高效利用,efficient utilization
1)efficient utilization高效利用
1.Research on technique of efficient utilization of summer fallow land in Weibei tableland;渭北原区夏闲地高效利用技术研究
2.The authors look forward to the relation between green chemistry and efficient utilization of mineral resources and discuss the characteristics of traditional mineral processing process, the importance of application of green chemistry, the mineral processing and metallurgical processes friendly to environment and how to develop green chemistry and technologies.前瞻了绿色化学与矿物资源高效利用之间的关系 ,对传统矿物加工过程的特征和绿色化学应用的重要性、环境友好的选冶方法 (包括生物浸出、非氰化浸出金和矿山污染源的微生物转化等 )的研究和应用以及如何发展绿色化学和技术进行了探讨 ,提出了促进我国矿物资源高效利用的初步构
3.The construction of the water saving Shanxi is a resultful approach for the realization of the water resources sustainable utilization and efficient utilization.建设节水山西是实现水资源可持续利用和高效利用的有效途径。

1.Investigation on High-effective Utilization of Harvested Rainwater in the Northwest Loess Plateau;黄土高原西北部集雨水高效利用研究
2.Taking Advantage of Teaching Reasources Efficiently to Improve Teaching Quality;高效利用教学资源 切实提高教学质量
3.Study on Present Status of Chemical Fertilizer Application and High Efficient Utilization of Nutrition in China;我国化肥利用现状与养分资源高效利用研究
4.Study on Physiological Mechanisms of Phosphorus Efficiency of Maize;玉米磷营养高效利用的生理机制研究
5.Consumption Characterisitics and Effective Use of Available Soil Water Stored at Planting by Winter Wheat;冬小麦底墒耗失特征及高效利用研究
6.Save and High-efficiency Utilization of Iron Mineral Resources in China;加强我国铁矿资源的节约与高效利用
7.The utilization ratio of health resources is not high.卫生资源利用效率不高。
8.Effective ways to increase the utilization ratio of colleges and universities credit funds;论提高高校信贷资金利用效率的对策
9.Use pumped water power storage to improve economic benefit of power utilization in water supplying industries;利用抽水蓄能提高供水企业用电效益
10.Notable results have been obtained in the multipurpose use and recovery of mineral resources, and the rate of resources utilization has been gradually increased.矿产资源综合利用和回收利用成效明显,资源利用率逐步提高。
11.Efficient quantum key distribution scheme using the Bell States利用贝尔态的高效量子密钥分配协议
13.Using Double Logistic Regression to Improve Discriminant Efficiency;利用Logistic二次回归法提高判别分析效率
14.A Research on the Countermeasure to Improve Land-Use Efficiency in Huangpu District;提高黄浦区土地利用效能的对策研究
15.The Technology on Efficient Composting and Utilization of Livestock Manure;畜禽粪便高效堆肥技术及资源化利用
16.Improvement of the Practice Teaching Efficiency by Using the NC Simulation Software;利用数控仿真软件提高实习教学效果
17.Excavating the Potential of Instrument to Increase the Efficiency of the Using of Equipment;挖掘仪器潜能 有效地提高设备利用率
18.Doing Well the Later-period Management and Protection to Increase the Utilization Efficiency of Land;搞好后期管护工作 提高土地利用效率

high efficient utilization高效利用
1.Technique of high efficient utilization of phosphoric fertilizer and its application in Leizhou Peninsula;雷州半岛地区磷肥高效利用技术及其应用
2.During the past years, many new techniques of water storage, conservation, harvesting and utilization with high efficient utilization of precipitation resource on dry farming lands have b.近年来 ,各地在农田蓄水、保水、集水、补水和用水等方面 ,研究成功许多行之有效的旱作农田降水资源高效利用新技术 ,显示出黄土高原农业发展具有巨大潜力和广阔前
3.The development direction and the goal were proposed as well as the key technologies question which must solve in the gypsum resources clean energy-saving development and high efficient utilizatio从石膏基础理论研究、应用研究和煅烧工艺3方面简述了我国石膏资源开发利用的现状;分析了我国在石膏煅烧和石膏资源利用存在的问题;提出了石膏资源洁净节能开发及高效利用的发展方向和目标以及在石膏资源洁净节能开发及高效利用所要解决的关键技术问题。
3)high efficiency utilization高效利用
1.This paper briefly introduces high efficiency utilization of rainfall resource and water saving irrigation techniques in order.本文就雨水资源的高效利用途径和适宜的节水灌溉技术作了简要介
4)effective utilization高效利用
1.The paper developed an analytical model for effective utilization of agricultural water resources under market economy.本文提出了市场经济条件下农业水资源高效利用模型。
2.The situation and progress of liquefaction of wood biomass and effective utilization of liquefied products at home and abroad were described.对国内外木质生物质原料的液化及液化产物的高效利用研究的现状及进展进行了概述,讨论了木质生物质原料液化及其产物的应用前景,重点讨论了不同木质生物质原料液化过程中的主要影响因素,并分析了具有代表性的液化物结构特点,具体介绍了一些液化产物实际应用特别是在胶黏剂制备方面应用的典型实例。
5)high efficiency高效利用
1.Reasonable collocation and high efficiency use of transfer water(2);外调水的合理配置与高效利用(2)
2.Reasonable collocation and high efficiency use of transfer water(1);外调水的合理配置与高效利用(1)
6)nitrogen efficient utilization氮高效利用

东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)  默军爵攫戳猛罚胃植和l用2 iyuanl心yong 见农业气候资