1.A Study on the Sustainable Development of NTFP in Songpan County;松潘县非木质林产品可持续利用初探

1.Current Situation and Countermeasures of Exploitation and Utilization on the NWFPs in China;我国非木质林产品开发利用现状及对策研究
2.Development of Non-timber Forest Products Through Agri-forest Compound Ecological System;通过农林复合生态系统发展非木材林产品
3.Carbon Flow and Stock of Harvested Wood Products in China;中国木质林产品碳流动和碳储量研究
4.Carbon stock and potential of emission reduction of harvested wood products in China中国木质林产品碳储量及其减排潜力
5.The Empirical Analysis of Intra-industry Trade of Woody Forest Products of China中国木质林产品产业内贸易的实证分析
6.Research on Woody Forest Products Intra-industry Trade in China中国木质林产品产业内贸易的实证研究
7.The Status of Non-timber Forest Products Used by Dai People in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳傣族对非木材林产品利用状况的研究
8.Analysis of Present Condition of Non-timber Forest Products about Building of New Countryside of Poor County in Yunnan;云南山区新农村建设中非木材林产品现状分析
9.The Present Situation and the Development Trends of Non-timber Forest Products in the World;世界非木材林产品的现状及其发展趋势
10.Structure-function & Value Evaluation Study of Non-timber Forest Products非木材林产品结构、功能与价值评估研究
11.Game Analysis on China s Wooden Forest Products Trade and Environmental Protection Policy;中国木质林产品贸易与环境保护政策博弈分析
12.Environmental Impact Assessment on the International Trade of Main Wood-based Products in China;中国主要木质林产品对外贸易的环境影响评价
13.Research on International Trade Comparative Advantage of China s Wooden Forestry Products;中国木质林产品国际贸易比较优势研究
14.Measurements and Estimation on G-L Index of Woody Forest Products Trade in China;中国木质林产品贸易G-L指数测度及评价
15.Environmental Impact Assessment on the Import Trade of Main Woody Forest Products in China;中国主要木质林产品进口贸易的环境影响评价
16.Empirical Study on Export Trade Structure of China's Wood Forest Product中国木质林产品出口贸易结构的实证研究
17.Empirical Analysis of International Competitiveness of China's Wood Forest Products中国木质林产品国际竞争力的实证分析
18.Elaborate the Harmonious Development of the Non-timber Forest Products Sustainable Utility and Countryside Society Forestry;非木材林产品可持续利用与乡村社会林业的协调发展

non-timber forest product非木质林产品资源
1.The paper takes Lin an of Zhejiang Province as a case,introducing its measures such as "three definite policy" in forestry,non-timber forest products exploitation,forest industry improvement,and forest ecology construction, to improve sustainable developement in forestry since the opening policy in China.本文以临安为例,介绍了其自改革开放以来,在林业“三定”和《林业区划》的基础上,以山区综合开发和非木质资源开发与利用为发展方向,通过政策引导促进非木质林产品资源培育、林业产业提升、林业生态建设等方面的具体作法。
3)certification of non-timber forest products非木质林产品认证
1.International certification of non-timber forest products and forest food production in China;着重介绍了森林认证的一个分支———非木质林产品认证及其国内外进展和进行国际认证的策略。
4)Woody forest products木质林产品
1.In recent years, the structure of export of woody forest products has improved a lot and value-added process of the products is also increasing, but the exported woody forest products have met the challenges on TBT.近年来我国木质林产品出口结构不断优化,出口产品的加工程度不断提高,但面临的技术性贸易壁垒越来越大。
2.In recent years intra-industry trade of China\'s woody forest products has developed greatly.伴随着中国木质林产品对外贸易规模的不断扩大,中国国内的林产品产业也在迅速发展。
3.This paper analyzes general trends of the terms of foreign trade of woody forest products,and changes of the terms of main wood forest products in China during 1995—2007.本文分析了1995—2007年中国木质林产品对外贸易条件的总体变化趋势和各种主要木质林产品的贸易条件变化。
5)harvested wood products(HWP)木质林产品
1.Harvested wood products(HWP) is an important componentof the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle, the carbon stock-change in HWP also is a part ofsignatory nation greenhouse gas(GHG) inventory, and the HWP possess some potentialmitigation of GHG.森林采伐和木质林产品使用改变了森林生态系统和大气之间的自然碳平衡,木质林产品是陆地生态系统碳循环的一个重要组成部分,其碳储量变化又是国家温室气体清单报告的一部分,木质林产品具有一定减排潜力。
6)wooden forest products木质林产品
1.Game Analysis on China s Wooden Forest Products Trade and Environmental Protection Policy;中国木质林产品贸易与环境保护政策博弈分析
2.Based on the import & export data of China s international trade of wooden forest products, the authors analyzed the characteristics and problems of China s international trade, from trade position, trade development, import & export product and region structure, terms of trade and trade mode.利用近10年来的我国木质林产品进出口数据,从贸易地位、贸易增长、进出口产品结构、进出口地区结构、贸易条件、贸易方式等方面,分析归纳了近年来我国木质林产品国际贸易的特点和问题。

美国林产品研究所  美国农业部所属的林产品研究机构。设在美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市。19世纪末世界上出现的资源保护运动,包括林业方面保护木材资源的需求,促进了该所在1910年的成立。初期有木材防腐、成品检验、木材化学及木材工艺技术4个研究室,并创办期刊。1928年美国国会通过林业研究法案,使该所经费增加,研究领域扩展。第二次世界大战期间,取得了战时急需的研究成果,如活性炭、木材水解、层积材、粘胶剂等。战后该所人数减到300~400人,研究性质由开发型转向基础研究,内容包括与充分利用低劣质木材有关的木材解剖、木材物理、木材力学及木材化学等的研究,木材及木制品的工程性能,病虫害侵入木材细胞的机理及其防治方法,木材的能源利用──液体燃料制造,太阳能干燥,以及干燥工艺的计算机控制等。1975年以后,该所的研究方向是木材,特别是小材、硬材、劣质木材、木材剩余物等作为工程材料或其他工业原料的应用技术、加工技术和保护技术,以及缩短木材生长期和提高林地生产力的技术方法等。