农业生产,Agricultural Production
1)Agricultural Production农业生产
1.Ecological environment destruction and agricultural production decay in Shanxi in Qing dynasty;清代陕西生态环境的破坏与农业生产的衰变
2.Effects of acid deposition on agricultural production and its control strategies;酸雨对农业生产的影响及其对策
3.Survey on the agricultural production and farmers livelyhood in Baiyin City;白银市农业生产及农民生活情况调查

1.Self-produced agricultural products sold by agricultural producers;农业生产者销售的自产农业产品;
2.Land Rights,Non-agricultural Employment Opportunities and Farmers' Agricultural Investment土地产权、非农就业机会与农户农业生产投资
3.elementary agricultural producers' cooperation初级农业生产合作社
4.preferential price of agricultural means of production农业生产资料优待价
5.2. Steady development in industrial and agricultural production.2.工农业生产稳步发展。
6.price index of agricultural means of production农业生产资料价格指数
7.It is of significance to study agricultural geology for agricultural production.研究农业地质对农业生产有重要意义。
9.Stressing Farmers Self-investment in Agriculture;重视农业生产经营主体对农业的投入
10.Survey on the agricultural production and farmers livelyhood in Baiyin City;白银市农业生产及农民生活情况调查
11.Analysis on the Cost of Agricultural Production for Farmer Income农业生产成本对农民农业收入的影响分析
12.working the land as an occupation or way of life.把农业生产作为职业或者谋生的手段。
13.Unit of Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development妇女参与农业生产和农村发展股
14.Since we are operating in rural areas, agricultural production is of necessity a major task.我们处在农村只能以农业生产为主。
15.Effects of Price of Agricultural Production Means on Income of Orange Farmers农业生产资料价格对橘农收入的影响
16.Land System,Land Scale and Agricultural Production Performance农地制度、土地规模与农业生产绩效
17.The production of such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery, which the State has publicly ordered to be obsolete, shall be forbidden.禁止生产国家明令淘汰的农药、兽药、农业机械等农业生产资料。
18.Research on Relationship between Price Fluctuation of Agricultural Production Materials and Increasing of Farmers Net Income in Agricultural Production;农业生产资料价格变动与农民农业生产纯收入增长关系研究

agriculture production农业生产
1.Impact of land occupation on agriculture production and counter measures of highway construction;公路占地对农业生产的影响及对策
2.Discuss on Apply a Unit Foodstuff Cost Control Contradictorily Management in Agriculture Production;论农业生产中实施“斤粮成本逆控”管理
3.The author analyzed the drought tendency and the effect on agriculture production in China, and thought that the tendency of drought couldn t change.分析了我国干旱发展趋势及对农业生产造成的影响 ,认为干旱趋势不可逆转 ,全国年均受旱面积占各种气象灾害受灾面积的 5 5 。
1.On the Active Effect of the Conscr ipting System on the Devel opment of Agriculture;论募兵制度对北宋农业生产的积极意义——兼谈“荒年募兵”
2.The Study of the Stability of Agriculture in Huangfan Plain in Qianlong Period of Qing Dynasty;乾隆时期黄泛平原农业生产稳定性研究
3.Chinese agriculture has occupied an important place in the world.作为一个农业大国,中国的农业生产在世界占有重要地位。
4)agricultural productivity农业生产力
1.Good agriculture ecological environment is potential agricultural productivity.农业生态环境保护和农业生产力之间存在着密切关系。
2.Agricultural productivity may be raised in a sustainable way by many different technologies such as biological fertil-izers, soil and water conservation, biodiversity conservation, improved pest control, and changes in land ownership and distri-bution.许多不同的技术可以促进农业生产力的持续增长,生物技术是其中最重要和最有前途的方法。
3.In the future, soil conditioners utilization can be considered as one of important measures to increase agricultural productivity.土壤结构恶化、肥力低下是限制农业生产力发展的基本问题。
5)agriculture-stock production农牧业生产
1.A set of basic data for agriculture-stock production was acquired through careful integration and analysis of existing material from different sources such as various statistic departments of the governments and scientific studies.以奈曼旗为例,根据农牧业生产综合模型对农牧业生产的主要方面进行了分析。
6)industrial and agricultural production工农业生产

农业生产布局  指农业生产各门类由于一定的安排、部署而形成的空间分布。又称农业配置。其范围大至一个国家不同地区之间的农业生产分工,小至一个地区内不同生产项目的配置、组合方式。合理的布局可以使农业生产的发展因地制宜,以便从一定面积的土地上获得尽可能多的优质农产品,取得最佳的经济效益和综合社会效益。    进行农业生产布局时,一般在符合国家或地区的经济发展需要的前提下,以农业区划为依据,充分考虑下列原则:①扬长避短,因地制宜,根据国家需要和不同地区的自然和社会经济条件,部署最适宜的农业生产部门。②生产同原料来源和产品的加工消费地区相结合,农业布局同工业相结合。如建立为工业和城市服务的工业原料、商品粮和副食品供应基地;在原料产地建立相应规模的农产品加工工业等,以利农业的专业化和商品化。③促进农业生产地区间的平衡发展,在农业发达和较发达地区生产发展的同时,扶持不发达地区的农业,使之尽快赶上生产水平较高的地区。    为了使农业生产布局合理化,常需对原有的布局进行分析、评价。其方法除通过定性的分析、研究来揭示原有生产布局中的矛盾,提出改进方向外,还常借助于定量分析,如用函数分析法来分析农业生产和布局中各种因素同农业生产效果的函数关系,并以此预测生产发展的前景,为制定新的布局方案提供依据。其他常用的方法还有投入产出法、线性规划法、系统动态分析法以及与之相应的各种数学模型,如计量经济模型、投入产出模型、数学规划模型、系统动态学模型等。评价农业生产布局方案合理性的指标则包括产量指标(单位土地面积产量、总产量、商品产量)、产值指标(总产值、单位土地面积产值、商品产值)、成本指标(单位土地面积成本和单位产品成本)、劳动生产率指标等。此外,还要考虑生态效益与社会效益等方面的指标。