1.The Countermeasures and Advices for the Urbanization Development of Renhuai——the Hometown of State-liquor;国酒之都——仁怀城市化发展的对策建议

1.The Countermeasures and Advices for the Urbanization Development of Renhuai--the Hometown of State-liquor国酒之都——仁怀城市化发展的对策建议
2.A study on evaluation for adaptation of farmland in karst area based on GIS--A case study of Renhuai City of Guizhou Province;基于GIS的喀斯特地区农村土地适宜性评价——以贵州省仁怀市为例
3.It took fiv hours of patient negotiations and calling in of favors to secure a Jeep to take Andy to a one-star hotel room in Renhuai.经过五个小时的耐心交涉和求助,才找到一辆吉普把马普安送到仁怀市一家一星级旅店。
4.The condition or quality of being lenient;leniency.宽厚,仁慈宽大仁慈的状况或品质;慈悲为怀
5.Jen-Love and Caring--The Comparison between Confucian Jen-Love Education and Noddings Caring Education;仁爱与关怀——儒家的仁爱教育思想与诺丁斯的关怀教育思想之比较
7.Our teachers taught us to be benevolent我们的老师教导我们应当以仁慈为怀。
8.The Basic Contents and Framework of Ferdinand Verbiest s Thorough Inquiry into Physics;南怀仁《穷理学》的主体内容与基本结构
9.Ferdinand Verbiest's theory had a far-reaching influence in China. Even in the second half of 19 century,there were still Chinese scholars who used the theory of Ferdinand Verbiest to explain the problem of compass.南怀仁的理论在中国影响深远,直到19世纪中叶,仍有中国学者用南怀仁理论解释指南针问题。
10.The Kand xi emperor and Nan Huai ren's affections were deep, like family members and friends.康熙帝与南怀仁之间感情深厚,如同家人朋友。
11.Mr. Whitelaw's benevolence would descend like soothing balm.怀特洛先生的仁慈就会象甘露一样从天而降。
12.The old woman have a benevolent feeling towards all cat.那个老太太对所有的猫都怀有仁慈之心。
13.Western sources in YI XIANG TU;南怀仁所著《仪象图》部分内容的西方来源
14.Design of the Measures for the Prevention of Water Loss and Soil Erosion of the First-stage Construction of Shuozhou’s Huairen Power Plant朔州怀仁电厂一期工程水土流失防治措施设计
15.You feel uplifted in some way when you are around people whose thoughts are filled with loving kindness.当你处在那些思想充满仁慈与关怀的人们周围,你感到某种振奋。
16.For the first time in my life, I doubted the existence and his mercy, and the coldness in my heart was colder than ice.有生以来我第一次怀疑仁慈上帝的存在,心里比冰雪还要冷。
17.Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, con-fidence, justice.和平不只是没有战争,而是一种美德,一种心态,一种仁慈、信、义的情怀。
18.He could only say that he was sure he had always been fair and considerate to everyone.他只想说他觉得他一向对每个人都一视同仁,关怀体帖。

1.nov),found in Lower Permain at Wajiayao, Huairen coun-ty,Shanxi province are reported.本文记述了三个产自怀仁吴家窑早二叠世地层中的带种子(壳斗,植物化石新种Pecopterismagni-folia(sp。
2.The running script book Preface of Holy Doctrine is Huairen s collection of Wang Xizhi s handwriting scripts,not Wang s own contribution.行书《圣教序》是怀仁集王羲之字所成,而非王羲之亲自所书。
3)Nan Huairen南怀仁
1.The Document Value of Nan Huairen’s Kun yu quan tu;南怀仁《坤舆全图》的文献价值
4)benevolent mind仁者胸怀
5)benevolence mood仁爱情怀
6)Huairen county怀仁县
1.Supported by Geographic Information System(GIS) and mathematical statistics methods,the temporal-spatial characteristics of land use changes from the first land survey in 1989 to the second in 2009 in Huairen County of Shanxi Province were analyzed quantitatively by using a land use change index model.利用GIS技术和数理统计分析方法,借助土地利用变化指数模型,定量分析了山西省怀仁县1989年第一次土地调查至2009年第二次土地调查的土地利用变化时空特征。
