水量分配,water allocation
1)water allocation水量分配
1.Ideas and keystone of studies on water allocation options of Yangtze River Basin;长江流域水量分配方案研究的思路及重点
2.Study on water allocation in dry season in estuarial areas along main stem of Yangtze River;长江干流河口地区枯水季水量分配研究
3.Studies on different water allocation mechanisms;不同水量分配机制的初步研究

1.Have to allot water when getting from Changjiang; experts are now studying water allotting system.长江取水将要分配 专家研究水量分配方案
2.Therefore, water quantity and water right distribution has both connections and differences.由此导致了水量分配与水权分配也既有联系又有区别。
3.Quasi-Market Model for Water Allocation in Middle Route of SNWDP;南水北调中线水量分配准市场模型研究
4.Application of analytic hierarchy process in water quantity allocation of Huaihe River mainstream层次分析法在淮河干流水量分配中的应用
5.Primary Analysis of Water Distribution Ratio Variation in Main Waterway in Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲主要河道水量分配比变化初步分析
6.Research on the mathematical model of water quantity distribution of five rivers basin in Jiangxi province江西省“五河”流域水量分配数学模型研究
7.Fast Computation of Distributed-Discharge of Tree-Structure Distribution Pipe System Under GIS Environment;GIS环境下枝状配水管分配流量的计算
8.Water resources allocation model based on the dual-control of water quantity and quality基于水量水质双控制的流域水资源分配模型
9.Optimal Industry Total Distribution Model of Water Pollutants;水污染物总量行业优化分配模型研究
10.Calibration Analysis of Tidal Flow Distribution in Xiaoshan Drainage and Irrigation Stations萧山区排灌站引潮配水流量率定分析
11.Quantitative Prediction of the N-octanol/Water Partition Coefficient and Aqueous Solubility of Aromatic Hydrocarbons;芳烃醇/水分配系数及水溶性的定量预测
12.The Study of Water Environmental Capacity and Total Pollutant Discharge-controlling in the Coastal Water;纳污海域水环境容量计算与总量分配方法研究
13.Influence of Seasonal Distribution of Precipitation on Natural Herbage Yield in the Three Rivers Source Areas降水量季节分配对天然牧草产量的影响
14.Study on Water Amount Replacement and Water Right of the Yellow River Based on Water Supply of East and Middle Lines of South Water Conveyed to North;基于南水北调东、中线供水的黄河水量置换及其水权分配研究
15.Effects of Influent Flow Distribution Ratio on Nitrogen Removal in Step-Feed A/O Process流量分配对分段进水A/O工艺脱氮性能的影响
16.Study of influent flow distribution methods and strategies in step-feed A/O process分段进水A/O工艺流量分配方法与策略研究
17.Study on Water Control and Collocation of South-to-North Water Transfer Based on the Theory of SCM基于供应链管理理论的南水北调水量控制与水资源分配模型研究
18.Effects of irrigation regimes on water consumption characteristics and nitrogen accumulation and allocation in wheat灌水量和灌水时期对小麦耗水特性和氮素积累分配的影响

water quantity allocation水量分配
1.Application of analytic hierarchy process in water quantity allocation of Huaihe River mainstream层次分析法在淮河干流水量分配中的应用
2.The guideline and emphasis of the water quantity allocation scheme research for Hanjiang River Basin has been studied.对韩江流域水量分配方案的研究思路与研究重点进行分析与探讨。
3)distribution of water quantity水量分配
1.Based on the water balance and mass conservation of isotopes D and()~(18)O,isotope method is used to explore the following three problems: first,the distribution of water quantity along Taipu River;second,the water component coming from three main water resources of the upper Huangpu River;third,the transmit time of.根据水量平衡和D1、8O同位素质量守恒原理,运用同位素方法计算了调水期间两省一市的水量分配,分析了黄浦江水源地三条主要支流的来水组成情况。
2.Based on the water balance and mass conservation of isotopes D and ~(18)O,isotope method is used to explore the following three problems:first,the distribution of water quantity along Taipu River;second, the water component coming from three main water resources of the upper Huangpu River;third,the transmit time of .根据水量平衡和 D、~(18)O 同位素质量守恒原理,运用同位素方法计算了调水期间两省一市的水量分配,分析了黄浦江水源地三条主要支流的来水组成情况。
4)water distribution水量分配
1.Application of “situation sharing model” in water distribution in the main stream of the Huai River;“情景共享模型”在淮河干流水量分配中的应用
5)water amount allocation水量分配
1.According to the different weights of effectiveness,justice and sustains in principal level,7 schemes are proposed to probe into the water amount allocation.根据准则层中有效性、公平性和可持续性权重的不同取值,给出了7种水量分配计算方案。
6)water and sediment distribution水沙量分配

水量分配水量分配water allocation shuiliang fenPei水且分配(例以er allocation)在水资源不足的地区,水行政主管部门根据各用水部门和地区的要求和可能的条件,协商提出当前和今后合理可行的水量分配方案并报请审批的活动。 水量分配是水资源管理的重要内容,调配工作是水利工程管理的中心环节,一般应遵循:①调配原则要兼顾防洪、除涝、供水、发电、灌溉、航运、竹木流放、水产、游乐、泥沙及生态环境等方面的需求,以取得社会、经济和生态环境的综合效益。②兼顾上下游、左右岸、地区之间和部门之间的利益,统筹安排,合理分配。③生活用水优先于其他一切目的用水,水质较好的地下水、地表水优先用于饮用水。合理安排工业用水,在缺水严重的地区,限制发展规模和耗水量大的工业。在适应国民经济持续增长的前提下,要重点支持缺水地区、能源基地和沿海城市的用水。④合理开采地下水;超采并发生地面沉降的地区,严格控制或停止开采。⑤跨流域调水,要统筹考虑引出、引人水源流域用水需求,防止对生态环境产生不利影响,根据需要与可能有计划有步骤地进行。 为了搞好水量分配,应根据实际情况,研究拟定合理的用水标准,运用指标和分配方式,制定分配规程、方案和计划,根据水资源多功能特点和多种用途的综合利用工程系统,处理好防洪与兴利、灌溉与排涝、发电与供水和航运、调水与调沙等方面关系,还应根据用水主次关系及当时的轻重缓急情况,进行统一调度和分配。根据用水原则和分水方案,国家计委和水电部提出了《黄河河川径流量的预测和分配的意见》,经国务院批准原则同意后,下发黄河流域各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府及国务院有关部门,贯彻执行。以上分配规定了黄河流域各省(自治区、直辖市)对黄河水资源的使用权,并为制定开发利用黄河水资源规划提供了具有法律效力的前提条件。(任光照)