1.It is not proper that the intertillage can heat soil and protect cotton Rhizoctonia Solain against was proved based on thermal exchange theory.以土壤热交换理论和中耕试验结果为依据,证明中耕提高地温,预防立枯病一说不甚确切。

1.row-crop attachment中耕作物耕作附加装置
2.complete cultivator全面中耕机[耕耘机]
3.vibrator cultivator振动[弹柄]式 中耕
4.ting-and-cultivation attachment栽植与中耕附加装置
5.multirow-crop rotary cultivator多行作物旋转中耕
6.spring-loaded tine cultivator弹簧加载齿式中耕
7.The cultivator worked fourteen hours a day, laying by the corn.中耕机每天工作14小时,给玉米作最后一次中耕
8.Pressure and Protection of Farmland in Chinese Modernization Process;论我国现代化进程中耕地压力和耕地保护
9.Effects of Different Inter-tillage Technologies on Soybean Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Slopping Farmland不同中耕技术对坡耕地大豆产量及水分利用效率的影响
10.and cultivation doesn't correct this?中耕不能解决土壤粘闭的问题吗?
11.Comparison of the Ploughland System and Scale Operation of Ploughland between China and Western Countries;耕地制度与耕地规模经营之中西比较
12.land - holding peasant of feudal society in China中国封建社会的自耕农
13.The Origin of Japanese Agriculture:The Theories of Jyoumon Agriculture and Yayoi Rice-cultivation;日本农业起源问题中的绳文农耕与弥生稻耕论
14.In anthropological and ethnological documents, slash-and-burn cultivation is also termed shifting cultivation, burn cultivation of mountain slope fields, primitive agriculture, horticulture, agriculture relying on raining, etc. .在人类学、民族学的文献中,刀耕火种也称游耕、山田烧垦、初耕农业、园艺式农业、降雨农业等。
15.Although cultivated land in the United States makes up for only 20 percent of its territory, still its per-capita average is nine times that of China.美国耕地虽只占国土的20%,但人均耕地是中国的9倍。
16.Typically, magnesium levels in soils under no tillage do not change materially from those under conventional tillage.免耕和传统耕作制相比,土壤中镁的含量没有实质的变化。
17.The Importance of Green Manure Cover Crops and Crop Rotation in the No-tillage System -- Experiences in the development of the No-tillage System in Brazil and Paraguay绿肥作物轮作覆盖在免耕中的重要性——巴西和巴拉圭免耕发展经验
18.Temporal-spatial Analysis of Cultivated Land Pressure in China Based on the Ecological Tension Indexes of Cultivated Land;基于耕地生态压力指数的中国耕地压力时空差异分析

3)cultivation uproot中耕锄草
4)cultivation and earthing up中耕培土
1.Effects of mulching with wheat stalk after cultivation and earthing up on flue-cured tobacco growth,nutrient uptake,yield and quality;中耕培土后覆盖秸秆对烤烟生长及养分吸收和产质量的影响
1.This Thesis through the experiment of subsoiling and studying the maize earthnut and millet in 863 testing farmland Matiying village Fuxin county Liaoning province,the result indicates: The influence of subsoiling to the main growth index of different crop is different,In proper order is :maize millet and peanut.2中耕深松机对玉米与谷子等主要作物进行中耕深松试验。
2.2 subsoiler in 863 testing farmland Matiying village Fuxin county Liaoning province, contracting and studying containing water of soil of the corn ﹑earthnut and millet, which is subsoiled or nonsubsoiled, illuminating the influence of subsoiling to containing water of soil, educing that the subsliling can popularized in agricultural production .2型中耕深松机机组对玉米、谷子和花生三种不同作物的中耕深松,研究中耕深松对土壤含水量和作物生长发育影响。
1.Effects of Different Styles of Inter-tillage on the physicochemical properties of Soil and Growth Development of Maize Ⅰ.Effects of Different Styles of Inter-tillage on Growth Development of Maize;中耕方式对土壤理化特性及玉米生长发育影响研究——Ⅰ.中耕方式对玉米生长发育的影响
