生态效益,ecological benefit
1)ecological benefit生态效益
1.Investigation on ecological benefit of returning cultivated land to grass land in Heqing county;金沙江流域退耕还草地生态效益调查研究——鹤庆县试点区调查报告
2.Urban geenbelt ecological benefits evaluation and prediction model based on RS & GIS technology;基于RS、GIS的城市绿地生态效益评价与预测模型
3.Study on the ecological benefits of urban green land in zhengzhou and it's optimum model;郑州城市绿地生态效益与优化配置研究

1.On Market Mechanism of Ecological Benefit Compensation of Non-commercial Forest;公益林生态效益补偿的市场机制研究
2.Study on Establishment of Eco-industrial Chain Based on Eco-efficiency;基于生态效益的生态产业链形成研究
3.Disquisition on the Mechanism of Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation for Collective Non-Commercial Forest in Guangxi;广西集体生态公益林生态效益补偿机制研究
4.Measurement and implementation of the compensation fee of ecological benefits of Guangzhou forests;广州市森林生态效益计量及生态公益林补偿
5.There is the dialectical relation between ecological benefit and economic benefit, therefore, both of them should be united together.生态效益与经济效益是辩证关系,应做到生态效益与经济效益相结合。
6.The relationship between forestry ecological benefits and economic benefits and legal protection谈林业生态效益与经济效益的关系及法律保障
7.Second, shifting from free use to non-gratuitous use of forest ecological value.二是由无偿使用森林生态效益向有偿使用森林生态效益的转变。
8.Study on the Ecological Impacts and Allelopathy of Interplanting Grass in Hilly Orchards;果园生草的生态效益及化感作用研究
9.Study on Benefits Compensation of Ecological Forests--A Case Study of Tonggu County in Jiangxi;公益林生态效益补偿研究——以江西铜鼓县为例
10.Discussion on Policy and Law of Compensation for Ecological Benefit of Welfare Forest;公益林生态效益补偿政策与法律问题探讨
11.On Ecological Benefit Compensation Policy and Regulation for Public Welfare Forest;我国公益林生态效益补偿政策与法规问题探讨
12.Theory Foundation of Establishment of Compensational Mechanism forEcological Benefits of Public Forest;建立公益林生态效益补偿制度的理论依据
13.On The Legal Mechanism of Public Forests Eco-efficiency Market Compensation公益林生态效益市场补偿的法律机制初探
14.On the Eco-efficiency of the Non-public Forest and the Construction of the Guarantee Mechanism试论非公益林的生态效益及其保障机制的构建
15.Research on Assessment of Ecological Benefits of Forests and the Ecological Compensation in Jilin Province吉林省森林生态效益评估及其生态补偿研究
16.Study on ecological benefits about air purification of ecological forest belts in Zhenhai district,Ningbo宁波镇海区生态隔离林带净化大气的生态效益
17.The recognition of silvatic ecological benefit by modern science makes it Possible to bring the measurement of the forestry ecological benefit into the evaluation system of forestry operating benefit.现代科学对森林生态效益的认定,使林业生态效益的计量纳入林业经营效益评价体系成为可能。
18.Define ecological efficiency in regards to transportation policy.结合交通政策谈谈什么是生态效益

