1.It founds that low level of income,heavy burdens,uncertainty on income expectation are key constraints on rural household consumptions of Shandong Province.本文利用农户调查数据及山东省统计数据,主要从收支角度分析了农村消费问题,发现收入水平低、支出负担重、收支预期不确定等因素是制约农村居民消费的主要原因,因此促进农民增收、拓宽就业渠道、增强消费信心、提高城镇化率是刺激农村消费市场的有效措施。

1.fiscal expenditure burden;控制财政供养人员规模 减轻政府财政支出负担
2.Readjustment of the Sponsoring Subject and Time Periods of Higher Education Expenditure;放大教育投资规模:调整高教支出负担主体与时段
3.Unfair Questions in Public Education--Study on Educational Expenditure Burden for Households with Different Income Levels during Compulsory Education;公共教育中的不公平问题——义务教育阶段不同收入家庭的教育支出负担率分析
4.and increased spending for maintaining a garrison in Macao.负担驻澳门部队开支增加的支出。
5.Defence Expenditure,Industry Structure and Optimum Defence Burden国防支出、产业结构与最优防务负担
6.Research on the Effect of the Direction of National Debts on Inter-generational Burden国债的支出方向对国债的代际负担影响研究
7.Analysis of Burden Structure of Fiscal Expenditure of Public Health Among Governments at all Levels in China我国财政公共卫生支出政府间负担结构分析
8.nontax payments非税性负担的支付金额
9.Members are responsible for their own expenses such as transportation and meals during rehearsals and performance.被取录之申请人需自行负担全部排练及演出之交通及饍食等支出。
10.An Empirical Study of Educational Expenditure and Financial Burden on Resident Households in Shanghai上海城乡居民家庭教育支出及教育负担状况的调查分析
11.Who will bear the extra freight charges?多出的运费由谁负担?
12.Until then, Bethune would meet all expenses.在那以前,一切开支由白求恩负担。
13.Look into alternate means of supporting your financial burdens.多找一些途径支持自己的经济负担。
14.Article37 The trustee may bear the expenses and debts to the third party incurred from the handling of trust affairs with the trust property.第三十七条受托人因处理信托事务所支出的费用、第三人所负债务,以信托财产承担。
15.free in and out and trimmed出租人不负担装、卸船及平舱费用
16.Please send me the following article by express and charge to my account :.请以快递寄出下列商品,费用由我负担。
17.I was sent on the government's expense.我出国学习的费用是国家负担的。
18.Pay fol the bill is a strain on my resource支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担

free of income-tax出租人不负担
3)Affordable Rental Housing可负担出租房
4)Burden sharing分担负担
1.Analysis on overloaded tax burden of enterprise of coal industry and suggestions;煤炭企业税收负担过重的原因分析与建议
2.A Study on the Trend of the Aging Population and the Burden in Lijin County from 2000 to 2005;2000~2005年利津县人口老龄化与负担趋势分析
3.A study on influencing factors of burdens of caregivers of cerebral apoplexy patients;脑卒中病人的照顾者负担影响因素研究
1.That students are overloaded with schoolwork has been a problem in elementary education for a long time.学生课业负担过重问题长期以来一直是困扰基础教育领域的问题。
2.The question of students’ load in the smooth positions in the economically developed regions in China and its causes can be analysed on four aspects including society, family, education and students.我国经济比较发达地区处于顺境下的学生负担问题及其形成的原因,可以从社会、家庭、教育和学生等四个方面进行分析,在此基础上对解决顺境下学生的负担问题可提出多方面的思考与建议。

支出支出  【支出】政府的所有不需偿付的支付都称为支出,不管是有偿的还是无偿的,也不管是经常的还是资本的支付。与处理收受的不同点是,给予其它政府的赠款或转移支付均列在支出项,而不是在支出项外另列一项。