1.On Medical Security and Anti-poverty Measures in Shangluo;论医疗保障与商洛反贫困策略
2.Dnscussion on the Peasants Religious Beliefs in New Countryside Construction of Shangluo;论商洛新农村建设中的农民宗教信仰问题
3.Causes for Community Poverty and Anti-poverty Mode in Rural Areas of Shangluo ——A Case of Major Areas of National Aid-the-poor Campaign in Shangzhou City, Shanxi Province;商洛农村社区贫困成因及扶贫模式研究——以陕西商州国家扶贫开发重点区为例

1.The most famous dish in Shangluo city is Shangzi.商洛最有代表性的地方菜是商芝。
2.Shangluo Drama in Plight--A Reflection on the Environment of Shangluo Drama;困境中的商洛戏剧——对商洛戏剧文化生存现状的思考
3.Shangluo Municipality Perched on the southeast of Shaanxi, historically it was the fiefdom of Sang Yang, a reformer.商洛市位于陕西东南部,是历史上商鞅的封地。
4.Mobile Communication Project of CU SL Branch;商洛联通公司移动通信工程成本管理
5.Comparative Study on the Dynamic Developing Pattern of Shangluo City s GDP;商洛市GDP动态发展规律之比较研究
6.On Problems and Solutions of the Development of Shangluo TCM Industrialization;商洛中药材产业化发展的瓶颈与出路
7.Study on the Matching Patterns of Land and Water Resoures in Shangluo;商洛地区农业水土资源时空匹配研究
8.Analysis on Articles Published in Journal of Shangluo University in the Year 2000-2005;《商洛学院学报》2000~2005年载文信息分析
9.Shangluo in Ming and Qing Dynasty: The Influence of Calamity and Chaos Caused by War to Agriculture;明清商洛:战乱与灾害对农业的影响
10.The Productive Quality,Standard of Management and Rules of Operation of Salvia in Shangluo City;商洛丹参生产质量管理规范操作规程
11.Cotinuable Utilization of Ground Resources of Shangluo MountainDistrict;浅论商洛山区土地资源的可持续利用
12.A Report on Experiment of Walnut Pest Provention in Shangluo Prefecture;商洛地区核桃害虫小区防治试验初报
13.Epidemiological Analysis of Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Shangluo City in 20082008年商洛市手足口病流行病学分析
14.SCL-90 Survey on Freshmen 2008 in Shangluo University商洛学院2008级新生SCL-90普查
15.At present,7,608 farmers have got technical titles in Shangluo Area of Shananxi Pronvice.目前,陕西商洛地区已有7608名农民获得技术职称。
16.Studies on the Insect Communities Structure and Dynamics in the Several Herb Fields in Shangluo District;商洛地区几种中草药田昆虫群落结构动态研究
17.Topic of the Dissertation: On Study and Popul Arization of Shiitake Mushroom Production Echnology;商洛市代料香菇生产技术的研究及推广
18."That isn't a good house," said Drouet.“那家商号不好,"杜洛埃说。

Shangluo city商洛市
1.Condition of water quality and pollution control in Shangluo city;商洛市水质状况及污染预防
2.On Situations and Improvement Measures of Village Women's Quality in Shangluo City商洛市农村妇女素质状况及其提高途径
3.In order to meet the need of modernizing the construction of Chinese traditional medicine,the authors summarized the basic elements of designing the soil and fertilizer information system on Chinese traditional medicine planting of Shangluo city, such as basic methods,run conditions,actualization techniques and functional module constrution of the system.从陕西省商洛市中药现代化建设需要出发,总结了商洛市中药材种植土壤肥料信息系统设计的基本思路、运行环境与实现技术及系统功能模块的构建等基本情况,并针对性地提出了系统数据的更新和动态管理的建议。
3)Shangluo Pinellia商洛半夏
1.Effect of Different Shading Measures on Increasing Production of Shangluo Pinellia;商洛半夏遮荫增产效果研究
2.A Comparative Study on Asexual Reproduction Experiments of Shangluo Pinellia;商洛半夏无性繁殖对比试验研究
3.The Research of Shangluo Pinellia s Tissue Culture;商洛半夏的组织培养研究
1.A Suevey on species of Woody Medicinal Plants in Shangluo;商洛市木本药用植物种类调查研究
2.Determination of Vaccination Season for Culture of Bagged Mushroom in Shangluo;商洛市代料香菇接种季节的确定
3.The Study on Commercial Spatial Structure of Shangluo;商洛市商业空间结构研究
5)Shangluo mountain district商洛山区
1.The characteristics of ground resouces of Shangluo mountain district and the main problems occurred in the course of how toutilize ground were analyzed objectively.从正确把握合理利用土地的含义、土地资源的可持续利用性及土地资源利用与可持续发展的关系出发,客观地分析了商洛山区土地资源特点及土地利用中存在的主要问题。
6)Shangluo mountain area商洛山区
1.This study is based on the investigations of basic geographical types,status and characteristics of land resources,situation of soil and water conservation in Shangluo mountain area,Shaanxi Province.根据区域土地资源合理利用及生态治理的要求,在调查分析商洛山区基本地貌类型、土地资源现状、特点及水土流失情况和水土保持状况的基础上,对商洛山区重点发展的12种中药材的生境特性、药用部位、土壤要求及其土地利用配置作了初步研究。
2.According to modern Chinese medical industrial base and construction in Shangluo mountain area,and from the local condition of Chinese medical materials,using data analysis and field investigation and combined with analytical test,soil types,distributing law,property characteristics,nutrient and right kinds of crude drugs of Shangluo mountain area are studied.结合商洛现代中药产业基地建设,从商洛山区中药材生产实际出发,对商洛土壤类型、分布规律、性状特征、养分含量与适种药材种类进行了详细研究。

商洛1.亦作"商雒"。 2.商县和上洛县之合称,汉初"四皓"曾隐居于此。