火花塞,spark plug
1)spark plug火花塞
1.Conduction Characteristics Study on the Head of Ringed Side-Electrode Spark Plug;环状侧电极火花塞头部导热特性研究
2.Research on Knock Combustion in Gasoline Engine Using Spark Plug Optical Sensor;用火花塞光纤传感器对爆震燃烧的试验研究

1.Fuel is ignited by the spark plug.燃料由火花塞点火。
2.The spark plug needs cleaning .火花塞需要清洗一下。
3.The sparking-plugs need cleaning.火花塞要清理一下了.
4.resistor spark plug附有电阻器的火花塞
5.Electrotechnical terminology--Spark plugGB/T2900.9-1994电工术语火花塞
6.Spark plug cables defective or crossed火花塞电缆失效或交叉
7.spark plug body hexagon nut火花塞外壳六角螺母
8.long-reach plug长螺纹(长型)火花塞
9.The main interference source is spark plug, high-voltage ignition coil cap and the high-voltage coil.主要干扰源是火花塞、压点火线帽和高压点火线。
10.Three factors affect ignition, fuel vaporization, sparkplug location and spark energy.影响点火的因素有三个,即燃油的蒸发、火花塞的位置和火花能量。
11.The car acted up because the spark plugs were dirty.汽车出毛病是因为火花塞脏了。
12.brush for cleaning spark plugs or parts to be welded清洗火花塞或要焊接的零件用刷
13.It is hard to get at the spark plugs without a proper wrench没有适当的扳手是不易触到火花塞的。
14.Study on 400ATV Engine with Dual Spark Plugs400ATV型发动机双火花塞结构的研究
15.Precombustion technology for 240 spark plug gas engine240火花塞式燃气机预燃燃烧技术研究
16.Design and Approach of Double Ignition Clearance Plasma Jet Spark Plug双点火间隙等离子流火花塞的设计与探讨
17.at the end of each spark plug there is a space that spark has to jump across. When it does, it sets fire to the gasoline and air mist all around it.在每个火花塞的后面有一个空间,火花必须跃过,当火花跃过这一空间时。就点燃了周围的油气。
18.Excessive detonation has caused the porcelin on this plug to break away.过分的爆炸会引起火花塞上的陶瓷头的破裂。

sparking plug火花塞
1.This Article introduces the harm and reason of the non ignition of the sparking plug, it proposes the diagnosis method and troubleshooting method on the non ignition of sparking pulg, as well as the key point of its application and maintenance.根据火花塞不跳火现象的危害 ,阐述了火花塞不跳火的常见原因及其诊断方法 ,介绍了火花塞不跳火故障的排除步骤。
3)dual-spark plug双火花塞
1.Improvement of cold starting and cold idling circulation(engine warming up)combustion process of motorcycle gasoline engines by dual-spark plug-based rapid burning system was introduced.为了改善电喷汽油机冷起动及冷态怠速运转(即暖车过程)性能,自行研制了基于高能双火花塞点火的快速燃烧系统。
4)spark-plug file火花塞锉
5)electric sparking plug电火花塞
6)porcelain spasrking plug瓷火花塞

火花塞  汽油机点火系统中将高压电引入气缸产生电火花,以点燃可燃混合气的部件。火花塞(见图)外面为一钢壳体,下端有螺纹,用以旋在气缸盖上。内部装有陶瓷的绝缘体,绝缘体中间为中心电极,由耐高压、耐腐蚀的金属制成,其上端有接线柱,与高压线连接。在壳体上有一个或几个侧电极,火花在中心电极与侧电极的间隙中跳过。电极间间隙因内燃机不同而异,通常为0.5~0.8毫米,高能点火时电极间隙为1.0~1.2毫米。由于火花塞在高温、高压和高电压下工作,要求电气绝缘性、机械强度、耐热性和密封性好,并耐腐蚀。火花塞正常工作时,下端的温度应保持在500~600℃。如果温度过高,下端部过热而产生炽热点火,可能使可燃混合气早燃;若温度过低,则易因积炭而漏电,影响正常点火。火花塞的导热能力常用热特性表示。热特性取决于火花塞下端部的吸热和传热情况,并用热值数来表示。当绝缘体下端部较长时,受热面积较大,热流路程长,不易散热,因而工作时温度较高,这种火花塞称为热型火花塞,其热值数低;当绝缘体下端部较短,热流路程较短,所吸的热易于传至周围冷却介质中,因而温度较低,这种火花塞称为冷型火花塞,热值数高。不同的内燃机需要不同导热能力的火花塞。一般说来,高压缩比、高转速、高强化的内燃机采用冷型火花塞;低压缩比、低速内燃机则采用热型火花塞。