1.An Experimental Study on Germination Rate and Seedling-forming Rate of Eight Species of Magnoliaceae;8种木兰科植物种子的发芽、成苗试验
2.The Review of the Asexual Propagation on Magnoliaceae;木兰科植物无性繁殖研究概况
3.Conservation Value and Exploitation Foreground of the Magnoliaceae Plants in Yunnan;云南木兰科植物的保护价值与开发前景

1.Magnoliaceae wild northern Fujian and the development and utilization of plant resources闽北野生木兰科植物资源及开发利用
2.Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Two Extracts Isolated from Illicium两种八角属木兰科植物提取物抗炎镇痛作用的比较(英文)
3.Genetic Resource Evaluation of the Magnoliaceae Species and Cultivar Breeding of Michelia Chapensis Dandy;木兰科植物种质资源评价和乐昌含笑品种选育研究
4.Study on the Application of Magnolia Family Plants to the City Gardens in Anhui Province;木兰科植物在安徽省城市园林绿化中的应用研究
5.The Distribution and Application of Magnolia in City Gardens of Anhui Province安徽省木兰科植物的分布及其在城市园林中的应用
6.A Study on Introduction of Magnolia Plants in Lishui and Analysis of Its Adaptive Distribution木兰科植物在丽水地区的引种调查和适生性分析
7.RAPD and ISSR Analysis of 20 Species in 6 Genera from Magnoliaceae;木兰科6属20种植物的RAPD和ISSR分析
8.Analysis of the Natural Organic Compounds in Tetraena Mongolica and Maxim Magnolia Grandiflora L. Etc;蒺藜科四合木及木兰科广玉兰等植物中化学成分分析
9.THE COMPOSITAE OF WESTERN HUBEI(Ⅴ)──Echinopsideae Cass., Cynareae Less,Mutisieae Cass.and Caichorieae Cass.湖北西部菊科植物(Ⅴ)──兰刺头族、菜蓟族、帚菊木族和菊苣族
10.family of desert shrubs and trees (mostly halophytes and zerophytes).沙漠灌木和乔木科(大多数是盐土植物)。
11.The flannel bush.佛里蒙特属的植物法兰绒灌木
13.The Resource Collection of the Magnolia Species and the Study on the Seedings Characteristics and Adaption of M. Amoena木兰属植物资源收集和天目木兰种苗特性与抗性研究
14.Bilateral flowers evolved , e.g. those of the pea family (Fabaceae) and orchids (Orchidaceae).左右对称花类植物发生多样化进化,如豆科植物(豆科)和兰科植物(兰科)。
15.Any of several other plants in the pea family, such as bush clover and sweet clover.豆科植物豌豆科的其他植物,如灌木胡枝子及草木犀
16.a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods; divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae; Mimosaceae; Papilionaceae.带有豆夹的乔木灌木木本植物和草本植物大科;为方便从亚科中分离出来;含羞草科;豆夹科。
17.DSIR Plant Diseades Divisio新西兰科学工业研究部植物病虫害所
18.A member of the parsley family.香芹,欧芹,荷兰芹伞形科植物中的一种

Magnolia plants木兰科植物
1.Investigation on the main diseases of Magnolia plants;木兰科植物主要病害及其防治研究
2.Investigation on the insect pests of Magnolia plants;木兰科植物主要害虫调查初报
3.The paper analyzes the introduction of 23 species of magnolia plants in Lishui and summarizes the ecological conditions in the introducing area and the building technology of the planting base.52cm,部分树种已进入开花结实期,其它3种因不适应死亡,引种结果表明木兰科植物在该试验地的引种保存基本是成功的。
1.Experiments on introduction and cultivation of magnolias in Shenyang region;沈阳地区木兰科植物引种栽培试验
2.Based on the result of field investigation,the main diseases and pests on ornamental Magnolias in Guiyang area were introduced,including 8 species of diseases and 15 species of pests.本文记述了贵阳地区观赏木兰科植物上发生的23种主要病虫害种类,包括病害5种,虫害15种。
4)magnoliaceae plant木兰科植物
5)Magnoliaceae aroma plant木兰科芳香植物
1.A Preliminary Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships in Orchidaceae Based on cp rRNA ITS Sequence Data;基于叶绿体rRNA ITS序列的兰科植物系统发育关系分析
2.Study on the Conservation of Orchidaceae;兰科植物保育研究概况(综述)
3.Eco-physiological Effects of the Endophytic Fungi on their Orchidaceae Hosts;兰科植物内生真菌对其宿主植物生理效应研究

(一)Illicium verum Hook.f木兰科植物。(二)Fructus Anisi Stellati分子式:CAS号:性质:又称大茴香。八角茴香的干燥成熟果实。辛、温。主要含挥发油(茴香醚、茴香醛、茴香酸等)、脂肪油及蛋白质、树脂等化学成分。具有温阳散寒、理气止痛、抑菌等作用。用于寒疝腹痛,肾虚腰痛,胃寒呕吐,脘腹冷痛等。