渠道衬砌,canal lining
1)canal lining渠道衬砌
1.Research on application of expansive concrete in the design of canal lining;膨胀混凝土在渠道衬砌设计中的应用研究
2.On the structural design and anti-seepage in the anti-seepage and anti-freeze of the canal lining;渠道衬砌防渗抗冻中的结构设计及防渗措施
3.From aspects of practice and(theory,) the authors analyzed the frost upheaval mechanism of these kinds of soil,their main infection factors,and the destruction types of canal lining due to frost upheaval.本文从理论分析和实践运用两方面,阐明了冻胀性土的冻胀机理、冻胀的主要影响因素、渠道衬砌冻胀破坏类型,提出了针对南干渠冻胀性土和膨胀岩土的有效的工程处理措施,特别是对渠道沿线广泛分布的第三纪白砂岩作为渠道填方料、渠基膨胀泥岩换填料的可行性进行了研究。

1.Research on Application of the Carbon and Polypropylene Fiber concrete in Canal Lining渠道衬砌混杂纤维混凝土的应用研究
2.Applied Experiment Study of HAS Solidifying Fly Ash as the Channel Lining Material;HAS固化粉煤灰作渠道衬砌材料的应用试验研究
3.Study on Engineering Properties of the Mixed Polypropylene Fiber Solidfied Soil for Canal Liner;渠道衬砌纤维固化土工程特性的试验研究
4.Experiment Research on Freezing Damage of Canal Lining at Ningxia Irrigation Area;宁夏灌区渠道衬砌工程防冻胀试验研究
5.Studies on Visual Simulation Analytical System about Frozen Swelling of Canal Lining Block;渠道衬砌体冻胀可视化仿真分析系统研究
6.Establishment of Mechanics Models and Numerical Stimulation of Irrigation and Draining Canal with Concrete Lining;灌排渠道衬砌结构冻胀力学模型及数值模拟
7.Mechanics Models of Frost-Heaving and the Research of Anti-Frost Heave Structure for Lining Canal渠道衬砌冻胀破坏力学模型及防冻胀结构研究
8.Probe into Quality Control of Canal Lining Constructed in Winter in Fenhe Irrigation District汾河灌区冬季渠道衬砌建设质量控制探讨
9.Simulation Analysis of Channel Frost Heave under High Groundwater Level高地下水位灌排渠道衬砌结构抗冻胀数值模拟
10.The Present Development Status and Trends of Canal Lining and Seepage Control Techniques in China我国渠道衬砌与防渗技术发展现状与趋势
11.The Loads Study and the Key Component Finite Element Analysis of the Channel Paver;大型渠道衬砌机系统载荷分析及其关键构件的有限元分析
12.Establishment and Application of Mechanics Models of Frost Heaving Damage of Concrete Lining Open Canal;砼衬砌渠道冻胀破坏力学模型及应用
13.Practice and Innovation of U-shaped Channel Mechanical Lining;“U”型砼渠道机械衬砌的实践与创新
14.Analysis on Lining Crack of Cast-in-place Concrete in Channel and Its Prevention and Cure;渠道现浇混凝土衬砌裂缝分析与防治
15.Study on the Anti-seep and Lining Structure of the East Route Canal Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion南水北调东线渠道工程防渗衬砌结构应用研究
16.No Destructive Detecting on Defects in Concrete Channel Lining Using GPR大型渠道混凝土衬砌缺陷GPR无损检测研究
17.Analysis of Influencing of the Concrete Board Liner on the Stability of the Tunnel Slope混凝土板衬砌对渠道边坡稳定性的影响分析
18.Mechanization Construction Technology on Channel Slope Lining at S18 in the Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Transfers南水北调S18标渠道岸坡机械化衬砌施工工艺

