猪舍,pig house
1)pig house猪舍
1.Measurement and analysis of methane concentration and flux emitted from finishing pig house;育肥猪舍甲烷排放浓度和排放通量的测试与分析
2.The Analysis of Economic Benefits In the Ways to Raise the Temperature of Pig houses In Cold Days;冷季提高猪舍环境温度方式之效益分析
3.Relationship between the design of pig house and thermal environment in the house;四川规模化猪场猪舍建筑与其温热环境的关系

1."Barns are named according to their purpose (e.g., hog Barns, dairy Barns, tobacco Barns, and tractor Barns)."仓舍按其用途命名,如猪舍、乳牛舍、烟草室和曳引机库等。
2.Gain Experiment of Feding Fattening Pig in Glass Warm Piggery in Winter冬季玻璃暖棚猪舍饲养育肥猪增重试验
3.Evaluation on performance and thermal environment of hoop structure for finishing pigs少污水排放垫料猪舍生产和环境效果
4.Quantitative identification of pernicious gases NH_3 and H_2S in piggery using electronic nose猪舍有害气体NH_3、H_2S的电子鼻定量识别
5.Research Situation and Analysis of Evaporative Cooling System in Piggery猪舍蒸发降温系统的研究现状与分析
6.Dynamic Model of Ammonia Emission in Pig Houses--Experimental Study of Anping Pig Farm;猪舍内氨气挥发动态模型的实验研究——以安平猪场为例
7.Effects of Deep-Litter Systems on Enviroment in Swine House and Swine Productivity in Cold Seasons冬季发酵床养殖模式对猪舍环境及猪生产性能的影响
8.Current Situation of Pig Housing and Estimatlon of Environmental Sanitation in the Southwestern Chian西南地区猪舍建筑现状及环境卫生评价
9.Research and Exploitation of Solar Energy Preservation Pigpen in Frigid Zone;高寒地区太阳能保温猪舍的研究与开发
10.Studies on Microbilogical Aerosol and Selection of Disinfectant in Pig Houses;猪舍微生物气溶胶及消毒剂筛选的研究
11.Studies on Cooling Effect of Pig House in Summer in Southern China;中国南方地区夏季猪舍降温效果的实验研究
12.Measurement and Control System of the Piggery Environmental Factors Based on Field Bus;基于现场总线猪舍环境因子的测量与控制系统
13.Research on Airflow and Air Temperature Simulation in the Piggery Based on CFD基于CFD的猪舍内气流场和温度场模拟研究
14.Monitoring System of Pig-on-site Environment Based on CAN Bus基于CAN总线的猪舍环境现场层监控系统的研究
15.Application of multi-sensor data fusion in piggery environment多传感器数据融合在猪舍环境中的应用
16.Air temperature and airflow simulation in the weanling barn based on CFX基于CFX的猪舍内温度和气流场模拟研究
17.Numerical Simulation of Vertical and Horizontal Ventilation in the Piggery Based on CFX基于CFX的猪舍纵向与横向通风流场模拟
18.Multiple linear regression analysis of micro-climate and environmental number of bacteria in pigsty猪舍小气候因素与环境菌量多元线性回归分析

1.Quantitative identification of pernicious gases NH_3 and H_2S in piggery using electronic nose猪舍有害气体NH_3、H_2S的电子鼻定量识别
2.Utilization of underground air conditioning in piggery has a lot of advantages such as simple structure of installation, better air conditioning effect, energy conservation, long running cycle and convenient maintenance.在猪舍建造中应用地道风空调 ,结构简单、空调效果好、节省能源、使用寿命长、运行管理和维护简单。
3.5 % zeolite powder was added to feed and the piggery floor was couered with tine coal ash(1kg/m2)three times every day; In test2, mixture of zeolite powder and EM preparation agent with 1 kg per m2, three times every day.5%沸石粉,并在猪舍地面撒布煤灰 粉(1 kg/m2),每天撒3次。
1.Using phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers for analysis of the microbial subcommunity in pigsty litter利用磷脂脂肪酸生物标记分析猪舍基质垫层微生物亚群落的分化
2.Application study of control technique to lower the temperature for pigsty in summer;夏季猪舍降温控制系统应用现状
1.The special construction of pighouse is determined by i ts special climate characteristics in the upland of Hunan. 湖南丘陵区的气候特点,决定了猪舍建筑的要求。
5)swine house猪舍
1.Swine house heating is an important engineering technology for pig product.猪舍加温是生猪生产中十分重要的环境工程技术措施,对确保猪只的健康和正常生长发育具有重要的意义。
6)ecotypic sty生态猪舍

