1.Ecological role of weeds conserved in orchard in red soil hilly area during hot-dry season;高温干旱季节红壤丘陵果园杂草保持的生态作用
2.Study on technique of extracting orchard information from Landsat TM image;基于TM影像的果园空间信息提取技术研究

1.One who owns or cultivates an orchard.果园主,果农拥有或种植果园的人
2.My orchard is bearing well this year.我的果园今年果实累累。
3.This orchard yields apples and pears.这果园出产苹果和梨。
4.It be easy to rob an orchard when none keep it .果园无人看,偷果不困难。
5.RE-ENTERING"ORCHARD CITY":Reading Shi Tuo s"Orchard City Stories";重返“果园城”——师陀《果园城记》解读
6.An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.果园一块用于种植水果或干果的土地
7.Thus, growers should saturate the planting with bees at bloom time.因此在花期,果园最好是蜜蜂满园。
8.They are in possession of a big orchard.他们有一座大果园
9.He booted the kids out of the orchard.他把孩子们撵出果园
10.The children were skylarking in the orchard.孩子们在果园里嬉戏。
11.Where is your orchard?你们的果园在哪里?
12.The orchard is fenced with barbed wire.果园用的丝网围着。
13.We have orchards covering 1000 mu.我们有1000亩的果园
14.meadow the old orchard把旧果园改造成牧场
15.His orchards bring him in & 1000a year他果园每年获利1000英镑。
16.These orchards are all operated by the farm.这些果园都是农场办的。
17.The farmers muck their orchards each year.农夫们每年为果园施肥。
18.They were made to look after the orchards.他们被分派来管理果园

1.The author analyses the current states of the irrigation technique in orchards.分析了果园灌水技术的发展现状 ,结合我国水资源紧缺这一特点 ,对现有的果园灌水技术进行了详细综述 ,探讨了果园灌水、节水技术的发展趋势 ,并提出了新的发展方向 ,以期促进我国果园地面节水技术的研究与推广应
3)market garden菜园;果菜园
4)orchard soil果园土壤
1.Spatial distribution and pollution of mercury and cadmium in Weibei apple orchard soils of Shaanxi Province;陕西渭北苹果园土壤中汞、镉污染与分布特征研究
2.5% orchard soil(OS) and 5.5%的果园土壤和炉渣,在强制通风静态垛堆肥反应器中进行了堆肥化试验。
3.The object of study was the orchard soil in Zhengchuan Village of Xingguo Town in Qin\'an County of Gansu Province under salt stress,with which a field irrigation experiment using harvested rainwater was carried out to determine effects of irrigation with harvested rainwater on salt and ions content in orchard soil profile and apple tree growth.以甘肃省秦安县兴国镇郑川村盐分胁迫果园土壤为研究对象,研究了集雨灌溉对果园土壤剖面盐分离子和果树生长的影响。
5)apple orchard苹果园
1.Studies on lead pollution in the apple orchards on the side of expressway;公路旁苹果园铅污染的研究
2.Mineral N accumulation and distribution of apple orchard soil on the Weibei dryland;渭北旱塬苹果园土壤矿质氮累积与分布研究
3.Investigation into natural enemies of insect pests in apple orchard in Shanxi;陕西苹果园天敌昆虫分布调查
6)Hillside orchard坡地果园
1.However, the unsuitable matching of hillside orchard landscape in vertical direction and its unreasonable space pattern in horizontal direction are the reasons which lead to soil erosion and badly-destroyed natural environment in hillside area.但是,坡地果园景观在垂直方向上不适宜的匹配和在水平方向上不合理的空间布局是导致山坡地区水土流失和自然生境破坏严重的根源,并从而构成了坡地果园景观生态质量退化的主要问题。
