复混肥,compound fertilizer
1)compound fertilizer复混肥
1.Computation of dosing and estimation of feed cost for the compound fertilizer;复混肥配料计算和成本估算软件包的开发
2.Study on chemical reaction among chemical fertilizers in the production process of certain compound fertilizers;复混肥几种配料体系中的成盐反应研究
3.Modification of drum granulator for production of compound fertilizer;复混肥转鼓造粒机的改造

1.A brief review on compound fertilizer industry in China;浅谈我国复混肥料(复合肥料)工业
2.Focus on developing specialty compound fertilizer for base application--Discussion on "Development trend of compound fertilizer in China";重点开发基肥型专用复混肥——再论我国复混肥的发展方向
3.Linsuanyian, Linsuaneran, of Hefei, the mixed fat, calcium superphosphate, salt fertilization manufacture, marketing.磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵、复合肥、复混肥、过磷酸钙、冲施肥制造、销售。
4.Development and Application of New Type Granulation Binder for Organic Compound Fertilizer Based Compost;新型堆肥有机复混肥造粒粘结剂的研制与应用
5.Studies on Developing Slowly-releasing Compound Fertilizer from the Ammonia Sulfite Pulp Black Liquid and Its Fertilizer Efficiency;亚铵法制浆废液研制缓释复混肥及其肥效研究
6.Study on Lawn-special Organic Compound Fertilizer Using Garbage Compost as Raw Materials;利用垃圾堆肥生产草坪专用复混肥的研究
7.Fertilizer Efficiency Experiment of Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer by Using Municipal Sewage Sludge利用城市污泥生产的有机-无机复混肥肥效试验
8.Study on the Effects of Compound Fertilizer on Nitrate Leaching and Fertilizer Efficiency施用复混肥对硝态氮淋溶及肥效影响研究
9.Determination of lead element content for compound fertilizersGB/T14539.4-1993复混肥料中铅的测定方法
10.Determination of available phosphorus content for compound fertilizersGB/T8573-1988复混肥料中有效磷含量测定
11.Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。
12.Determination of Ca in a High P/Ca Liquid Compound Fertilizer高磷高钙液体复混肥中钙含量的测定
13.The Present Status and Development Countermeasures of Compound Fertilizer's Production in Hunan湖南省复混肥料生产现状及发展对策
14.The nutrient loss-controlling mechanism and yield-increasing effect of loss-controlled compound fertilizer控失型复混肥的控失机理及增产效果
15.Industrial ammonium chloride (inorganic salt), the mixed fat, Xiemianfei, organic fertilizer, Weifei manufacture, sale (involving permits licensed to operate).工业氯化铵(无机盐)、复混肥、叶面肥、有机肥、微肥制造、销售(涉及许可证凭许可证经营)。
16.Effect of Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rate and Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer on Yields and Quality of Vegetables;化学氮肥用量及有机无机复混肥对蔬菜产量和品质的影响
17.Effection of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application and Organic-inorganic Mixed Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Lettuce;氮肥用量与有机无机复混肥对莴苣的产量和品质的影响研究
18.Effects of Amount of Chemical and Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertilizer on N &P Loss in Coastal Saline Region,Zhejiang Province化肥用量和有机无机复混肥对浙江海涂区氮磷损失的影响

compound fertilizers复混肥
1.Preparation of synergism conditioning filler for compound fertilizers with phosphogypsum processing medical stone用磷石膏处理麦饭石配制复混肥增效调理填充料
2.Effect of compound fertilizers, which contained four different coal humic acids derived from four counties in the Fenxi mine field, on the corn growth was studied through field experiment.以玉米为供试作物,对汾西煤田四县市煤炭腐植酸用于复混肥进行了田间对比试验,测定其产量、生理指标和形态指标,为生产和使用以及推广复混肥提供科学依据。
3.As the higher yield and higher benefit of balanced fertilization, compound fertilizers will be the leading product in the future; in China, a farmer's fertilizer input is 25% of his agriculture cost, or 50% of his material input, while in Japan, the 2 figures are only 6% and 10% respectively in rice production.从平衡施肥产量高、效益大等角度阐述复合化是肥料的发展方向;针对我国农民的投入中化肥占农业生产成本的25%,占物资费用的50%以上,而日本稻米生产上述两项仅分别占6%及10%,分析我国复混肥的生产成本构成,提出应努力降低生产成本;介绍市场机会研究的基本方法,确定市场容量,预测市场增长率,提高市场占有率。
3)complex fertilizer复混肥
1.The paper studied the effect of complex fertilizer to yield and nutrtion of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium of soybean in this experiment.通过田间试验及室内分析相结合的方法,研究了大豆专用复混肥对轮作、连作大豆氮、磷、钾营养及产量的影响。
4)compound fertilizer复合(混)肥
1.Phosphorus in compound fertilizers and its availability in soils;提出在复合(混)肥生产中应合理配料,并控制好生产工艺,减少水溶磷在复合(混)肥中的退化。
5)compound iron fertilizer复混铁肥
1.The iron transformation , their effects on soil factors and iron availability of compound iron fertilizer (CF,self-made iron fertilizer) and sulphate iron(FeSO 4) in calcareous soil were investigated by using soil incubation method.通过土培试验的方法 ,研究了复混铁肥、硫酸亚铁两种肥料在石灰性土壤中的形态转化、对土壤因子的调控作用及在有效性上的差异。
2.Compound Iron Fertilizers had significant effects on rectifying peanuts chlorosis caused by iron deficiency.复混铁肥土施矫治石灰性土壤花生缺铁黄化效果显著。
6)compound fertilizer复混肥料
1.Study on caking factors of compound fertilizer;复混肥料结块因素实验研究
2.Fast determination of sulfur content in compound fertilizer;复混肥料中硫含量的快速测定
3.Study on production technology of anti-caking slow release high nitrogen compound fertilizer;高氮缓释防结块复混肥料生产技术
