1.The soils with different texture in the third dam irrigation area of the Fenhe River,Shanxi province were irrigated by four irrigation quotas,the effect on irrigation area of liman-irrigating with surplus water was analyzed.为了解决北方灌区半干旱的不良农业环境,采用试验研究和应用实践相结合的方法,对山西省三坝灌区不同质地土壤、用4种灌水定额方案进行灌溉,分析了利用弃水蓄水灌溉对灌区的影响。

1.This causeway joins Solitary Hill with the city, backing up water that could irrigate some 40 000 hectares of farmland.此堤联接孤山,蓄水灌溉,当时有近4万公顷田地受益。
2.By damming the stream, the engineers impounded its waters for irrigation.工程师们通过筑坝蓄水来灌溉
3.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究
4.sluices connecting a reservoir with irrigated fields.将一个蓄水池与灌溉田连接起来的水渠
5.If this runoff water can be accumulated it can be used for farming.如果这些流失的水能够积蓄起来,它们就可以用来灌溉。
6.Optimal Study of Irrigation on RCSU in Huaibei Hilly Area in Jiangsu Province;江苏省淮北丘陵山区雨水集蓄利用灌溉最优化研究
7.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理
8.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟
9.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数
10.irrigate with water from a sluice.利用开闸放水来灌溉。
11.head gate structure [irrigation]渠首闸门,总水闸门[灌溉]
12.water resources development computation forirrigation projects灌溉工程的水利计算
13.Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房
14.The water in the irrigating ditch was well up.灌溉渠里涨满了水。
15.They deflected water into an irrigation canal他们把水引入灌溉渠。
16.Analysis on Water Use Demand for Irrigation and the Development of Water-Saving Irrigation;灌溉用水需求分析与节水灌溉发展研究
17.Research on the Relationship between Irrigation Water Price and Irrigation Water in Drought Oases干旱绿洲区灌溉水价与灌溉用水量关系研究
18.Study on Water-saving Irrigation Schedule and Optimum Irrigation Index of Flue-cured Tobacco;烤烟节水灌溉制度与优化灌溉指标研究

storage of irrigation water灌溉蓄水
3)reservoir for irrigation灌溉蓄水池
4)rainfall collection irrigation蓄雨灌溉
5)storing runoff irrigation蓄流灌溉
1.The technology of irrigation water control was studied and the mechanism, structure and working mode, water quota control principle and management of storing runoff irrigation device were discussed based on the operation mode of storing runoff irrigation.基于蓄流灌溉模式和蓄流灌水器运行方式,研究了灌溉用水控制技术,分析了蓄流灌溉机理、蓄流灌水器结构及工作方式、用水控制原理和管理技术。
2.In this paper,we introduced the technical principle and method of storing runoff irrigation,analyzed the water using quantity,soil moisture,soil humidity,fruit tree growth rate by field contrast test and observation methods,and also compared water and energy saving to drop irrigation.介绍了蓄流灌溉技术原理和灌溉方法,通过田间对比试验,分析了蓄流灌溉与果树常规沟灌的用水量、土壤水分、土壤湿度、果树生长量,以及与滴灌比较的节水节能分析。
6)liman irrigation春水蓄灌;雪水蓄灌;洪漫灌溉

蓄水灌溉蓄水灌溉irrigation with storage water xushui guan,gai蓄水灌溉(irrigation with storagewater)利用调蓄的径流进行灌概的措施。当天然来水与灌溉用水在时间的分配上不相适应时,就需在适当地点修筑水库或塘堰等蓄水工程,调蓄来水,按照灌溉用水需要,放水到田间进行灌溉。 由水库引水有两种方式:一是通过放水建筑物将库水直接引入干渠;二是将库水先放入河流,再在靠近灌区的适当地点修建渠首工程,将水引入灌区。后者多用于水库距灌区较远的情况。 水库蓄水灌溉,一般应妥善处理以下问题:①合理进行水库调度,充分发挥效益;②采取由水库分层取水和其他提高水温的措施,以满足作物对水温的要求;③做好上游的水土保持工作,减少入库泥沙,以保证兴利库容的有效利用,延长水库寿命;④禁止含毒工业废水排入水库,防止水库水质污染。 塘堰主要拦蓄地面径流,在坡地上和山冲间,筑堤蓄水的塘叫做山塘,在平缓地带挖坑蓄水的设施叫做平塘。平塘一般不能自流灌溉,须靠提水工具把水送入田间。塘堰工程规模小,技术比较简单,对地形、地质条件要求较低,修建和管理较方便。塘堰数量多,分布广,能适应山区、丘陵区地形复杂、耕地分散的特点,水温较高,有利于早稻生长发育,是南方丘陵山区分布较广的蓄水工程。单个塘堰的蓄水量虽小,但数量众多,总的蓄水量十分可观。所以在修建大中型蓄水工程的同时,还应重视发挥塘堰工程的作用。 蓄水灌溉可以充分利用河川径流和当地径流,并为综合利用水资源创造条件。(白宪台)