1.Study on plant residues harvested in floating culture system as stuffs in pig manure composting;漂浮栽培修复系统的植物残体作为猪粪堆沤填充料的应用研究

1.Effect and Mechanism of Retting Pretreatment on Anaerobic Biogasification of Rice Straw;堆沤预处理提高稻草厌氧消化产气量的实验研究与机理探讨
2.Research Progress on Composting Technology of Organic Waste as Growing Seedlings Media育苗基质用的有机废弃物腐熟堆沤技术研究进展
3." By" fermentation tun" is meant the place where food is decomposed and digested.“沤”指的是食物腐熟消化的地方。
4.Notes to "Yu Ou Collection;白云本无心 随风自舒卷——《馀沤集》解读
5.A Set of Technology for Flax from Planting,Dew Retting to Simple Processing亚麻种植、雨露沤制、初加工一体化生产配套技术
6.He was determined to be informed and methodical about the process.他决定要?沤庹?鲅盗妨鞒滩⒂刑醪晃傻亟?小
7.Zen, the way of life. Zen Tea just a click away!这里提供轻松简易?沤獠?禅的生活乐趣的资讯。
8.Study on Anaerobic Processes Treating Flax Wastewater;几种厌氧工艺处理沤麻废水的实验研究
9.Study on Flax Retting Wastewater Treatment Using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket and Membrane Bioreactor Method;UASB-MBR联合工艺处理亚麻沤制废水的研究
10.An Interpretation of "Oulang"--A Recognition of the Ancient Miao and Yao Peoples Wisdom on Ecology;释"沤榔"——对古苗瑶民族生态智慧的再认识
11.Treatment Effect of the Ret Flax Waste Water by Soil-fly Ash粉煤灰-土壤系统对沤麻废水的处理效果
12.Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.?蔷突厝ィ?け噶讼懔舷愀唷K?窃诎蚕⑷眨?阕褡沤朊?蚕⒘恕
13.If you shock, I will tie.你堆成堆,我来捆。
14.A pile, mound, or heap.一堆,一垛,堆积物
15."A fire! Make a fire!"“一堆火!生一堆火
16.For its socialist construction, China needs an international environmentof peace and a domestic situation of stability, unity and great order.⑽夜?纳缁嶂饕褰ㄉ瑁?枰?桓龊推降墓?驶肪常?枰?桓龉?诎捕ㄍ沤幔?煜麓笾蔚木置妗
17.She was far prettier than Joy, who could never compare with someone so scented and powdered, dressed in silks and satins.她比小福子美多了,而且香粉香水的沤着,绫罗绸缎的包着,更不是小福子所能比上的。
18.The snow drifts in heaps.雪一堆一堆吹积起来。

natural decomposition自然堆沤
3)pile fermentation堆沤发酵
4)retting organic fertilizer堆沤有机肥
5)retting pretreatment堆沤预处理
6)dual-chamber composting heap双室堆沤肥
1.The fruit named "Dual-chamber Composting Reactor System" from the major national scientific and technological project of "Research on Non-point Source Pollution Control Technology for Dianchi lake" is applied to design the four different kinds of fertilizing treatments based on the dual-chamber composting heap.应用国家重大科技专项"滇池流域面源污染控制技术研究"成果"双室堆沤肥系统",设计使用双室堆沤肥不同的4种处理方式施肥。
