供油提前角,fuel supply advance angle
1)fuel supply advance angle供油提前角
1.Effect of fuel supply advance angle on combustion characteristics of LPG/diesel blended fuel engine;供油提前角对LPG/柴油混合燃料发动机的影响
2.Effect of fuel supply advance angle on combustion and emission of diesel engine with diesel/coal water slurry blend fuel;供油提前角对柴油/水煤浆混合燃料燃烧排放性能的影响
3.Influence of fuel supply advance angle on fuel economy of diesel engine with ethanol-diesel blend fuel;柴油机供油提前角对乙醇/柴油混合燃料经济性的影响

1.fuel injection retarding device供油提前角推迟装置
2.diesel engine fuel delivery advance angle testing instrument柴油机供油提前角检测仪
3.A New Method for Diesel Engine Advance Angle Control in Mass Production大批量生产中控制柴油机供油提前角的新方法
4.Research on Cloud Control Model of Fuel Feeding Angular Advance of Marine Diesel Engine船舶柴油机供油提前角云控制模型研究
5.The Influences of Injection Timing Angle Increase on Diesel Engine Performance before TDC供油提前角增大对柴油机性能的影响分析
6.Investigation and Simulation on Effects of Fuel Supply Advance Angle on Automotive Diesel Engine;供油提前角对车用柴油机影响的试验及模拟研究
8.In this paper, a new control system of an electro-hydraulic fuel injection advancer is presented and its dynamic mathematical model is developed.本文提出了一种柴油机供油提前角电液调节系统,建立了动态数字模型。
9.A Measuring and Controlling System of Ignition Advance for Gasoline Engines汽油发动机点火提前角测量与控制系统
10.CNG/Gasoline Dual-Fuel Vehicles Automatic Spark Advance Angle AdjustmentCNG/汽油双燃料汽车点火提前角的自动调整
11.Influences of starting fuel quantity and main injection advance angle on starting characteristics of common rail diesel engine共轨柴油机起动油量和主喷提前角对起动特性的影响
12.a small pitcher for serving cream.提供奶油的小的水罐。
13.The fluctuation of working cycles is mainly affected by the injection pump rack shaking and auto -advancer oscillating.喷油泵齿杆抖动和供油自动提前器扭动是影响工作过程波动的主要因素。
14.This prevents the delivery of any more gasoline until the gasoline level has fallen again.到油面再次下落之前,不再供油。
15.Considering the reasonable oil change period is to prolong the oil′ s working life as possible as we can, under a good protection of engine oil to engine.认为考虑合理换油期的出发点是首先保证机油对发动机能提供良好保护的前提下尽量延长换油期。
16."Of course, the lubricating system quickly supplies additional oil, But before this happens, greasy friction exists on the moving surfaces."当然,润滑系统会很快提供更多的油,但是在这之前,滑动摩擦仍作用在运动物体表面。
17.We believe oil shale has the potential to be another source of domestic energy to help fuel Jilin′s, as well as China′s, fast growing economy.”我们相信油页岩是一种有前景的非常规能源资源, 可以为吉林乃至中国的经济增长提供动力。
18.At present, the self-supply rate of a whole set of computer is 95% in the Zhu Jiang delta region. Apart from the CPU, the region is capable of providing all parts in computer.目前,珠三角地区计算机整机配套率达95%以上,能够提供除CPU以外的所有计算机零配件。