猪舍  饲养猪群的建筑物。根据饲养目的不同,可分为种猪舍、妊娠猪舍、分娩猪舍、育成猪舍、育肥猪舍等。喂饲和饮水一般在舍内进行,舍外留有猪群运动场或粪便通道,舍内用隔墙或隔栏分开。群饲猪栏主要用于妊娠猪、育成猪、育肥猪。猪栏的大小因猪的品种、饲养头数、当地气候条件等而异。种猪、分娩猪一般采用单栏饲养;有的国家推广限位架分娩栏。猪舍分工越细越有利于实现养猪专业化,猪栏的利用率也就越高。小型猪场有的也采用在舍内设置各种猪栏的综合猪舍。    猪舍建筑的平面布置同猪群组合、饲养方式、饲料种类(干料、稀料、湿料)、喂饲设备、喂饲方法(自由采食、定时定量采食)等有关。清粪方案的选择(浅沟、深沟、缝隙地板)也影响猪舍的建筑剖面。常见的猪舍平面为单列后走道和双列中走道两类。单列式舍外粪便道猪舍(图 1)适用于温暖地区,这种猪舍在喂饲时关闭通道活门,使排粪区形成通道,可用手扶拖拉机前悬挂的清粪铲除粪。幼猪舍采用双列式猪舍(图2)内,每栏设有活门通向排粪区,喂饲时活门关闭形成清粪通道,便于清扫。也有的在排粪区用刮粪板除粪或者铺设缝隙地板,地板下设粪便沟,用刮粪板或水冲除粪。有的国家还有全缝隙地板猪舍,虽提高了猪舍利用率,但不利于猪只生长。  猪舍可建成开敞式、有窗式和密闭式等;屋顶有平顶、单坡、双坡等。①开敞式猪舍。背风向阳,三面有墙,一面敞开式或半敞开,在敞开面常设运动场,也可在运动场喂饲、饮水、排粪。舍内只作躺卧休息用。为在冬季保温,可加设临时挡风设施。②有窗式猪舍。要考虑夏季通风,组织好通风路线。为在夏季不使直射阳光进入舍内,而冬季则有阳光照射猪床,应合理设计窗户上口和屋檐的高度。依靠自然通风的猪舍宽10米左右。猪舍太狭要增加占地面积和围护结构面积,太宽则影响舍内通风。一般中国南方的猪舍宜狭些,北方的猪舍宜宽些。③密闭式猪舍。一般不开窗,由仪器、设备控制舍内的光照、温度、湿度和通风等条件。为防止意外停电的影响,可开设应急窗。其屋顶和墙壁具有保温隔热性能。    中国现有猪舍仍以混合结构为主,采用砖墙和屋架承重。若能适当加强屋面和墙体围护结构的保温隔热性能则更有利于猪群生长。猪舍内一般采用水泥地面,便于冲洗,但不利于猪床的保暖和干燥。为减少猪只体温经水泥地面传导散热可加设炉渣或砖砌垫层,或采用架空预制钢筋混凝土地板,也可采用橡胶地面、塑料地面或加温地面等。砖砌猪栏影响夏季通风和冬季光照,且占地面积较大,可采取具有防腐蚀的钢管猪栏或木、竹猪栏等。饲槽构造要简单、坚固耐用,便于饲养喂食和洗刷消毒。缝隙地板要能耐碱蚀、表面平整、坚固耐用,常采用铸铁、钢筋混凝土或铝板制成,缝隙宽度应小于猪蹄接地宽度的一半。    猪舍设备 包括喂饲设备、饮水器、除粪设备等(见养猪场设备)。