Rootstalk cutting mechanism破茬机构
3)stubble cutting parts破茬部件
1.The paper through the analysis of the development of no-tillage seeder and the development status of stubble cutting parts and the function demands of the stubble cutting parts, has designed a kind of general stubble cutting parts tester of no-tillage seeder.通过对免耕播种机的发展及国内外免耕播种机破茬部件的发展现状的分析,根据破茬部件的功能要求,研制出了一种通用的免耕播种机破茬部件的田间试验装置;同时,利用Solidworks建立了该试验装置的模型,并对其进行了分析。
4)corn rootstalk cutting device破茬装置
1.The 2BML-2(Z) type ridge-till and no-till maize seeder consists of a power driven corn rootstalk cutting device,an opening and fertilizing device,a soil covering device and a pack roller.该播种机主要由动力驱动式破茬装置、开沟施肥装置、镇压传动装置等组成。
5)Driving coulter破茬刀
6)cutting and ditching capability破茬开沟性能
