1.Geological Characteristics of Iceland Spar Mineral Deposit of Mashan District in Guizhou贵州麻山冰洲石矿床地质特征
2)Trema genus山黄麻属

1.a dicot family of the order Urticales including: genera Ulmus; Celtis; Planera; Trema.苜蓿目中的双子叶植物科包括;榆树属;朴属;水榆属;山黄麻属
2.Chinese ephedra yielding ephedrine.中国麻黄属植物,产生麻黄素。
3.any of several heavy hard reddish chiefly tropical woods of the families Casuarinaceae and Proteaceae; some used for cabinetwork.木麻黄属和山龙眼科的热带树木重而硬的木料,用于细木工。
4.Systematics and Evolution of Ephedra L.(Ephedraceae) from China;中国麻黄属植物的分类—兼论麻黄属的演化
5.Any of various Asian shrubs of the genus Ephedra, especially E. sinica, from which the drug ephedrine is obtained.麻黄任一属于麻黄属的多种亚洲灌木,尤指麻黄,从中可以提取麻黄素
6.a tree or shrub of the genus Helicteres.属于山芝麻属的一种树或灌木。
7.any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina.澳大利亚的木麻黄属的几种乔木之一。
8.Either of two Asian plants(Corchorus capsularis or C.olitorius)yielding a fiber used for sacking and cordage.黄麻属植物两种亚洲植物(黄麻属黄麻或长蒴黄麻)中的任何一种,可生产出做麻布袋和绳索的纤维
9.Genetic Diversity Research on Wild Species and Cultivating-varieties of Corchorus黄麻属野生种与栽培种遗传资源多样性研究
10.Staining and slide-preparing technique of mitotic chromosomes and application in karyotype determination of Ephedra麻黄属植物染色体制片技术及核型分析研究
11.any of various plants of the genus Corchorus having large leaves and cymose clusters of yellow flowers; a source of jute.黄麻属的任何一种植物之一,叶大,黄色花组成聚伞花序;可制成黄麻纤维。
12.plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum.一植物科花小单性果实肉质;在一些分类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。
13.Analysis on the structure and function of the bird communities in Trema orientalis forest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan西双版纳山黄麻林鸟类群落结构及功能分析
14.Evaluation of Fracture Reservoir for Yanchang Formation in Mahuang Mountain of the West Ordos Basin;鄂尔多斯西部麻黄山延长组储层裂缝评价
15.The Research on Reservoir Characteristics of Yan an Formation in Mahuangshan Area of Ordos Basin;鄂尔多斯盆地麻黄山地区延安组储层特征研究
16.Evaluation and Study on Reservoir Characteristics of Yan'an Formation about North-eastern Part of West Block in Mahuangshan Area麻黄山西区块东北部延安组储层特征及评价
17.Fracture identification of reservoir of Yan’an and Yanchang Formation in Mahuangshan area麻黄山地区延安组、延长组储层裂缝特征及识别
18.Urticaceae Plant Resource and Its Development and Utilization of in Huangshan Scenic Spot黄山风景区荨麻科植物资源及其开发利用

Trema genus山黄麻属
3)Shanxi Ma chicken山西麻鸡
4)Eremias brenchleyi山地麻蜥
1.Influence of Thermal and Hydric Environments on Egg Incubation,Hatching Success,and Hatchling Traits in a Lacertid Lizard,Eremias brenchleyi;温湿度对山地麻蜥孵化卵、孵化成功率及孵出幼体特征的影响
2.Ontogenetic shifts in sexual dimorphism in head size and food habits of Eremias brenchleyi;山地麻蜥个体发育过程中头部两性异形和食性的变化
3.Changes of Material and Energy in Eggs of Lacertid Lizards, Eremias brenchleyi During Incubation at Mount Qianshan,Anhui;安徽乾山山地麻蜥卵孵化过程中物质和能量的变化
5)Trema orientalis山黄麻
1.Trema orientalis Seeds Dispersed by Birds and Its Ecological Role;鸟类对山黄麻种子的传播及其生态作用
6)Eremias breuchleyi山地麻蜥
1.Major Energy Reserves of Adult Eremias breuchleyi Lizards;山地麻蜥主要贮能部位研究
2.Statistics of the Number of Eremias breuchleyi and Protective Methods of the Population from Shuangshan;徐州双山山地麻蜥的数量统计及种群保护对策
3.Sequence Analysis of Seven Dmrt Genes in Lacertid Lizards,Eremias breuchleyi;山地麻蜥7个Dmrt基因成员的克隆及序列分析
