数学模拟,mathematical simulation
1)mathematical simulation数学模拟
1.A new mathematical simulation approach for tubular reactors in ethylene pyrolyzer;乙烯裂解炉反应管数学模拟新方法
2.The mathematical simulation method of migration of fines and clay swell in elastic porous medium;弹性多孔介质粘土膨胀和微粒运移的数学模拟方法
3.Mathematical simulation of the gas saturator/ water heater packed column;填料型饱和热水塔数学模拟

1.Mathematical Simulation of electrode performance on Proton Exchange Membrabce Fuel Cells;PEMFC阴极催化层电化学性能的数学模拟
2.Mathematical simulation of steelmaking process of BOF with combined blowing: kinetic model复吹转炉炼钢过程数学模拟:动力学模型
3.mathematical modelling of sulphur dioxide dispersion二氧化硫散布的数学模拟系统
5.Mathematical Simulation for Acetic Acid Process Through Low-Pressure Methanol Carbonylation;甲醇低压羰基化制醋酸装置数学模拟
6.Research on the Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of Microbial Flooding微生物驱油数学模型及数值模拟研究
7.Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement in Field Part 11: Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation田间非饱和土壤水分运动的数值模拟—Ⅱ数学模型及数值模拟
8.The Mathematics Model and Simulation of Space-time Diffusion for Technological Innovation;技术创新时空扩散的数学模型与模拟
9.Ice Force Model Test of Water Diversion Projects and Numerical Simulation输水工程冰力学模型试验及数值模拟
10.System simulation for COREX process: model descriptionsCOREX工艺系统模拟的数学模型
11.DYSAC (Digitally Simulated Analog Computer)数字模拟的模拟计算机
12.alog-to-digital-analog converter system模拟数字模拟转换系统
13.ADAC (Analog-Digital-Analog Converter)模拟-数字-模拟转换器
14.The Study on Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of Productivity of Multilateral Wells;分支水平井产能数学模型及数值模拟研究
15.Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation Study of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler;循环流化床锅炉数学模型及数值模拟研究
16.Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulation of Three-lane Traffic Flow Based on the Measurement;基于实测的三车道交通流数学模型和数值模拟
17.A coupled seepage-horizontal well flow model and numerical experiments渗流-水平井流耦合数学模型和数值模拟
18.A mathematical model for sliding window polynomial fitting is proposed.提出了滑动窗多项式拟合数学模型。

numerical simulation数学模拟
1.Numerical Simulation on Fluid Field in Mould for Slab Concasting;板坯连铸结晶器钢液流场的数学模拟
2.The Development of Numerical Simulation for Glass Melting Process;玻璃熔制过程数学模拟的进展(Ⅰ)
3.Multicomponent Multiphase & Unu-isothermal Numerical Simulation of CO_2 Miscible Flooding;CO_2混相驱多组分多相非等温数学模拟
3)mathematical modeling数学模拟
1.Mathematical Modeling of K-OBM-S Converter Melting Process for Steelmaking of Stainless Steel;K-OBM-S转炉冶炼不锈钢过程的数学模拟和应用
2.Preliminary investigation on mathematical modeling of the side and topcombined blowing refining process of stainless steel in an AOD converter;不锈钢AOD转炉侧顶复吹精炼过程数学模拟初探
3.Contacting model of mathematical modeling for the inter-grinding of clinkers from different type of kiln;不同窑型熟料混合粉磨的数学模拟接触点模型
4)mathematic simulation数学模拟
1.Ultrasonic extraction process of berberine from rhizome coptidis and mathematic simulation;黄连中小檗碱的超声波提取工艺及数学模拟
2.Kinetics and mathematic simulation of nutrient release from coated controlled release fertilizer under the condition of flooded paddy soil;淹水稻田土壤条件下包膜控释肥料养分释放的动力学与数学模拟
3.Study on mathematic simulation of geologic structure stability in Changsha,Zhouzhu and Xiangtan area of hunan province;长、株、潭地区构造稳定性数学模拟研究
5)mathematical model数学模拟
1.Concerning the uneven distribution of the temperatures of glass ribbon, cooling air and tube, a discretemathematical model of heat transfer in annealing lehrs for float glass was developed and solved numerically.分析了退火窑内传热的基本过程,建立了一个传热的数学模拟
2.A mathematical model of adsorption of phenol in soil has been studied using linear function of adsorption isotherm.本文利用等温吸附的线性关系,对苯酚在土壤层中的吸附动力学过程进行数学模拟研究。
6)mathematical modelling数学模拟
1.Study on mathematical modelling for RH and RH-KTB refining processes of molten steel:mathematical model of the processes;钢液RH和RH-KTB精炼过程数学模拟的研究:过程数学模型
2.Study on mathematical modelling for AOD refining process of stainless steel:application of model to practice;不锈钢AOD精炼过程数学模拟的研究:模型的应用

数学模拟  数学模拟试验的简称。在应用数学模型方法研究复杂过程时,建立数学模型并确定模型参数后,对数学模型进行求解,以获得不同条件下过程特性的计算结果。例如:在研究精馏设备的操作优化时,可通过数学模拟得到采用不同回流比时所能达到的分离效果,以及加热蒸汽和冷却水的消耗量,以供确定优化操作条件。这种模拟试验代替了用实际设备和物料进行的试验,从而大大节约试验工作的时间和费用。数学模拟通常在电子计算机上进行,根据已建立的数学模型,选用或创造合适的模型求解方法,编制相应的计算程序,然后在不同的规定条件下进行运算。    自20世纪50年代中期电子计算机进入化工领域以后,数学模拟在化工过程开发和化学工程研究中的应用日见普遍。迄今,对各类化工过程和设备的计算,已积累了大量算法和程序。为便于应用还发展了不同规模、适用于不同应用范围的各种化工模拟系统。在化工过程的研究和开发中,化学工程师通过数学模拟进行研究开发项目的论证、研究方案的规划和评价,过程的灵敏度分析、化工过程和设备的设计以及操作条件的优化。