旱稻,upland rice
1)upland rice旱稻
1.Evaluation of new upland rice varieties planted in summer in high and cold mountain area;高寒山区夏播旱稻新品种试验与评价
2.Effect of different N forms on the response of paddy and upland rice plants to water stress;不同形态氮素对水稻和旱稻响应水分胁迫的影响
3.Effects of moisture on content of major nutrients in soil and upland rice plants;水分对旱稻土壤及植株中主要营养元素含量的影响

1.highland rice; upland rice; mountain rice旱稻、高原稻,山地稻
2.Screening and Appraising of Drought Sensitive and Dwarf Mutant Lines Induced by Radiation in Developed Upland Rice;改良旱稻敏旱及矮秆抗旱突变体的筛选与鉴定
3.Brazilian upland rice Aiba 9 was used as the control,comparison experiments of five new upland rice varieties such as Handao 502 and Handao 10 etc.以巴西旱稻艾巴9号为对照,对旱稻502、旱稻10号等5个品种进行小区比较试验。
4.Study on the Water Requirement of Paddy and Upland Rice and the Genetic Basis of Drought Tolerance at Reproductive Stage in Rice;水、旱稻需水差异及后期抗旱性遗传研究
5.Mapping QTLs Affecting Stigma Exsertion of "Huhan 1B" as a CMS Maitainer of Upland Hybrid Rice;杂交旱稻保持系“沪旱1B”柱头外露率的QTL定位
7.Mapping of QTLs affecting stigma exsertion rate of Huhan 1B as a CMS maintainer of upland hybrid rice杂交旱稻保持系沪旱1B柱头外露率的QTL定位
8.Developing a Core Collection of 335 Upland Rice and Mapping QTL Associated with Drought Tolerance in Rice;335份旱稻核心种质构建与栽培稻抗旱相关QTL定位
9.Overexpression of Arabidopsis Salt Tolerance-Related Genes Together in Upland Rice and Improvement for Salt Tolerance;拟南芥抗盐相关基因在旱稻中同步高表达及旱稻的抗盐性
10.Identification of Marker Varieties on Drought Tolerance & Utilization of Three-Way Hybrid from Paddy Rice and Upland Rice;栽培稻抗旱标识品种的筛选与水旱稻三交种的应用研究
11.Drought Resistance Evaluation and Analysis of QTLs Associated with Drought Resistance Traits in Lowland Rice and Upland Rice;水、旱稻抗旱性评价及抗旱相关性状的QTL定位分析
12.QTL Analysis of Panicle and Leaf Traits in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Polymorphism Detection of Upland Rice by SSR Markers;水稻穗叶QTL分析和旱稻SSR标记多态性检测
13.High Yield Cultivation Mathematical Model and its Application on the Brazil Dry Rice巴西旱稻高产栽培数学模型及其应用
14.Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of Aluminum Tolerance in Upland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);热带旱稻抗铝的遗传及分子机理研究
15.Research and Application on Water Environment and Upland Rice Yield;水环境与旱稻产量性状的研究与应用
16.Effect of Zn Supply on Zn Uptake and Partitioning in Aerobic Rice;供锌水平对旱稻锌积累与分配的影响
17.Upland Rice Transformation of the Soybean Ferritin Gene;大豆铁结合蛋白基因在旱稻中的转化
18.A Study on Upland Rice Transformation of Salt Tolerance Gene (mtlD);耐盐基因(mtlD)转化旱稻研究

aerobic rice旱稻
1.Establishing optimum irrigation schedules for aerobic rice in Beijing using ORYZA2000 model;应用ORYZA2000模型制定北京地区旱稻优化灌溉制度
2.Field evapotranspiration characteristics and water use efficiency of aerobic rice under different water treatments;不同水分处理旱稻农田蒸散特征和水分利用效率
3.Yield of aerobic rice at different seeding rates in North China;华北地区播种量不同时旱稻产量的形成
3)dry rice旱稻
1.Six new varieties of dry rice introduced from China Agricultural University were used to conduct comparison experiments between plastic-film mulching and open-field direct sowing.十堰市农业局自2006年开始从中国农业大学等单位引进6个旱稻新品种,采用地膜覆盖与露地直播对比试验,初步探索出了旱稻地膜覆盖的节水、高产高效机理与技术路线。
2.Refer to the parameters that measured from the field experiment optimized for regression, the regression equation for coding value is found,which mirrors the goal-directed characters of dry rice s output by the two factors;Nitrogen and Phosphor.通过最优回归设计田间试验测得的参数,建立旱稻产量目标性状的氮磷两因素效应编码值回归方程,从挖掘方程所蕴藏的信息得出,早稻高产最大施肥量为N298。
1.Cultivation Techniques of CHINESE DRY-LAND RICE NO. 3 in Vanuatu;旱稻3号在瓦努阿图的栽培技术
5)upland rice seedlings旱稻幼苗
6)high-yield upland rice高产旱稻
1.Effects of plant regulator Z-S on senescence of high-yield upland rice after anthesis;植物生长调节剂Z-S对高产旱稻花后衰老的影响

大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画  墓址在山西大同市城北郊约3公里多。1954年发现。西为1号墓,东为2号墓。两墓壁画相同,2号墓较完整。2号墓墓门东西两侧壁各画l门卫,西壁画车马出厅图,其中有驼车,另有宴饮图1幅。东壁画乐队12人,各执乐器,排列有序,正在吹奏;上部画l衣架,架右立l女侍,架后站1男侍。北壁绘花卉山石围屏5条,上有蓝黄色卷帷幔,西侧立女侍捧盘,东侧立童侍捧唾盂。1号墓西壁画车马出行图,其中亦有驼车,另有两组饮宴图。北壁画花卉围屏5条,上方画帷幔,西侧立1女侍,东侧立l童侍。墓门两侧壁面各画l门卫,执竿而立。