ecological benefits生态效益
1.The design and distribution of ecological benefits monitoring station of protecting forest of the Yangtze River in Hunan Province;湖南省“长防林”生态效益监测站设计与布局研究
2.Evaluation of ecological benefits of water-saving irrigation demonstration project in pastoral area based on AHP;基于层次分析法的牧区节水灌溉示范工程生态效益评价
3.Analysis of ecological benefits and countermeasures of sustainable management for present tussah forests in mountainous areas in Eastern Liaoning;辽东山区现有柞蚕场的生态效益分析及可持续经营对策
3)ecological effect生态效益
1.A study on ecological effect of landscape plant in Qianwei campus of Jilin University;吉林大学前卫南校区园林植物生态效益的研究
2.Ecological effect of windbreaks and sand-fixation forests on Heihe River valley—A case study of Gaotai County,Gansu Province;黑河流域防风固沙林生态效益研究——以甘肃省高台县为例
3.Studies on the ecological effect of plantingbreeding models in the rice field;稻田种养模式生态效益研究
1.Dynamic model of environmental performance evaluation for industrial enterprises based on eco-efficiency;基于生态效益理念的企业环境绩效动态评估模型
2.Establishment of evaluation system of forest eco-efficiency in yanbian forest areas after the implementation of natural forest protection project;延边林区天保工程实施后森林生态效益评价体系的建立
3.On the Eco-efficiency of the Non-public Forest and the Construction of the Guarantee Mechanism试论非公益林的生态效益及其保障机制的构建
5)ecological efficiency生态效益
1.It can be done better if only the idea about ecological efficiency and tree species selection is changed.针对黄土高原植被建设中存在的覆被率低 ,造林成活率、保存率低和效益低等问题 ,提出了只有在生态效益、树种选择等方面转变观念 ,才能切实搞好植被建设 ,并提出了植被建设中值得注意的若干重大问
2.Innovation and illustrating the necessity of the evaluation of ecological efficiency in enterprises tech.本文旨在指出传统的技术创新评价的不足,说明企业进行技术创新生态效益评价的必要性,并在阐述实现技术创新生态效益标准的基础上,根据需要建立了一套切实可行的企业技术创新生态效益评价指标体系,分析了几种常用的评价数学模型。
3.This thesis has evaluated the economic efficiency, the ecological efficiency and the social efficiency of using straws as feed, fertilizer, gas, gasification, power generation, building materials from the point of using straws as a resource.本文从秸杆资源化利用的角度,综合评价了秸杆作饲料、肥料、沼气、气化、发电、建材的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,提出了优化利用方案,以期推动我国秸杆资源合理利用的进程。
6)Public-spirited performance in ecosystem生态公益效益
1.Public-spirited performance in ecosystem 10165000000RMB,account for 88.09亿元,生态公益效益101。

生态效益  自然界生物系统对人类的生存条件、生活环境和生产活动所产生的有益效应。例如人们生存、劳动和游憩必需呼吸清洁的空气、摄入营养物质,需要宁静的环境等。    生态效益是从生态平衡的角度来衡量效益。生态效益与经济效益之间是相互制约、互为因果的关系。在某项社会实践中所产生的生态效益和经济效益可以是正值或负值。最常见的情况是,为了更多地获取经济效益,给生态环境带来不利的影响。此时经济效益是正值,而生态效益却是负值。生态效益的好坏,涉及到全局和长期的经济效益。在人类的生产、生活中,如果生态效益受到损害,整体的和长远的经济效益也难得到保障。因此,人们在社会生产活动中要维护生态平衡,力求做到既获得较大的经济效益,又获得良好的生态效益。    生态效益和经济效益综合形成生态经济效益。在人类改造自然的过程中,要求在获取最佳经济效益的同时,也最大限度地保持生态平衡和充分发挥生态效益,即取得最大的生态经济效益。这是生态经济学研究的核心问题。长期以来,人们在社会生产活动中,由于只追求经济效益,没有遵循生态规律,不重视生态效益,致使生态系统失去平衡,各种资源遭受破坏,已经给人类社会带来灾难,经济发展也受到阻碍。从事某项生产建设项目,以单纯的经济观点来衡量,其个别的、一时的经济效益可能很高,但往往存在着对生态资源的掠夺和破坏,如森林过伐、酷渔滥捕、陡坡开荒、草场超载过牧等。这种只看目前、不顾长远的开发利用方式是错误的。客观现实要求人们树立生态经济效益的观点。    在人与自然的物质交换过程中,合理地进行人为的调控,充分发挥自然系统的自我调控作用,从而维护生态与经济的平衡,以求得生态效益与经济效益的统一,是当前世界各国包括社会主义国家经济发展中的迫切任务。