1.Influences of water harvesting with subsoiling on the growth of Caragana korshinskii Kom. in the arid grassland;深松截流对干旱牧区柠条生长的影响
2.Effects of Subsoiling on Soil Moisture under No-tillage 2 Years Later;两年免耕后深松对土壤水分的影响
3.Power Consumption Research of Subsoiling and Rotary Tilling;旋耕深松联合作业的功率消耗研究

1."Rapids hum over heaped rocks; But where light grows dim in the thick pines,"声喧乱石中, 色静深松里;
2.The Study on Infiltration of Rainfall and Application of Bulk Subsoil;降水入渗及全方位深松技术应用研究
3.The research status and development trend of subsoiling machinery in China我国深松机械的研究现状和发展趋势
4.Utilization and Experimental Investigation of 1GSZ-160 Type Subsoil Cultivator1GSZ-160型旋耕深松机引选试验研究
5.Design and Field Experiment on 1SZ-460 Lever-type Subsoiler1SZ-460型杠杆式深松机设计与试验
6.The pines bowed low.松树深深地弯曲着身子。
7.Lanser sighed deeply.兰塞深深地松了一口气。
8.Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed.深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。
9.The tractors have made deep furrows in the loose sand.拖拉机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
10.The tractor has made deep furrows in the loose sand曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙
11.The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand.曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
12.A deep and as it were secret sigh went through the Department.整个司里的人都深深地——也是暗地里——松了一口气。
13.Adopt Deep breathing, Deep Relaxation and Deep Contraction.要用深呼吸,完全地放松和完全地收缩。
14.Take a deep breath, relax.We'll be back before you know it.深呼吸,放松,我们会在你知悉前返回的
15.dark brown marten of northern Eurasian coniferous forests.欧亚大陆松林中深褐色的貂。
16.Study on the Engineering Property of Loose Zone in Rock Slope of Open-pit;岩质深凹边坡松动岩体工程特性研究
17.A Further Analysis on Pu Songling s Writing of”Liaozhai”;蒲松龄撰写《聊斋志异》的深层分析
18.Submerged culture of Agaricus blazei Murill基于姬松茸深层发酵的Plackett-Burman筛选

1.Conservation tillage technology and associated equipment has become the theme of world agricultural development, the protection of deep-tillage technology as a key technology in China has been widely used.保护性耕作技术及配套机具已成为当今世界农业发展的主题,深松技术作为保护性耕作的一项关键技术在我国已得到广泛应用。
3)sub-soiling shovel深松铲
1.To study the vibrating property of sub-soiling shovel in practical working conditions and design the correct structure of the shovel,a modal experiment was conducted.目的为了研究深松铲在实际工作状态下的振动特性,设计合理的深松铲结构。
2.To study the strength property of sub-soiling shovel and reduce trouble in sub-soiling work,a three-dimensional model on sub-soiling shovel was created,using Solidworks software and the FEM analysis on sub-soiling shovel was carded out with Cosmos module.为研究深松铲的强度特性,减少深松作业时的故障,应用Solidworks建立了深松铲的三维几何模型,用Cosmos对深松铲进行了三维有限元分析,得到深松铲在工作载荷下的变形和应力大小,找出了深松铲的强度薄弱环节。
3.To study the vibrating property of sub-soiling shovel, the shovel was motivated in one point and the output signal was picked up in multiple-point using modal analysis method.为了研究深松铲的振动特性,采用模态试验的方法,对深松铲进行单点激励、多点拾振,应用信号分析软件进行深松铲的模态参数识别。
4)relaxation depth松弛深度
1.It is shown that the relaxation depth of rock mass at the slope is varied because of the different controlling factors.进一步的分析表明:因控制性因素差异,边坡岩体松弛深度不同。
5)vibrating deeply-loosening振动深松
1.Upon introduced international advanced technology, by digesting, absorbing, innovation, it succeeded in creating and forming a series of vibrating deeply-loosening machine which suit our country’s national conditions.文章就振动深松技术对土壤水分、土壤盐分和养分、农作物产量的影响的具体分析,阐述了其技术的科学性、创新性和实用性。
6)vibrating subsoiling振动深松
1.Study on Vibrating Subsoiling Technology and Its Key Parts;振动深松技术与关键部件研究
