1.Yield Experiment of Intercropping Pinellia ternate under Different Densities;不同密度对间套作半夏经济性状及产量的影响
2.Status and Trends of Watermelon Intercropping Cultivation in China;我国西瓜间套作栽培现状与趋势
3.Effects of Flue-cured Tobacco and Sweet Clover and Sweet Potato Intercropping on Leave Potassium Contents and Virus Diseases Occurrence of Tobacco;烤烟间套作草木樨和甘薯对烟叶含钾量及烟草病毒病的影响

1.Effects of Different Intercropping and Interplant Patterns of Green Manure on Soil Fertility不同绿肥间套作方式对培肥地力的影响
2.Difference and Its Mechanism of Interspecific Nutrition Competition in Different Intercropping Systems;不同间套作系统种间营养竞争的差异性及其机理研究
3.This room will do for honeymooners.这房间用来作蜜月套房。
4.Allelopathy in the Intercropping Mixed Cropping and Its Research Methods间套混作中的化感作用及其研究方法
5.a series of connected rooms used as a living unit.作为一个居住单元的一套房间。
6.Inter-planting models were designed with various species of crops ripening at different times.果园内实施多熟作物覆盖、间种套种。
7.Eucalyptus forest intercropping sugarcane mode and supporting technology research桉树-甘蔗间作模式及配套管理技术
8.A room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located in a building occupied by more than one household.房间房间或大楼里设计的作为一户以上居民住宅的套间
9.tubing-casing annulus油套-套管环形空间
10.a luxury condominium一套豪华的公寓套间
11.The Research of the Interplanting Patterns and the Defending of Diseases and Insects by Biology on the Non-Polluted Pepper;无公害线辣椒间作套种与生物防虫技术的研究
12.Research on Algorithms for Scheduling for Whole Set Orders;面向成套订单的车间作业计划算法研究
13.Research the Different Bandwidth and Field Structure on the Wheat and Corn Multipe Intercropping Patternsin;小麦玉米套作带宽与田间配置结构研究
14.Research on Intercropping and Active Ingredient of Lonicera Macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. and Chrysanthemum Indicum L.灰毡毛忍冬与野菊间作套种及有效成分研究
15.Effect of Interplanting Time of Non Leguminous Plants on Tobacco Yield and Quality非豆科作物套种时间对烤烟产量和质量的影响
16.compound arbitrage复合套汇,间接套汇,三角套汇
17.Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization and Interspecies Reciprocity in the Two Relay-planting Systems两种三熟套作体系中的氮素吸收利用及种间相互作用
18.We have single room, double room, suites, and deluxe suites.我们有单人间,双人间,套房和豪套.

inter and relay cropping system间套作
1.Studies on the interplanting cultivation of Pinellia ternate and Triticum aestivum at Beiduwu in Shanxi province;山西省北杜坞村半夏与冬小麦间套作栽培技术研究
4)intercropping and interplant间套作
1.The intercropping and interplant between maize and potato was studied to investigate the application amounts and cultivation measures for balance high yield in the dry land with middle and lower yield.为了研究在不同玉米/马铃薯分带间套作下的需肥要求和均衡丰产措施,在中低产旱地进行了均衡丰产平衡施肥技术试验。
2.The results from the effects of different intercropping and interplant patterns of green manure on soil fertility showed that the maize yield in improved soil fertility areas under 1:1 application ratio between organic and inorganic fertilizer averagely increased by 23.为了研究在不同间套作模式下增施有机肥对中低产土壤肥力的影响,特进行了不同绿肥间套作方式对地力培肥的影响试验,结果表明,改良培肥区有机肥和无机肥施用比例为1∶1左右,玉米产量比常规施肥平均增产102。
1.With the extension of hybrid cotton as well as early-maturing soybean varieties in the valley of the Yangtse River,the interplanting technology of soybean with cotton is also developing.随着杂交棉花在我国长江流域的普及,早熟大豆品种的育成与推广,棉田套种大豆技术也在不断发展,大豆、棉花、西瓜和小麦四种作物间作套种,既能增加生产效益,也能使大豆增产。
1.Effects of garlic-Chinese cabbage intercropping systems on the guilds of arthropod communities in vegetable fields;大蒜-小白菜间作套种对菜田节肢动物功能团的影响
2.The potatoes in this area are suitable for intercropping with many other crops such as corn,cotton,watermelon,and some vegetables.马铃薯在山东省可春秋两季栽培,适合与玉米、棉花、蔬菜等多种作物间作套种。
