运营机制,Operation mechanism
1)Operation mechanism运营机制
1.Analysis on resource and construction of operation mechanism in r esearch institute;科研院所的资源分析与运营机制的构建
2.Based on the investigation of large irrigation districts, analysis of investment efficiency, management system, operation mechanism and control of water price shows that at present, large irrigation districts are of low investment efficiency, unsuitable system and management, malfunction of control of water price, etc.根据在大型灌区的调查数据,从投资效率、管理体制、运营机制和水价管制等方面对其进行实例分析后发现,目前大型灌区存在投资效率低、体制不顺、管理不活、水价管制失灵等问题。
3.What can we gain theenlightenments from it? The paper briefly introduces the electricity market in UK, analyzes the market structure, market rules,operation mechanism and the operation experiences of the reserve market in UK, studies the experiences that we can learnfrom based on the state of Ch.英国已有多年的电力备用市场运营经验,文章介绍英国电力备用市场及其市场结构、市场规则与运营机制以及备用市场的运营经验,并对比我国的国情,研究英国经验的可借鉴之处,对我国备用市场的建立与商业化运营提出合理化的建议与展望。

1.Leading into service-marketing mindoptimizing,optimize universities mechanism;导入服务营销理念 优化高校运营机制
2.Research on Operational Mechanism of Urban Infrastructure Marketization;城市基础设施的市场化运营机制研究
3.The Operational Mechanism of Financial Institutions in HECM Program;反向抵押贷款中金融运营机制的研究
4.The Research on the Method of Finance and the Mechanism of Operating of Annuity in China;中国养老金筹集方法与运营机制研究
5.Time Competition-Based Operational Mode for Push & Pull in Supply Chains;基于时间竞争的Push & Pull供应链运营机制
6.On Financial Operation Mechanism in House-selling Pension Model;售房养老模式中金融运营机制的探讨
7.The Research on Operation Mechanism of Professional China Basketball Association对中国职业篮球联赛运营机制的研究
8.Study on the Management and Operation Mechanism about the State-own Assets of Colleges and Universities in Chongqing重庆市高校国有资产运营机制的研究
9.Analysis on Investment and Running of Beijing Olympic Sports Ground and Gym or Stadium;北京奥运场馆投资及运营机制风险分析
10.On the Commercial Operation of the Modern Olympic Games Mechanism;论现代奥林匹克运动会的商业运营机制
11.Operational Mechanism of Insurance for Olympic Games and Its Enlightenment to Sports Insurance Market in China;奥运保险运营机制对我国体育保险的启示
12.The study of operation,exterior preferential policy and internal laws system in CBA and NBA;NBA与CBA运营机制、外部政策及内部制度比较研究
13.The Analyzing of the Privately-owned TV Producing Organizations s Running;中国民营电视制作机构运营状况分析
14.Analysis Innovation and Operating Mechanism:the Rebuilding of Non-profit Organizations;制度创新与运行机制:非营利组织再造
15.On Innovation Discussion of Agriculture Management System and Operating Mechanism;农业经营体制和运行机制的创新探讨
16.An Study on Mobile Phone Mass Customization Marketing Mode for the Operator基于运营商的手机大规模定制营销模式研究
17.Management, supervision and operation of state - owned assets国有资产管理、监督和营运机制
18.A Study on the Mechanisms of Management and Selling of Passenger and Freights in China s Companies of Railway Transportation;中国铁路客货运输企业营销机制研究

