverse heat conduction method was developed to determine the surface heat transfer of canned food during the thermal sterilization process.在罐装食品灭菌过程中,为了有效地控制热量传递过程,构造了求解罐装食品表面传热系数的导热反问题模型,并用实验数据验证了算法的正确性,研究结果对于罐装食品灭菌生产过程具有理论指导作用。
5)canned milk罐装牛奶
1.Analysis of cause of deficiency odor in canned milk;罐装牛奶保藏期中缺陷风味产生原因分析
6)tank cleaning device洗罐装置
