
1.A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.隐花植物先前已被确认的一个分类的成员,包括有所有的无籽植物,如苔藓、水藻、真菌和蕨类植物
2.In the Braun-Blaoquet school the description of synusial associations was not confined to cryptogam communities.在Braun-Blaoquet学派中,层片群丛的描述不限于隐花植物群落。
3.flowering plant能开花的植物,显花植物
4.The bridge of Austerlitz had abdicated, and was entitled the bridge of the King's Garden [du Jardin du Roi], a double enigma, which disguised the bridge of Austerlitz and the Jardin des Plantes at one stroke.奥斯特里茨桥退位了,改名为御花园桥,那种双关的隐语把奥斯特里茨桥和植物园都同时隐没了。
5.(of a plant)stop flowering as seed is produced(指植物)花谢结子.
6.a flowering plant开花植物【植】贴梗海棠
7.Any of various plants that bloom in May.五月花五月开花的植物
8.The flower of this plant.大桅子花这种植物的花
9.The flower of such a plant.野花这种植物的花朵
10.The flower head of one of these plants.大丽花花头这种植物的任一种的花头
11.A plant having no permanent woody stem;an herb.草本植物,花草没有永久木茎的植物;草本植物
12.All the wild plants are in bloom.野生植物正百花盛开。
13.(of plants) bearing or characterized by aments or catkins.(指植物)具有柔荑花序。
14.The tuber of this plant.花生这种植物的块根
15.a family of flowering plants of the order Caryophyllales.石竹目中的开花植物科。
16..(of a plant)having roots that fill its pot completely(指植物)根生满花盆的.
17.plant with lead-blue flowers.有石墨蓝的花的植物。
18.runner bean(type of climbing bean-plant)红花菜豆(攀缘豆科植物).

3)Gryptogamic wood隐花植物式木材
1.The Gryptogamic wood are primary and have exarch and mezarch Primary xylem; while the phanegamic wood are evolutionary and have endarch Primary Xyle.从系统发育看,出现最早的应是早已灭亡的乔木状蕨类植物的隐花植物式木材,例如:Lepidodendron,sphenophylum等。
4)anticryptogamic preparation抗隐花植物制剂
6)cryptogamy algology隐花植物藻类学
