2)Electra complex恋父情结
1.The pattern of the novel comes from Freud s theory of Electra complex and at the same time it has direct connection with Zhang Ailing s life experience in her childhood.张爱玲的小说《心经》讲述的是许小寒爱上父亲的故事,小说的故事模式一方面来自弗洛伊德的“恋父情结”理论,另一方面也是与张爱玲的童年生活经验直接相关。
2.As women,especially advanced women,have intense Electra complex towards identification with time awareness,which comes from libido impulse from the deep heart.而作为女性尤其是先进女性,对时代意识的认同具有强烈的恋父情结。

1.This is the female version of the Oedipal problem-the girl is hostile to her mother, in love with her father.与恋母情结相对应,女孩具有恋父情结——该女孩恨她母亲,爱她父亲。
2.17. Unresolved attachment to mother with accompanying hatred of father17、解不开的恋母恨父情结
3.Dickinson's Electra Complex and Masochism in Freud's Theory从弗洛伊德的理论看狄金森的恋父和自虐情结
4.Continuing Thinking at the Place Where Sex Stops--On Chen Ran s Feminine Consciousness from the Complex of Patricide;在性别停止的地方继续思考——从恋父/弑父情结看陈染的女性意识
5.The theory of oedipus complex says that young boys unconsciously rival their fathers for their mothers' affection恋母情结理论认为小男孩下意识中和父亲竞争母亲的情感
6.The theory of oedipus complex say that young boy unconsciously rival their father for their mother's affection恋母情结理论认为小男孩下意识中和父亲竞争母亲的情感。
7.Romantic attachment is adult's emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。
8.her father had found out the affair她的父亲发现了他们的恋情,
9.Sentiments of Oedipus Complex in “The Storm”--the mention of individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness in Cao Yu s writing of “The Storm”;论《雷雨》的“恋母仇父”情结——兼谈曹禺创作《雷雨》的个人无意识和集体无意识
10.On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers";论《儿子与情人》中的“恋母情结”
11.On narcissistic complex of Paul in Sons and Lovers;论《儿子与情人》中保罗的自恋情结
12.My summer fling turned into a major lovefest.我夏天的恋情结果变成一场认真的恋爱。
13.As for me, the atmosphere and surroundings of the place where my parents live have no sentimental attachment.我对父母居住之地的气氛、环境没有眷恋的情感。
14.When an office Romance Ends当一场办公室恋情结束时。
15.and nothing satisfies narcissism like immortality.没有什么能像不朽这样满足自恋情结。
16.On the Narcissistic Complex of Blanche in Tennessee Williams s a Streetcar Named Desire;浅析《欲望号街车》中白兰琪的“自恋”情结
17.The Narcissism Complex of Yi an under the Vision of Feminism;女性主义视野下的易安自恋情结试探
18.Lack of Maternal Love and Mother Complex--Interpreting ZHOU Ping s Psychology;母爱缺失与恋母情结——周萍心理解读

Electra complex恋父情结
1.The pattern of the novel comes from Freud s theory of Electra complex and at the same time it has direct connection with Zhang Ailing s life experience in her childhood.张爱玲的小说《心经》讲述的是许小寒爱上父亲的故事,小说的故事模式一方面来自弗洛伊德的“恋父情结”理论,另一方面也是与张爱玲的童年生活经验直接相关。
2.As women,especially advanced women,have intense Electra complex towards identification with time awareness,which comes from libido impulse from the deep heart.而作为女性尤其是先进女性,对时代意识的认同具有强烈的恋父情结。
3)narcissism complex自恋情结
1.The literature achievements of Yi an is closely related to her narcissism complex.易安的文学成就与她的自恋情结密不可分。
2.Since the middle of 80th decades of 20th century, Chinese Literature shows some narcissism tendency,which grows up to narcissism complex gradually.自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国文学中的自恋已有所表现,且逐渐形成一种自恋情结。
3.s:Ji Bolun s medium-length novel The Broken Wings reflects "narcissism complex"in his subconsciousness.在《折断的翅膀》中 ,“我”与萨勒玛·克拉玛的人格特征 ,是作者潜意识中“自恋情结”的产物 ;“我”与萨勒玛·克拉玛的爱情观 ,则代表了作者主体人格的分裂 ,从另一层面上体现了纪伯伦人格结构中的“自恋情结”;而在小说中多次出现的“死亡”场景中 ,纪伯伦潜意识中的“自恋情结”则在变形和升华中进入
4)Oedipus complex恋母情结
1.On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers";论《儿子与情人》中的“恋母情结”
2.Oedipus Complex——Analysis of Hamlet by using Freud s viewpoint;恋母情结——以弗洛伊德的观点解读哈姆雷特
3.On Li Yu s " Oedipus Complex";浅谈李渔的“恋母情结”
1.Jude s excessive powerful libido, Sue s narcissism, Arabella s pleasure principle give birth to their respective characteristic and outlook on life.主人翁裘德强大的力比多、淑的自恋情结、艾拉白拉的快乐原则决定了他们各自的性格特征和人生道路。
6)oves the oppressive complex恋虐情结
1.Loves the oppressive complex to be in flood in the Chinese present age feminine literature,In the work female,either is far away the crowd,either is indulges in the crowd.恋虐情结在中国当代女性文学中泛滥,作品中的女性,要么远离人群,要么在人群中放纵。