operating mechanism运营机制
1.On the basis of analyzing eco-industrys `current situation of our country,this paper sets up the Three-dimensional Theory Model for eco-industry operating mechanism,puts forward operating mechanism,which makes the market economic system self-development and self-perfection.本文在分析我国生态产业现状的基础上,建立了我国生态产业运营机制的三维理论模型,提出了适应市场经济体制的生态产业自我发育、自我生长的运营机制
3)operational mechanism运营机制
1.The paper argues that to give full play to the role of editor committees, the first step is to set up a highly qualified editor contingent; then an efficient operational mechanism should be adopted; finally, the potentiality should be properly excavated.编委会在高校办刊中的作用日益明显和重要,要想发挥好高校学报编委会的作用,首先,应组建一个良好的编委会;其次,编委会要有一个良好的运营机制;再次,要善于挖掘编委会的潜在能量。
4)running mechanism运营机制
1.The studies, made from its creational background, running mechanism, outside policies, inside system etc.通过对CBA职业篮球联赛产生的背景、运营机制、外部政策、内部制度等方面进行剖析和研究认为:CBA职业篮球联赛的组织机构与投资者之间的委托代理关系不清晰,投资者与职业俱乐部经理人之间尽管存在形式上的委托代理关系,但两者缺乏通过制度、契约所建立的运行通畅的激励与约束机制;CBA职业篮球联赛的组织机构与体育中介机构之间建立起的委托代理机制,在设计上具有一定的创新价值和积极意义;从现状来看,CBA职业篮球联赛尚无任何外部优惠政策;CBA职业篮球联赛的内部法规体系还有待完善。
2.The radical reasons for the low development of environmental-protection industry in China can be attributed to the vacancy of an inner running mechanism which is suitable to the ego development of market econo.我国环保产业之所以成长得不大不快,归根结底是没有建立起一个适应市场经济体制的自我发育、自我生长的内在运营机制,没有使市场成为引导环保产业发展的主导因素,环保产业运营基本上被政府生产所主导;同时环保产品的特殊性质又决定了政府在环保产业中运营中的重要作用,如何突破运营机制这一瓶颈成为加快我国环保产业发展所亟待解决的问题。
5)operation mechanism营运机制
1.Some discussions and practice about operation mechanism of water resources capital;水利资本市场化营运机制的探索和实践
2.The Study on the Ecological Industrial Parks Operation Mechanism;生态工业园营运机制研究
3.This paper discusses the features and innovative system of technological innovative enterprises, based on this discussion an analysis of its operation mechanism is offered.文章主要论述了技术创新型企业的内涵以及技术创新体系,并在此基础上讨论了其形成的营运机制。
6)commercial operating system商业化运营机制

磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制  解释太阳系角动量特殊分布的两种理论。太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%以上,但其角动量(动量矩)却只占太阳系总角动量的1%左右,而质量仅占0.2%的行星和卫星等天体,它们的角动量却占99%左右。太阳系角动量的这种特殊分布,是太阳系起源研究中的一个重要问题。1942年,阿尔文提出一种"磁耦合机制"。他认为,太阳通过它的磁场的作用,把角动量转移给周围的电离云,从而使由后者凝聚成的行星具有很大的角动量。他假定原始太阳有很强的偶极磁场,其磁力线延伸到电离云并随太阳转动。电离质点只能绕磁力线作螺旋运动,并且被磁力线带动着随太阳转动,因而从太阳获得角动量。太阳因把角动量转移给电离云,自转遂变慢了。    1962年,沙兹曼提出另一种通过磁场作用转移角动量的机制,称为沙兹曼机制。他认为,太阳(恒星)演化早期经历一个金牛座T型变星的时期,由于内部对流很强和自转较快,出现局部强磁场和比现今太阳耀斑强得多的磁活动,大规模地抛出带电粒子。这些粒子也随太阳磁场一起转动,直到抵达科里奥利力开始超过磁张力的临界距离处,它们一直从太阳获得角动量。由于临界距离达到恒星距离的量级,虽然抛出的物质只占太阳质量的很小一部分,但足以有效地把太阳的角动量转移走。沙兹曼也用此机制解释晚于F5型的恒星比早型星自转慢的观测事实。晚于F5型的恒星,都有很厚的对流区和很强的磁活动,通过抛出带电粒子转移掉角动量,自转因而变慢。然而早于F5型的恒星,没有很厚的对流区,没有损失角动量,因而自转较快。