channel lining渠道衬砌
1.No Destructive Testing by GPR Method on Thickness of Concrete Channel Lining in the East Route of The South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调东线渠道衬砌混凝土厚度GPR快速无损检测
2.The research includes the determination method of the anti-frozen design parameters,the outlines of the prevention and anti-frozen technical methods of the channel lining projects,etc.依据黑龙江省水利科学研究院近20年来水工建筑物抗冻技术研究的主要成果,简述了高寒地区渠道防治冻害技术的主要内容,包括:抗冻胀设计参数的确定方法、渠道衬砌工程防治冻害技术措施的要点等,可供工程设计人员参考。
3.Uplift reduction by drainage is an important technology for ensuring large-sized channel lining works,especially in preventing damage of uplift in high groundwater level to lining body during the non-conveyance period.大型渠道衬砌中的排水减扬压技术是确保渠道衬砌施工的一项重要技术,对于防止非输水期特别是汛期高地下水位对衬砌体的扬压破坏具有重要作用。
3)canal liner渠道衬砌
1.Study on properties of high fly-ash amount concrete for canal liner;大掺量粉煤灰配制高性能渠道衬砌混凝土的研究
4)Lined canal衬砌渠道
1.Water-right trading calculation for different types of lined canals in the Yellow River water diversion irrigation districts in Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区不同型式衬砌渠道水权转换价格计算探讨
2.There exists the frost heaving failures of lined canals and hydraulic structures caused by frozen deformation of the foundation soil.黄河下游属季节性冻土地区,由于基土的冻胀变形而引起的衬砌渠道和水工建筑物的冻胀破坏问题普遍存在。
3.This paper expounds the basic principles and basic features of the frost heaving of lined canal, and introduces the calculating method for the frost heaving resistant and the selection of the measures for frost heaving resistant.阐述了衬砌渠道冻胀的基本原理及基本特征,介绍了衬砌渠道抗冻胀计算方法及防冻胀措施的选择。
5)lining canal衬砌渠道
1.An optimal design model of economic section is established based on the problems existed in design of economic section of lining canal by using of system analysis and minimizing the total cost as an objective function.针对明渠衬砌渠道经济断面设计中存在的问题,应用系统分析的方法,以总费用(或投资)最小为目标,建立了经济断面优化设计模型,并通过区域网格法及计算机模拟运行,得出衬砌渠道在工程费用最省时的全部系统设计参数。
2.Based on analysing the damages of freezing dilatation in prefabricated concrete lining canal there are some general accounts on how to control the damages, which is mainly connected with the lining made of regular hezagon prefabricated concrete plates should be used instead of the conventional rectangle of square.预制砼板防渗衬砌渠道的冻融破坏,给灌溉渠道工程的安全使用造成了威胁,缩短了灌溉渠道的使用寿命,影响着灌溉渠道工程效益的发挥。
6)lining channel衬砌渠道
1.Because of the cold weather in the winter in the northern areas, the lining channels often be damaged by the frost heave.在北方地区由于冬季气候寒冷,衬砌渠道经常受到冻胀破坏。

复合式衬砌  分内外两层先后施作的隧道衬砌。在坑道开挖后,先及时施作与围岩密贴的外层柔性支护(一般为喷锚支护),也称初期支护,容许围岩产生一定的变形,而又不致于造成松动压力的过度变形。待围岩变形基本稳定以后再施作内层衬砌(一般是模筑的),也称二次支护。两层衬砌之间,根据需要设置防水层,也可灌筑防水混凝土内层衬砌而不做防水层。    复合方式  复合式衬砌的外、内层复合方式有以下几种:喷锚支护和混凝土衬砌;喷锚支护和喷射混凝土衬砌;可缩式钢拱喷射混凝土支护和模筑或喷射混凝土衬砌,以及装配式衬砌(管片)和模筑混凝土衬砌等。最通用的是外层采用喷锚支护或轻型管片,内层采用整体式模筑混凝土衬砌(见图)。      防水层  两层衬砌间的防水层,可采用喷涂乳化沥青等防水胶剂,或采用厚度不等的软聚氯乙烯薄膜、聚异丁烯片、聚乙烯片等防水卷材,并固定在支护上。为保证防水卷材施工接缝的质量,一般需要用热气焊接或电阻焊接,亦可用适当溶剂作溶解拼接。    施工  复合式衬砌施工中的一个重要环节是喷涂或粘贴防水层,要求做到与初期支护相密贴,故在防水层施工前需要对初期支护的表面进行适当处理,使其平整圆顺,无较大渗水。初次支护的施工方法和要求,与一般喷锚支护或装配式衬砌的相同。内层模筑衬砌多采用模板台车和混凝土泵进行连续灌筑。    设计  复合式衬砌中,外层支护与围岩形成统一的受力整体,共同承担因开挖坑道所产生的围岩释放应力。由于影响共同作用的因素很多,如围岩状态、支护施作时间、衬砌刚度和施工方法等,有些因素事先又无法预测,故分析计算只能作为设计时参考,必须根据施工过程的量测结果予以修正。内层衬砌主要为了防水、防风化、内部装饰和增加安全度,其厚度按施工要求而定,一般不超过40厘米。有时不易做到待初期支护变形完全稳定后再施作内层衬砌。例如当松软围岩流变引起的延滞变形历时很长时,这时内层衬砌所承受的荷载主要是由于围岩延滞变形产生的形变压力;以及因部分锚杆腐蚀失效,或涌水降低了围岩物理力学参数所引起的附加岩土压力。    复合式衬砌的优缺点  采用先后两次支护,对衬砌受力非常有利。围岩在柔度较大的外层支护条件下,可产生较大的形变,释放了大部分的变形能;因而能使后设的内层衬砌减小受力。内层衬砌施作以后,又会对原先处于二维受力状态的外层支护产生径向抗力,从而改善外层支护的受力条件。而且表面光洁平整,有利于隧道通风和防水,并保护外层支护,使喷层内钢筋网和锚杆端部免于锈蚀。但是,这种衬砌的缺点是造价较高,施工也比较复杂。