2)insect and plant昆虫与植物
1.In recent years, the study of coevolutionary relationship between insect and plant has achieved great progress.20世纪60年代以来,协同进化的理论一直是许多领域的学者关注的热点,对昆虫与植物之间协同进化关系的研究,近年来取得了长足的进步。

1.Studies on Mechanism of Catastrophic Forest Pest Outbreaks and Its Countermeasures in View of Plant-insect Evolutional Relation从昆虫与植物的进化关系看当今林业害虫的发生与治理对策
2.the symbiosis between a plant and the insect that fertilizes it一植物与使其受精昆虫的共生关系.
3.minute insect that feeds on plant juices; related to scale insects.以植物的汁液为食的微小的昆虫;与介壳虫有关。
4.An organism that feeds mainly on insects.食虫动植物主要以昆虫为食的动植物
5.An insect or insect larva, such as the corn borer, that bores into the woody parts of plants.蛀虫钻入植物的木质部的昆虫或昆虫幼虫,如玉米螟虫
6.(of animals and plants) feeding on insects.(指动物和植物)以昆虫为食。
7.breed or type(of animal,insect,plant,etc)(动物、昆虫、植物等的)系,品系,品种,类型
8.any of various small plant-sucking insects.各种吸取植物汁液的小昆虫。
9.The insect soon becomes good food for the plants,很快昆虫就成为这类植物的美味佳肴,
10.small leaping insect that sucks the juices of plants.善于跳跃、吸食植物汁液的小昆虫。
11.and she taught me to be interested in plants and insects,@ she told me.教我对植物和昆虫的兴趣。”她说。
12.Many insects use crucifers as hosts.许多昆虫以十字花科植物为寄主。
13.Diversity and Temporal Pattern of the Insect Community on Main Garden Plants in "Therr Kong" Scenic Spots;“三孔”旅游风景区主要园林植物昆虫群落多样性与时间格局研究
14.mosquito-like insect whose larvae feed on fungi or decaying vegetation.象蚊子一样的昆虫,其幼虫吃真菌或腐烂的植物。
15.The nutrition classes relationship of plant,phytophagous insect and natural enemy植物、植食昆虫、天敌三个营养层次间的关系
16.Effects of Plant Epicuticular Waxes on Phytophagous Insects Behaviour植物表面蜡质对植食性昆虫的影响研究进展
17.small bright-colored insect that feeds on plant juices.以植物的汁液为食的颜色鲜艳的小昆虫。
18.Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do.短命的生命只延续一天的,如某些植物或昆虫

insect and plant昆虫与植物
1.In recent years, the study of coevolutionary relationship between insect and plant has achieved great progress.20世纪60年代以来,协同进化的理论一直是许多领域的学者关注的热点,对昆虫与植物之间协同进化关系的研究,近年来取得了长足的进步。
3)BEPQ Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine(U.S.A)昆虫学与植物检疫局[美]
4)plant-insect system植物-昆虫系统
5)plant-insect interactions植物-昆虫关系
1.In order to better understand the profound effects of habitat fragmentation on the interaction of plant and insect community, we introduce the meaning and quantitative measures of habitat fragmentation and the effects of habitat fragmentation on plant-insect interactions, including the plant-herbivore, plant-pollinator, seed-pre.文章针对生境破碎化的内涵、量度指标进行介绍,着重分析生境破碎化对植物-昆虫关系的影响,包括植物与植食性昆虫的关系、植物与传粉昆虫的关系、种子与种子捕食者的关系,植物及其分解者的关系,还分析生境破碎化对昆虫-昆虫关系的影响,包括昆虫及其拟寄生物的关系、捕食者与猎物的关系。
6)Insect host plant昆虫寄主植物

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学