injection timing供油提前角
1.This paper also specifically analyzes the effects of compression ratio and injection timing on performance of the 4100 direct injection diesel engine, and then confirmed appropriate compression ratio .还具体分析了压缩比和供油提前角等主要参数对整机性能的影响,确定了合理的压缩比和供油提前角
2.This paper also specifically analyzes the effects of compression ratio and injection timing on performance of the 4100 direct injection diesel engine, and then confirmed appropriate compression ratio and injec.具体分析了压缩比和供油提前角等主要参数对整机性能的影响,确定了合理的压缩比和供油提前角
3.Based on the demand of precision in injection timing control, BP neural networks structure is established and several groups of experimental data are used as the training sample, an injection timing MAP is concluded.根据供油提前角控制精度的要求,确定了BP神经网络结构,选取不同实验数据为训练样本,获取了供油提前角脉谱;引入随机误差合成方法,以模型的计算总误差为指标,讨论了满足控制精度要求的样本数范围和最少样本数,并进行了由最少样本数获取最佳供油提前角实验,验证了具有最佳供油提前角的柴油机,其性能指标最优。
3)Fuel delivery advance angle供油提前角
1.Fuel delivery advance angle is one of the valid parameters in monitoring the state or in diagnosing the fault of diesel engine.供油提前角是监测柴油机技术状况变化或检测其故障的有效参数之一,因此研究快速、准确地检测供油提前角的方法是有重要意义的。
2.Effects of fischer-tropsch (F-T) diesel fuel on the combustion and emission characteristics of a single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine under different fuel delivery advance angles were investigated.在两种不同供油提前角下研究了燃用F-T柴油对直喷式柴油机燃烧和排放特性的影响,结果表明:发动机不做任何调整时,与0号柴油相比,燃用F-T柴油的滞燃期较短,预混燃烧放热峰值较低,扩散燃烧放热峰值较高,最高燃烧压力和最大压力升高率较低,燃油消耗率和热效率都得到了改善,HC、CO、NOx和碳烟排放同时降低。
3.On the basis of looking up domestic and foreign literatures and consulting the facts of repairing factory, with 495T diesel engine machine as the study object and the fuel delivery advance angle as the study factor, this thesis has probed into the effect of the deviation of fuel delivery advance angle in each cylinder on exhaust and other performance of engine.本文在查阅国内外文献及参考修理厂实际情况的基础上,以修理后的495T直喷式柴油机为研究对象,以供油提前角为研究因素,探讨发动机各缸的供油提前角偏差情况对排放及其它性能的影响。
4)Advance Angle of Fuel Supply供油提供前角
5)[Key word] abnormality supply oil供油提前角失常
6)diesel engine fuel delivery advance angle testing instrument柴油机供油提前角检测仪

电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算calculation of the permissible pressure for cable oil feeding equipment  d旧nlan gongyou zhuangZh【yunXU gongyou yol一J,suon电缆供油装t允许供油压力计算(calculationof the permissible pressure for eable 011 feedingequipment)为使充油电缆的油压保持在允许范围内,根据电缆线路的最大和最小允许工作压力,对电缆线路在环境温度最高的夏季满载时供油装t的最大允许供油压力,和在环境温度最低的冬季不带电时供油装t的最小允许供油压力的计算.最大和最小允许供油压力.取决于电缆线路的长度、高差、负荷和环境沮度等因素。 如图所示为由压力供油箱(见充油电垅供油装!)在一端供油的充油电缆线路最大和最小允许供油压力分布情况.P叮mi。P X 10一2 ~尸“m‘。十nP’r一几人沪万不万万二气陪片l一一一一一一一一一一一一_一产尸一 终端头.|一|州|||人;点叠掩__支________--一丁----------一终瑞头压力箱 卜 屯电组旦老 电缆线路由压力供油箱在一端供油时的压力分布 静态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷不变时,电缆内部的油压为静态压力。 (1)在夏季满载时压力箱的供油压力最大,线路最低处B点的油压为线路上的最大静油压,此值要小于电缆的最大允许静油压,即式中尸PT。、。为压力箱的最小允许供油压力,MP。;h、为电缆线路最高处A点的高程,m;Pcsml。为电缆的最小允许静油压,MPa,其余符号的意义同式(l). 暂态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷变化时,电缆内部的电缆油因膨胀或收缩而产生的油流在油道内分别产生暂态压力升或暂态压力降,两者均简称为暂态压力。在油压变化的暂态过程中.作用在电缆上合成的瞬时压力为暂态发生前的静态压力与暂态压力升之和。 (”电缆负荷增加时,在电缆线路的最低处B点出现最大瞬时压力不得大于电缆的最大允许瞬时油压。暂态压力升的最大值出现在冬季电缆线路由不带负荷状态突然满载时,但此时B点的静态压力最小.最大静态压力是在夏季满载时,但在夏季接近满载时产生的暂态压力升并不是最大值。因此要正确计算静态压力和暂态压力升两者之和的瞬时压力的最大值是很复杂的,但可按图所示近似地把B点的最大静态压力与最大暂态压力升之和视为最大瞬时压力,于是压力箱的最大允许供油压力应满足下列条件 尸p,二,二△尸,一尸。T,~ ‘井锣终;十h。