1.The integration of trade-industry-agriculture has gradually become an important approach to develop rural economy.贸工农一体化已逐步成为农村经济发展的一条重要途径。

1.The Selection Between Vertical Coordination and Spot Markets;贸工农一体化经营与市场交易的选择研究
2.A comparative study on the regional models of agribusiness integration between China and abroad;中外贸工农一体化经营地域模式比较研究
3.Industry, agriculture and trade must Be comBined to Bring producer and sellers together.工农贸结合,产销见面
4.Impact of Trade Openness on Domestic Agricultural -Industrial Terms of Trade and Welfare of Agricultural Producers;贸易开放对我国工农产品贸易条件及农民福利的影响
5.In the case of commodity production, industry, agriculture and trade should Be comBined so as to link production with sales.让商品生产工农贸结合,产销见面。
6.China trades in industrial and agricultural products with many countries.中国与许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易。
7.a nation cannot exist without industry and agriculture, and money and commodities can not circulate without commerce and trade.一个国家,无工无农无根本;无商无贸无流通。
8.The Effect Analysis of Social Security System of Peasant Workers on International Trade and Exchange Rate;农民工社会保障制度对外贸和汇率的效应分析
9.Research and Application of Logistics Mode of Enterprises Integrating Agriculture, Industry and Commerce;农工贸一体化企业物流管理模式研究与应用
10.Strategic Thought About Promoting Tulufan s Typical Farm Produce Processing and Trade;提升吐鲁番特色农产品工贸产业的战略思考
11.Impact of WTO Accession on Domestic Pesticide Industry;加入世界贸易组织对我国农药工业的影响
12.With the advantage of the farm, our company comBines industry, agriculture and trade, so as to Bring producers and sellers together.本公司利用农场优势,实行工农贸结合,产销直接见面。
13.The W.T.O. had hoped for a free trade agreement by the end of last year on trade in farm and industrial goods and services.世界贸易组织本希望在去年底就工农业产品和服务方面达成一个自由贸易协定。
14.In the case of commodity production, comBining industry, agriculture and trade so as to Bring producers and sellers together will meet the requirement of the market economy.商品生产走工农贸结合,产销见面道路,是符合市场经济要求的。
15.We must achieve still greater successes in agriculture, industry and trade.我们必须使农业、工业、贸易三方面都比现在有更大的成绩。
16.Agricultural trade restrictions--at least among the industrial countries--have increased greatly.对农产品贸易的限制——至少在工业国之间——有了很大的增加。
17.Sales Logistics Management Mode of Enterprises Integrating of Agriculture,Industry and Commerce and Its Run System;农工贸一体化企业销售物流管理模式及运行系统
18.Study on Multi-level Inventory Management Model of Supply Logistics For Enterprises Integrating Agriculture,Industry and Commerce;农工贸一体化企业的供应物流分级库存管理模式研究

typical farm produce processing and trade industry特色农产品工贸产业
3)agricultural trade农业贸易
1.Agricultural Trade and Russo-German Relations before the Great War;农业贸易与第一次世界大战前的德俄关系
2.The essence of the confrontation among groups at Cancun Conference lies in the fight for the interests of agricultural trade.坎昆会议集团对抗的实质在于农业贸易的利益争夺。
3.In general,agricultural trade is more restricted than manufacture trade,which hampers the food commodity re-distribution over the world.从农业贸易看,农业贸易限制程度远远高于工业贸易,这不利于粮食作物产量在全球的分配;从农业生产看,发达国家和发展中国家完全不同的政策导向,导致了全球农业生产的低效率。
4)free market of agricultural products农贸市场
1.Meanwhile,this causes the dispute about "the transformation of free market of agricultural products into supermarket".同时,这也引起了人们关于“农转超”的争论,然而超市到底能不能取代农贸市场最终取决于消费者。
5)agricultural trade supermarket农贸超市
1.It is to be replaced by a specialty form, the agricultural trade supermarket.取而代之的将是一种特色经营形式———农贸超市。
6)trade of agricultural products农产品贸易
1.As more attention is paid to environmental protection, the conflict between trade of agricultural products and environment becomes more and more serious.随着环境保护日益受到重视,农产品贸易与环境之间的矛盾越来越突出。
2.As far as the international trade of agricultural products is concerned,green barriers include green tariff system,green technical standard system,green environmental label system,green packing system,sanitation quarantine system and green subsidy s.绿色壁垒对中国农产品贸易的影响具有两面性,既有消极的影响也有积极的影响。
