1.Farmers,Cadres and the Interaction between the Countries with the Collectivization Road——Taking Honglin's Collective Economy in Later Period of China's Collectivization for Example农民、干部及国家之间的互动与集体化道路——以集体化后期洪林村集体经济的叙事分析为例
2)Nahong Village那洪村

1.On The Characteristics of Yao People, s Cultural Changes Aad Education Features--A case of landin Yao People in Nahong Villege,Cuangnan county, Yunnan Province;论瑶族文化的“汉化”特质与教育特征——以云南省广南县那洪村的蓝靛谣为例
2.That autumn a terrible flood ravaged St. Ogg's.那年秋天,一场的洪水洗劫了圣奥格村。
3."Thankfully, my village survived the great flood."谢天谢地,我的村庄在那场特大洪水中幸存下来。
4.His raucous voice and swagger reminded the husband of their village head and the more powerful of the local gentry.那洪大而含胡的声音,那势派,都使这做丈夫的想起了村长同乡绅那些大人物的威风。
5.Torrents of water rushed down the mountain and several villages were engulfed in the flood山洪暴发,好几个村庄都被洪水淹没了。
6.Main Drainage Channels and Poldered Village Protection Scheme河道及乡村防洪计划
7.The river has flooded a number of villages.洪水淹没了一些村庄。
8.The torrential flood annihilated the village.山洪冲毁了这个村落。
9.The village was cut off by the flood.村子被洪水隔绝了。
10.But can you traverse the stream?可是,你能闯过那车的洪流、人的洪流吗?
11.As soon as the flood had gone down, villagers poured down the road to the village.洪水一退,村民们便沿大路回村庄了。
12.I pity the flood victims.我可,冷那些洪水受害者。
13.The land was submerged by the flood.那块地被洪水淹没。
14.The bridge was swept away by the flood.那座桥被洪水冲走了。
15.The floods caved in that wall.洪水冲坍了那堵墙。
16.The flood annihilated the city.洪水冲毁了那座城市。
17.The floods caved in that dike.洪水冲坍了那座堤坝。
18.The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood.由于洪水的威胁, 村里人都已撤走了.

Nahong Village那洪村
3)Guiling city flood桂林洪水
4)Wuling of Honghu洪湖乌林
1.There exists a shallow geothermal field discovered recently in Wuling of Honghu city of Jianghan plain.江汉盆地南东边缘洪湖乌林地段长江一级阶地第四系松散土层下,发现了浅埋的地下热水。
5)LIN Hong-sheng林洪生
1.Treatment of Latent Diseases in Prevention and Cure Cancer with TCM——The Academic Experience of Famous TCM Oncologists LIN Hong-sheng(1);“治未病”应贯穿于中医药防治肿瘤的始终——林洪生学术经验系列(1)
6)Country Landscape乡村园林
1.The Ancient "Country Landscape" in the Small Village in Wuyuan;婺源古村落“乡村园林”研究

子洪村舍利塔子洪村舍利塔 祁县县级重点文物保护单位,建于明代,属喇嘛教塔。高11米,须弥座呈六角形,直径3.8米,砖石结构。塔身面东开“眼光”门,佛像已不存,再上为“十三天”,圆盘以上残损。