沼气工程,biogas project
1)biogas project沼气工程
1.Impact of biogas project on ecological animal husbandry system;沼气工程对生态畜牧业系统的影响
2.Role of biogas project on purifying living sewage in new countryside construction and some countermeasures;生活污水净化沼气工程在新农村建设中的作用与发展对策
3.Symbiosis effect of rural biogas project;农村沼气工程的共生效应

1.Biogas Purifying Technology in Large and Medium Scale Biogas-Projects;大中型沼气工程的沼气净化技术研究
2.Study of the Expert System for the Operation and Management of the Rural Biogas Project;农村沼气工程运行管理专家系统研究
3.Research on Overall Evaluation System of Large and Medium-Sized Bio-Gas Project;大中型沼气工程的技术经济评价研究
4.Study on Standardized Technology of the Auxiliary-heating-container Type Biogas Engineering;辅热集箱式沼气工程标准化技术研究
5.Study on the Influence of Biogas Project Based Household on Rural Ecosystem;户用沼气工程对农村生态系统的影响
6.Key Problems Existing in Biogas Project Design for Cattle Farms牛场沼气工程设计中的关键问题研究
7.Design and Experimental Study of the Highly Effective Small Scaled Methane Engineering in the High-cold Region寒区高效小型沼气工程的设计与试验
8.Technology and Existing Problems on Marsh Gas Project of Anaerobic Ferment厌氧发酵沼气工程的工艺及存在的问题
9.Design and Text Experimental Study on the High Effective Small Scaled Methane Engineering in the High-cold Region;寒区高效小型沼气工程的设计与试验研究
10.Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响因素研究
11.Research of Tax Policy for the Development of Large-Scale Pig Farm Biogas Project规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的财政政策研究
12.Exploring the Modle of Business Development Together with Peasant Household on Biogas Engineering Construction and Operation“企业+农户”的沼气工程建设与运营模式初探
13.Research on Monetary Policy for Development of Marsh Gas Project in Large-Scale Pig-raising Farm规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的金融政策研究
14.Design and Research of Wireless Monitoring System for Solar Energy and Biogas Plant太阳能沼气工程无线监测系统设计研究
15.Application of multiple small-scale CDM methodologies for analyzing biogas project in scale swine farms以多种方法学分析猪场CDM沼气工程项目
16.Effect of household biogas project development on farmland nutrient flow户用沼气工程发展对农田养分流动的影响
17.Analysis on Development of Large Scale Biogas Plants for Pig-breeding Advantageous Area适应生猪优势区域的沼气工程发展分析
18.Mesophilic running of dry fermentation biogas system without heating device and its effects干法发酵沼气工程无热源中温运行及效果

biogas engineering沼气工程
1.Analysis on biogas engineering mode of large & medium-scalehusbandry farms and investment results;大中型畜禽养殖场沼气工程模式及投资效益分析
2.The benefit of the biogas engineering lies both in the input side and output side.沼气工程的环境效益体现在输入部分和输出部分两个方面,在输入部分,通过对畜禽粪便进行厌氧消化,减少了污染,承担了社会成本,应当得到一定的补偿。
3.Biogas engineering in China has made a great progress in the past decades.沼气工程具有减少CO2 排放的效果 ,在全球气候变化的背景下 ,本文针对大中型沼气工程 ,在讨论基准线和系统边界的基础上 ,构造了估计其减少CO2 的排放数量及其相应的减排成本的方法 ,并利用一个具体的案例说明此方法的应
3)methane electricity production沼气工程发电
1.This paper discussed three power generation technics including biomass combustion electricity production,biomass gasfication electricity production and methane electricity production,and analysed their recent advances and prospects.文章综述了物质燃烧发电、生物质气化发电、沼气工程发电等生物质能发电技术及其发展现状和存在的问题。
4)household biogas project户用沼气工程
5)large and medium scale biogas plants大中型沼气工程
1.Status analysis and countermeasures of large and medium scale biogas plants in Beijing rural areas;京郊农村大中型沼气工程发展现状分析与对策研究
6)Large-scale biogas project大型沼气工程

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