1.Effect of Vermicompost on the Growth of Plant in the Ecological Restoration of Iron Tailings;铁尾矿生态恢复中蚯蚓粪对植物生长的影响
2.Studies on Heat Tolerance of Cucumber and Watermelon Plug Seedling with Vermicompost-based Substrate;蚯蚓粪基质黄瓜、西瓜穴盘苗耐热性研究
3.Nutrient compositions of vermicompost and its effects on weight gain rate of Allogynogenetic crucian carp;蚯蚓粪营养组成及其对异育银鲫增重率的影响

1.Influence of Organic Materials with Fe~(2+) and Fe~(3+) Vaccine in the Earthworms on Organic Acids of Apple Rhizosphere and Wormcast铁处理有机物料接种蚯蚓对苹果根际和蚯蚓粪中有机酸的影响
2.Deodorization of Wormcast and Its Use in Broiler Breeding;蚯蚓粪除臭作用及在肉鸡养殖中的应用
3.The Study of Sewage Sludge Vermicompost Influence on the Growth and Development of Marigolds;污泥蚯蚓粪对万寿菊生长发育影响的试验研究
4.Analysis for Earthworm Feces as One of Potential Repair Agents of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil蚯蚓粪作为土壤重金属污染修复剂的潜力分析
5.Early in the day or after a rain you can find these worm-casts over all the garden paths.在每天早上或下雨之后,你都可以在花园的小径上发现有蚯蚓粪
6.Optimization of Ferment Condition of Antagonistic Streptomyces in Vermicompost and Application in Preventing Plant Diseases;蚯蚓粪中拮抗菌的发酵条件优化及其在防治植物病害中的应用
7.Research of Microbial Diversity and Isolation of Deodor Microorganism of Earthworm Cast;蚯蚓粪便微生物多样性的研究及除臭微生物的分离筛选
8.Effects of vermicompost and nitrogen application on growth and root vigor in rice不同供氮条件下施用蚯蚓粪对水稻生长及根系活性的影响
9.Effects of Earthworms and Earthworm Casts on Phytoremediation of Cu and Zn Polluted Soil;蚯蚓及蚓粪对植物修复Cu、Zn污染土壤的影响
10.Effects of Earthworms and Earthworm Casts on Degradation of Phenanthrene in the Artificially Contaminated Soil by Bacteria (Pseudomonas Putida);蚯蚓及蚓粪对假单胞菌降解土壤中菲的影响
11.cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm.穴居的蚯蚓或沙蠋排出的圆柱状粪块。
12.There have reports of worm casts being deposited to such a height in cereal stooks.据报道,蚯蚓的粪可堆至谷垛的高度。
13.Effect of EM on Disposing of Fresh Cattle Manure by Earthworm添加EM菌对蚯蚓处理鲜牛粪的影响
14.Study on Treatment of Earthworm to Different Combinations of Livestock Manure and Stalk;蚯蚓处理不同畜禽粪和秸秆组合试验研究
15.Study on Cu and Zn Uptake in Pig Manure by Earthworm (Eisenia foetida) and Its Influencing Factors蚯蚓对猪粪重金属Cu、Zn的吸收及影响因素研究
16.Effects of Earthworms and Earthworm Casts on Degradation of Phenanthrene in the Artificially Contaminated Soil by White-Rot Fungi, P.chrysosporium;蚯蚓及蚓粪对白腐真菌降解模拟污染土壤中菲的影响
17.Digestion of Rice and Wheat Straws by Earthworms and Use Values of Earthworm Casts蚯蚓消解稻麦秸秆的效果与蚓粪的初步利用研究
18.Of or resembling an earthworm.蚯蚓的蚯蚓的或类似蚯蚓的

1.Research Status of Comprehensive Utilization of Wormcast;蚯蚓粪的综合利用研究现状
2.Physical and Chemical Properties of Wormcast and Its Effect on Plug Seedling of Tomato;蚯蚓粪在番茄育苗上的应用效果
3.Application Research on Wormcast Used as Bedding Material of Broiler;蚯蚓粪作为肉鸡垫料的应用研究
3)Earthworm cast蚯蚓粪
1.The results showed that the average plant height and total number of euphylls Trichosanthes kirilowii treated with earthworm cast was 34.结果表明,蚯蚓粪处理的栝楼平均株高为34。
2.In this paper, the characteristics of livestock and poultry manure, poultry manure and the stench of pollution control and the role of earthworm cast had been reviewed.本文对畜禽粪便的特征、畜禽粪便的臭气污染及其控制和蚯蚓粪的作用进行了综述。
4)worm cast蚯蚓粪
1.Pea shoots (Pisum sativum Linnaeus) commonly grown as vegetable were cultured on substrates containing worm cast at different levels or on conventional substrates such as pearlite or tissue paper to observe the effect of different substrates on culture of pea shoots.以不同比例蚯蚓粪与常规基质珍珠岩、纸巾纸培育豌豆苗,探讨不同基质对豌豆苗菜的栽培效果。
5)compost from earthworm蚯蚓粪肥
6)Wormcast-based media蚯蚓粪基质
