1.The Enlightenment from Comprehensive Agricultural Development in Daotunwa实施稻屯洼农业综合开发的启示

1.Research on the Effect of Ji-He Highway on Daotunwa Wetland and the Corresponding Protection;济—菏高速公路建设对稻屯洼湿地的影响及保护措施研究
2.Wuerxun depression characteristics of the three-tier sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies distribution law乌尔逊凹陷三级层序地层特征及沉积相带展布规律——以乌北次洼南屯组为例
3.Water-Saving Irrigation Technique for Well-Irrigated Rice in Saline-alkali Waterlogged Lowland of Songnen Plain松嫩平原低洼易涝盐碱地井灌水稻节水灌溉技术
4.The Influencing Factors to Dry Land Rice Production in Salin- Ized and Easily Waterlogged Lowland-A case study from Qiwanmu of Nanpi County, Hebei Province低洼易涝盐碱地中影响旱稻产量的因素分析——以河北省南皮县“七万亩”试区为例
5.Fill in sunken places with stones用石块填平坑坑洼洼
6.Mind the holes in the road.当心路上的坑坑洼洼。
7.A textual study on word family of "jūn"、"jūn"、"qūn"、"tūn;“军”、“君”、“”、“屯”声字族析
8.They journeyed through rough and miry ways.他们走的是坑坑洼洼,满是泥泞的路。
9.The car bounced over the potholes.汽车在坑坑洼洼中晃来晃去
10.Artillery cratered the road.大炮把路面轰得坑坑洼洼。
11.Evolution of Beijing Sanlitun:Living Case Study of the Sanlitun Village北京三里屯之演化——三里屯Village实例分析
12.Tunpu Ethnic Community and Ethnic Identity--Taking the Tunpu Peope in Tianlong Village for Example屯堡族群与族群认同——以天龙屯堡为例
13.The surrounding land is low and marshy.周围的地低洼而多沼泽.
14.Children love splashing through puddles.孩子们爱踩溅着过水洼。
15.Marked by pits.有坑洼的,有坑洞的
16.leap a gate, puddle, ditch, etc跳过大门、 水洼、 壕沟等.
17.They utilized the low-lying parts to raise fish.他们利用低洼地区养鱼。
18.I shall graze the bottom field.我将利用低洼地放牧。

daotunwa wetland稻屯洼湿地
3)Liutun-Haitongji Sag柳屯-海通集洼陷
1.The Chinese character of"spring"originally traces back to the extension of another character "tun"(means the sprouts of grasses and trees)."春"一词的命名理据,实源于"屯"。
5)Tuntun jujube屯屯枣
1.To solve the problem of very low yield of Tuntun jujube in Yuncheng basin, it was top grafted with Xiang jujube.为解决运城盆地屯屯枣树产量极低的问题 ,采取高接换优 (相枣 )技术 ,并实施综合管理方法 ,有效地提高了产量 ,增加了经济效益。
1.A study on the pattern of methane emission in wetland rice-duck complex ecosystems;湿地稻-鸭复合系统的CH_4排放规律
2.Distribution of Cadmium and Lead in Soil and Rice Along Road Polluted by Traffic Exhaust;公路交通污染土壤和稻谷中镉铅分布特征
3.The Application of Video Microscopy in Rice Chalkiness Study;视频显微扫描技术在稻米垩白研究中的应用
