有机农业,organic agriculture
1)organic agriculture有机农业
1.The advantages,problems and countermeasures of organic agriculture development in Dingxi;定西市有机农业发展优势、问题与对策
2.Development,Question and Countermeasure of Organic agriculture in China;中国有机农业发展现状、问题和对策
3.Looking on organic agriculture dialectically and promoting pollutionfree fertilization;辨证看待有机农业 推进无公害施肥

1.International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements国际有机农业运动联合会(有机农联)
2.Discuss the Promoter Action from Organic Agriculture to Agricultural Economy;有机农业对农业经济的促进作用浅析
3.Develop organic farming to maintain agricultural sustainable development;开发有机农业 实现农业可持续发展
4.Developing Organic Agriculture, Reducing Various Pollution Resources in Agriculture;发展有机农业 遏制农业面源污染
5.Develop the Organic Agriculture, Solve the Problems of Agriculture, rural area and Peasants;大力发展有机农业 着实解决“三农”问题
6.Industrialization of Organic Agriculture and Development Countermeasures in the Poor Areas of China;有机农业产业化与贫困地区农业发展对策
7.Fully Developing the Organic Agriculture and Maintaining the Sustainable Development of the Agriculture;大力发展有机农业 维护农业的可持续发展
8.Organic farming and the sustainable development of land reclamation enterprises in southern China;有机农业与我国南方农垦企业的可持续发展
9.Research on Strategies for Organic Agricultural Development of Leye County;乐业县有机农业发展思路与对策研究
10.Efficient Way to Solve the Problems of Agriculture,Rural Area and Farmers through the Organic Agriculture;发展有机农业是解决“三农”问题的有效途径
11.Discussion on the developing prospect of the Dalian organic agriculture from the development of international organic agriculture;从国际有机农业发展谈大连发展有机农业的前景
12.Name List of the Third Countries Collected by European Committee for International Trade of Organic Agricultural Products欧盟有机农业产品贸易的“第3国名录”
13.International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement国际有机农业运动联合会
14.The Present Situation Rpoblems and the Measures for the Development of Organic Agriculture in Henan Province;河南省有机农业发展现状、问题及对策
15.The Present Situation, Problems and the Measures for the Development of Organic Agriculture in Jiangxi Province;江西省有机农业发展现状、问题及对策
16.A Comparative Research on Supporting Policies of Organic Agriculture in EU;欧盟各国有机农业支持政策比较研究
17.The Development Planning of Organic Agriculture and Its Countermeasures in Fenggang County,Guizhou;贵州凤冈县有机农业发展规划与对策
18.Current Situation,Problem and Countermeasure of the Organic Agriculture in Yunnan;云南省有机农业的现状·问题与对策

organic farming有机农业
1.Develop organic farming to maintain agricultural sustainable development;开发有机农业 实现农业可持续发展
2.Prospects of organic farming in China;论中国有机农业的发展前景
3.To assess the effect of organic farming on soil heavy metals, concentrations of heavy metals including Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni were detected for the soils under the practices of organic and conventional farming.以上海市奉贤县星辉园艺场有机大葱、白花菜基地,江苏省溧水县共和有机水稻基地和安徽省岳西县余畈有机猕猴桃基地为研究对象,通过采样监测,比较研究了有机农业与周围相应常规农业土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr和Ni等6种重金属含量的差异性。
3)Organic farm有机农业农场
4)bio-organic agriculture生物有机农业
1.Israel has developed the commercialized products in bio-organic agriculture since the eighties last century.自上个世纪80年代起,以色列便实现了生物有机农业产品的商业化运作。
5)organic agriculture with special characters特色有机农业
6)principles of organic production有机农业规程

中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所 中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所见中国农业经济科学研究机构。