联合循环,combined cycle
1)combined cycle联合循环
1.Selection and application of performance test standards for large size gas and steam combined cycle units;大型燃气—蒸汽联合循环机组性能试验标准的选择和应用
2.Acceptance test of 9FA combined cycle unit and suggestions on plant operation;9FA联合循环机组考核试验分析及电站运行建议
3.Technical features of Siemens HE type combined cycle steam turbine;西门子HE型联合循环汽轮机的技术特点

1.exhaust-fired-boiler combined cycle排气补燃锅炉联合循环
2.hot-air-turbine combined cycle高温空气透平联合循环
3.combined steam and gas cycle蒸汽-燃气联合循环
4.Gas and steam Combined Cycle ?燃气一蒸汽联合循环
5.Comparision between gas-steam combined cycle and APGC cycle based on aspen plus蒸-燃联合循环与燃-燃联合循环的模拟和对比
6.Exergy Analysis for Combined Brayton and Inverse Brayton Cycles布雷顿、逆布雷顿循环组成的联合循环?分析
7.Application of SIS in CHP combined cycle power plantSIS在热电冷联供联合循环电厂的应用
8.combined gas-steam turbine cycle燃气与蒸气涡轮联合循环
9.Modeling and Simulation of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator in a Gas-Steam Combined Cycle;燃蒸联合循环中余热锅炉建模与仿真
10.Study on Modeling and Design Optimization of Combined Cycle System in IGCC;IGCC联合循环系统建模与设计优化研究
11.Research of Two-Source Heating (Air Conditioning) System Driven by Combined Cycle;联合循环双源供暖(空调)系统的研究
12.Development of On-line Thermoeconomic Calculation of Combined Cycle Power Plants;联合循环电站在线性能计算软件开发
13.Calculation Approach and Comment on Electric Tariff of Combined Circulating Units;联合循环机组的电价计算方法与评论
14.Research on the Simulation Model of Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Combined Cycle Unit联合循环机组余热锅炉仿真模型研究
15.Research on the On-line Performance Monitoring System of Combined-cycle Unit联合循环机组在线性能监测系统研究
16.Structure Characteristics of HE Combined Cycle Steam TurbinesHE型联合循环汽轮机结构特点分析
18.Design of HRSG for 350MW Combine-cycle Plant350MW联合循环机组余热锅炉的设计分析

1.An analysis, comparison and discussion are made on the cost-effectiveness, equipment safety and life of heat recovery steam generator working with the diverters fully opened and gradually opened, based on test data of a VEGA 206B combined-cycle unit in a power plant working in two shifts for peak loads.以某电厂VEGA 206B燃气-蒸汽联合循环两班制调峰机组试验数据为基础,对余热锅炉“逐步开挡板”和“全开挡板”两种启动模式在经济性、设备安全性、使用寿命等方面进行分析、比较、探讨,并提出了现行“全开挡板”运行模式的改进意见。
2.It is well-known that heating-balance calculation and assess are essential to gas turbine combined-cycle based on engineering practice.通过对燃气蒸汽联合循环的热平衡计算及分析, 从工程实用的要求出发, 计算各主要设备的热效率和整个联合循环装置的热效率, 并分别进行评价, 分析影响热效率的主要因素和对策。
3.An introduction to the standard of DL/T851-2003 "acceptance tests for combined-cycle power plants" is given in this paper. 概括介绍了电力行业标准《联合循环发电机组验收试验》的主要内容。
3)combined circulation联合循环
1.The pressurized fluidized bed combined circulation cogeneration of heat and power to be adopted at Taishan thermal power plant ,Dalian is described,and such factors having effect on system thermal mechanics as process air,excess air,PFB temperature,desulphurization efficiency and Ca /S mole ratio,are analysed.对大连台山热电厂拟采用的增压流化床燃烧联合循环(PFBC-CC)热电联供系统方案进行了分析介绍,并对影响系统热力学性能的参数如辅助过程空气、过量空气、PFB床温、脱硫效率、Ca/S摩尔比等进行了探讨。
2.The developing trend of large scale gas turbine combined circulation is forecasted.预测了大型燃机联合循环的发展趋势 ,指出发展大型燃机联合循环余热锅炉的重要性 ,分析几种大型燃机联合循环余热锅炉的技术特点 ,发展大型燃机联合循环余热锅炉应坚持国产化道路。
3.In terms of energy-saving,environmental protection,conservation of natural resources and improving the ratio of utilization of heat energy,the successful experiences of the energy efficiency of two-engine combined circulation thermal engine group were adopted and two engines were simplified into the turbine engine with "two working substance" conbined circulation.从节能、环保、保护自然资源、提高热能利用率的观点出发,吸纳了"双机联合循环热力机组"的高效节能的成功经验,将"双机"简化成"双工质"联合循环的透平机,将燃料的"多个梯阶"能量直接或间接地加以回收和利用,提高了热能的利用率。
4)combined cycle power plant联合循环
1.Surplus BFG/COG-based combined cycle power plant for Maanshan Iron & Steel Co.Ltd;富余高焦炉煤气联合循环发电在马钢的应用
2.It is pointed out that low pressure steam generation will be excess when the unit is running at low load condition in a combined cycle power plant consisting of a single-pressure ST and dual-pressure HRSG.介绍了单压汽轮机配双压余热锅炉的联合循环电厂在低负荷运行时会出现低压蒸汽产量相对过剩问题,分析了问题产生的机理,并提出了解决措施,并介绍了在工程中的应用实例。
3.The cost of combined cycle power plant is one of the key factors that limit its development.天然气联合循环的发电成本一是制约其发展的关键因素之一。
1.Control characteristics and Commission of GTCC;燃气-蒸汽单轴联合循环机组的控制特点与调试
2.This paper take BanShan natural gas electricity generation project 9FA GTCC unit as an example,summarized the network of GE MARK VI and Ovation DCS control system,analyzed the ethernet communication problems between this two system,then aimed at this questions to give the feasible solution.以杭州半山天然气发电工程的9FA燃气-蒸汽单轴联合循环机组为例,概述了GEMARKⅥ燃气轮机控制系统和西屋OVATION DCS的网络构成,及二者实现以太网通讯的一般方法;针对国内外普遍存在的两系统间的通讯故障,结合实际,分析了通讯故障发生的诱因,并给出了现实可行的解决方案。
3.Now, many GTCC power plants put into production along with the "West-East natural gas transmission" project.燃气-蒸汽联合循环电站具有热效率高、调峰性能好等特点,近年来在世界范围内发展迅猛。
6)bottoming cycle of a combined eycle联合循环底循环

IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)Aintegrated gasification combined cycle plant  IGCC电厂bined eyele(integrated gasifieationConl一plant)见整体煤气化联合循环电厂。