改善措施,improvement measures
1)improvement measures改善措施
1.Influencing factors and improvement measures on the melting-joint mark of injection moulding products;注射制品熔接痕影响因素与改善措施
2.Study on improvement measures against lip cavitation of lock filling and emptying valves;船闸输水阀门底缘空化改善措施研究
3.Thermal environment and improvement measures about kitchen in residence住宅建筑厨房热环境及改善措施

1.Problems and Measures of Financial Management in Colleges and Universities;高校财务管理的现实问题及改善措施
2.The Reasons of the Secondary Pollution about the Water Supply Pipeline Network and Improvement Measures;供水管网二次污染的因素及改善措施
3.Analysis and Improvement of University Students Psychological State;当代大学生心理状况分析及改善措施
4.The Present Situation for Inside Physical Environment and Measures for Improvement;住宅室内物理环境的现状及改善措施
5.The deficiency of evaluation of physical education teaching and its counterplot;体育教学评价现状的不足及改善措施
6.Research on Operating Efficiency of Air-conditioning System and Improving Measures空调系统运行能效及其改善措施研究
7.Analysis the Fatigue of VDT Work and Research the Improvement MeasuresVDT作业疲劳分析及其改善措施的研究
8.Performance Characteristics of Porous Asphalt Pavement and Its Improvement Measures排水沥青路面的性能特点及改善措施
9.Evaluating and Measurements of Air Quality in Air-conditioned Train空调列车空气品质的评价和改善措施
10.Economy of domestic and foreign locomotive diesel engine and improvement measures国内外机车柴油机经济性及改善措施
11.The Government has implemented a number of enhanced measures and would refine and further strengthen these and other measures as appropriate from time to time.当局已实行多项改善措施,并会视乎情况不时改良和加强有关措施。
12.measures tending to improve working conditions有助于改善劳动条件的措施
13.The author of this paper proposes that the US should lift the ban and China should adopt measures to improve its image which Was influenced by the "June 4th" incident.中国应采取措施,改善六·四后的形象。
14.The year under review witnessed a host of improvement measures.年内,政府推出多项改善教育的措施。
15.The improvements made the Chinese course even better.这些改进措施使中文课程更加完善。
16.Preliminary Study on Nutritional Measures to Improve Dietary Quality of Chicken and Laying Hens;改善蛋鸡日粮品质的营养学措施初探
17.Regulating the Circulation of Forest Resources to Improve Supporting Measures of Forestry Property Right System Reform;规范森林资源流转 完善林改配套措施
18.Effective measures to promote the efficiency of tube settler;改善斜管沉淀池沉淀效果的工程措施

improvement measure改善措施
1.Research progress on influencing factors and improvement measures of elderly anemia;老年人贫血影响因素和改善措施研究进展
2.A tentative study on current situation of flood control system in Xi an and improvement measures;西安市防洪工程体系现状及改善措施初探
3.Durability and improvement measure of recycled aggregate concrete;再生混凝土的耐久性及其改善措施
3)Improving measures改善措施
1.Research of current situation and improving measures of middle school teachers spare time exercises for fitness in Wuhan;武汉市中学教师业余健身情况的现状及改善措施研究
2.The low frequency regional characteristics of variable speed system are analyzed,some problems in the system low frequency reional is described,corresponding improving measures were offered.分析了变频器调速系统在低频区域的特性,叙述了该系统在低频区存在的一些问题,并提出相应的改善措施
4)improving measure改善措施
1.Navigable flow condition and improving measures of Changsha comprehensive junction on Xiangjiang River;湘江长沙综合枢纽通航水流条件及改善措施研究
2.The powdering cause of sinters is analysed and improving measure is put forward in this paper.烧结矿小粒级偏多一直是困扰南钢烧结生产及高炉生产的难题,本文对烧结矿粉化的原因进行了分析并提出了改善措施,对生产实践进行了总结。
3.The paper analyzes the current situation of electro-mechanical system of expressway,brings forth the ideas and schemes of optimizing electro-mechanical system of Metropolis expressway and some improving measures for each sub-system.通过对都市圈域高速公路管理设施系统现状的分析,基于各子系统暴露出来的一些问题,提出了都市圈域高速公路管理设施系统的整体性优化思路与方案,并给出了各子系统的一些改善措施
1.NC Machine Tool Machining Error Cause and Improvement;数控机床产生加工误差的原因及其改善措施
2.The caution and improvement of Asphalt Mixing s Segregation;沥青混合料产生离析的原因及改善措施
3.Seven suggestions were pointed out for improvement,which can help to improve traffic condition and constitute general traffic development stratagem.为改善提高哈尔滨市城市道路网的总体建设水平,针对现状存在的问题,提出了七点改善措施
6)public traffic improvement measurements公交改善措施

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。