民勤县,Minqin county
1)Minqin county民勤县
1.Causes and Control Countermeasures of Desertification in Minqin County of Gansu Province;民勤县荒漠化成因与防治对策
2.Incidence of esophageal cancer in Minqin county from 1998 to 2002;甘肃省民勤县1998/2002年食管癌发病率
3.A Survey and Analysis of the Development of Desert Sports Tourist Resources in Minqin County of Gansu Province;甘肃民勤县沙漠体育旅游资源概况与开发探析

1.Investigation on the Ancient Ruins in the Western Sandy land of Minqin County残存在民勤县西沙窝中的古代遗址
2.The primary research on the spatial distribution of the population in MinQin County;甘肃省民勤县人口空间分布初步研究
3.Facts of Crop Production in Minqin County and the Strategy for Sustainable Development;民勤县种植业现状与可持续发展对策
4.Research on the Ecological Emigration of Minqin in the Perspective of Sustainable Development可持续发展观视角下的民勤县生态移民问题
5.A Survey and Analysis of the Development of Desert Sports Tourist Resources in Minqin County of Gansu Province;甘肃民勤县沙漠体育旅游资源概况与开发探析
6.On Land Desertification Control in Minqin County of Gansu;关于甘肃民勤县土地沙化防治情况的调查报告
7.Thoughts on Constructing Non-pollution Liquorice Production Base in Minqin County;民勤县建立无公害甘草生产基地的构想
8.Farmland Households Response to the Actualizing Effect of Eco-policies in Minqin;民勤县生态政策实施的效果在农户中的响应
9.Study on the Sustainability of AgriculturalDevelopment in Oasis;绿洲农业发展的可持续性分析——以民勤县为例
10.Research on Compensation System in MinQin's New Rural Cooperative Medical Service Policy民勤县新型农村合作医疗中补偿机制研究
11.Research on Water Resources Environmental Ethics of the Shiyang River Basin民勤县水资源可持续发展中的环境伦理探析
12.Research on Countermeasures of Developing Agriculture Cyclicar Economy--A Case Study of Minqin County发展农业循环经济对策研究——以民勤县为例
13.Calculation of ecological footprints and analysis of sustainable development of Minqin County民勤县生态足迹计算与可持续发展状况分析
14.Analysis on the Social and Economic Benefits of Returning Farmland to Forest Project in Minqin County民勤县退耕还林工程社会经济效益分析
15.Study on Activities of Soil Enzyme in Rhizosphere of Psammonphyte in Minqin Oasis-Gobi Ecotone;民勤县绿洲—戈壁过渡带沙生植物根际土壤酶活性研究
16.A STUDY ON THE FUNCTION OF THE POPULATION FACTORS IN HISTORICAL PROCESS OF DESERTIFICATION --A Case Study of Minqin County,Gansu Province;人口因素在沙漠化历史过程中作用的考察——以甘肃省民勤县为例
17.Eco-economic Effect of Actualizing De-farming and Reafforestation Policy in Desertification Areas: Taking Minqin County as a Case;沙漠化地区退耕还林政策的生态经济效应分析——以民勤县为例
18.The Methods of Participating-style Community Work and Desertification Control;参与式社区工作方法与沙漠化治理—以甘肃省民勤县为例

Minqin county in Gansu province甘肃省民勤县
3)Minqin County民勤
1.Quantitative Study on Influencing Factors of Desertification in Minqin County,Gansu Province;民勤县荒漠化影响因素定量分析
2.The study on the physical and chemical characteristics of sand soil crust in the Minqin County, Gansu Province;甘肃省民勤沙区土壤结皮理化性质研究
3.Environmental Characteristics of Sandstorm in Minqin County in Recent 50 Years;近50a来民勤沙尘暴的环境特征
1.Experimental Research on Desert Vegetation Restoration by Drip Irrigation at Minqin Oasis Edge;民勤绿洲边缘荒漠植被滴灌恢复试验研究
2.Study on Dynamic Degenerate Ecological Characteristic of Desertification in Minqin;民勤荒漠生态退化动态特征研究
5)Cuoqin county措勤县
6)Minqin of Gansu Province甘肃民勤
1.Driving Mechanism of Land Desertification In Minqin of Gansu Province;甘肃民勤土地沙化驱动机制研究

田勤姓名:田勤性别:男国籍:中国籍贯:湖南项目:皮划艇田勤简介2001年 第九届全运会皮划艇激流回旋男子双人划艇第三名;2002年 全国皮划艇激流回旋锦标赛男子双人划艇第二名;2004年 世界杯皮划艇激流回旋雅典站奥运会资格赛男子双人划艇第23名。