生态县,Ecological County
1)Ecological County生态县
1.Taking building a ecological county in Baoying as the main object,this paper reveals the advantages and disadvantages in the building of ecological county in Baoying,based on concrete analysis of local conditions of natural resources,economic development,as well as other social,technical and policy factors.以生态县建设为主要研究对象,通过对宝应县的自然资源条件、经济发展基础以及技术、政策等因素的分析,阐述了宝应建设生态县的有利因素和制约因素,明确了生态县建设的指导思想和目标任务,并就开展生态县创建工作,提出了相应的行政、法制、经济、技术保障措施。
2.In 1996, the national environmental protection bureau opened the Ecological Demonstration Area in the whole country and put forward the foundations of the Ecological Province, Ecological City and Ecological County in 1999.1996年,我国为了解决资源浪费和环境污染等问题,探索可持续发展模式,国家环保总局在全国开展了生态示范区创建活动;1999年,又提出开展生态县、生态市和生态省的创建活动,将生态示范区建设扩展到了更大的范围和区域。

1.Eco-County's Construction and Regional Sustainable Development--Taking Yihuang County as An Example生态县建设与区域可持续发展——以宜黄县为例
2.Preliminary Discussion on Constructing Eco-agricultural County into Eco-economic County;生态农业县转向生态经济县建设初探
3.Ecological Quality of the County-level Officials:the Key to the Development of Intra-county Ecological Economy发展县域生态经济与县级领导干部的生态素质
4.Research on Ecological Carrying Capacity and Ecological Footprint of Yongxiu County;永修县生态承载力和生态足迹的研究
5.Dynamics of ecological footprint of Guyuan County from 1997~20061997~2006年沽源县生态足迹动态变化分析
6.The County Established by Ecology,Activated by Culture,Harmonized by People s Livelihood--The Path of Practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development in Yuexi,Anhui;生态立县·文化活县·民生和县——安徽岳西践行科学发展观的路径
7.Research on Plan of Nation-level Ecologic Experimental Area Construction in Da Yi County;成都市大邑县国家级生态示范县建设规划研究
9.Research on Ecological Strategy of Mountainous County--Suichuan County in Jiangxi Province as an Example;山区县域实施生态立县战略的探讨——以江西省遂川县为例
10.Study on Sustainable Ecological and Economic Development in County-scale Regions Based on Ecological Footprint Theory --A Case Study in Xiji County,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;基于生态足迹的县域生态经济可持续发展研究——以宁夏西吉县为例
11.Ecosystem ecological security evaluation of mountainous county:Taking Yongshun county,Hunan as an example典型山区县域生态系统生态安全评价——以湖南省永顺县为例
12.Constructing Ecological Security Pattern in County Scope Based on the Spatial Difference of Eco-environmental Restriction基于自然生态约束评价的县域生态安全格局构建——以无为县为例
13.Assessment to Regional Ecological Economic Systems of Counties Based on Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹理论的县域生态经济系统评价
14.Ecological Footprint Analysis and Ecological Security Study of Changling County;长岭县生态足迹分析与生态安全初步研究
15.Study on the Eco-agricultural Planning and Design in County Based on Landscape Ecological Theories Yangzhong Zhenjiang to Demonstrate;基于景观生态的县域生态农业规划与设计
16.Planning of Eco-agriculture Construction for Ecological Demonstration Area in Mountainous County;山区县生态示范区生态农业领域建设规划研究
17.Analysis of Ecological Footprint Dynamic Changes in Downtown:a Case Study of Helinge'r县域生态足迹动态变化分析——以内蒙古和林格尔县为例
18.Assessment and dynamic changes of environmental vulnerability at county level:a case study in Kenli County of the Yellow River Delta,China县域生态环境脆弱性评价及其动态分析——以黄河三角洲垦利县为例

1.The purpose of studying and establishing the regulations is to instruct and standardize the establishment of construction planning of eco-county, eco-city and eco-province.为指导和规范生态县、生态市、生态省建设规划的编制 ,研究制定了本导则。
2.The substance of eco-province, eco-city and eco-county constructio n is raising the ability of a areas sustainable development, mainly including th r ee aspects:eco-economy, eco-environment and eco-society.生态省、生态市、生态县建设的实质是可持续发展能力建设。
3.It went on the construction of eco-county from 2005.该县于2000年开始创建全国生态示范区,通过验收后,又于2005年正式启动国家级生态县建设。
3)the county established by ecology生态立县
4)Eco-agriculture county生态农业县
1.Eco-agriculture county CS comprises 7 certification indexes,19 certification bases and 49 grading standards;eco-agriculture village CS comprises 8 certification indexes,23 certification bases and 53 grading standards;while eco-agriculture garden CS comprises 8 certification indexes,15 certification bases and 39 grading standards.阐述了制定生态农业认证标准的背景及现实意义,具体介绍了生态农业县的7类认证指标、19项认证依据、49个评分标准,生态农业村的8类认证指标、23个认证依据、53个评分标准和生态农业园区的8类认证指标、15个认证依据、39个评分标准,剖析了各自标准的优缺点,并提出进一步改进与完善认证标准的方向。
5)ecological demonstration county生态示范县
1.The principles and guiding ideas of total planning of ecological demonstration county construction are expounded.论述了生态示范县建设总体规划的指导思想与原则 ,在分析宜君县基本情况及制约该县可持续发展因素的基础上 ,根据生态示范县建设的要求确定合理的生态示范县建设目标和 5个重点发展领域。
6)ecological restoration county生态退耕县

迪沟生态旅游风景区位于安徽颍上县东北部的汤店镇,地处济河 .西肥河交汇处,东临凤台,北与利辛相接壤,204省道纵穿南北。94年以前,这里还是一条荒凉的湾地,后来因势利导,结合旅游业发展的趋势在600亩58年遗留下来的小农场的基础,边规划,边实施,建成了生态旅游与佛教文化为一体的旅游风景区。整个风景区由竹音寺,五百罗汉堂和生态园组成。