1.Promote State-Owned Forest Tenure Reform Deeply——A Pilot of Forest Tenure Reform in Cuiluan Forestry Bureau推进国有林权改革向纵深发展——翠峦林业局林改试点改革模式

1.The endless green wooded mountains and the rushing waters form a magnificent picture, like a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.连绵的翠峦和不尽的波涛,天成一幅壮丽的山水画卷。
2.Making the Mountains Become Green to Bring Benefit to the People--Grasping "the Four threes Project"to Push Forwards the Forest Right Reform Developing Healthly;绿染青山 惠泽百姓——翠峦林业局把握“四个三”工程,推动林改健康发展
3.Promote State-Owned Forest Tenure Reform Deeply--A Pilot of Forest Tenure Reform in Cuiluan Forestry Bureau推进国有林权改革向纵深发展——翠峦林业局林改试点改革模式
4.At last they saw a beautiful strip of land with blue mountains.最后,他们看到一片狭长的陆地,陆地上有苍翠的山峦。
5.One by one, red and green signal lamps shine out while the emerald mountains fade into a grey blur.红绿标灯渐次闪光,而苍翠的山峦模糊为一片灰色。
6.The hills were swathed in mist.山峦裹在雾霭之中。
7.Fog hid (or concealed ) the mountain.雾遮住了(或concealed)山峦。
8.The Gods of Thunder and Lightning Shatter the whole range.列缺霹雳, 邱峦崩摧,
9.I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.我想念家乡的青青山峦。
10.The mountains indent the horizon.山峦使地平线成锯齿状。
11.Japan is surrounded by the sea and covered with mountains.日本四面环海,山峦叠嶂。
12.A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon.翡翠鸟一种翠鸟,尤其是属于此种的翡翠属的
13.a jade vase, necklace, etc翡翠花瓶、 项练等
14.Laugh, koo-ka-bur-ra, laugh,笑吧,笑翠鸟,笑吧,
15.Jade Channel [Television Broadcasts Limited]翡翠台〔无线电视〕
16.Main characters included Cui Cui, who lived with her grandfather, and the brothers Tian Bao and Nuo Song, who both fell in love with Cui Cui.(相依为命的祖孙--翠翠和爷爷,以及同时爱上翠翠的天保、傩宋
17.Discussion about the Cause of the Result of Cuicui s love Affair;对《边城》中翠翠爱情结局根源的探究
18.A World of Feelings and Dreams--An Analysis of the Heroine Cui Cui in the Novel"Frontier Town"by Shen Cong-wen;心与梦的世界——浅析《边城》中的“翠翠”

range upon range of green hills山峦迭翠
3)Xing Luan邢峦
1.On Lagging Behind of Military System in the Northern Wei Dynasty: through a Study of the Biography of Xing Luan of Wei Shu;由《魏书·邢峦传》看北魏军事制度改革的滞后
1.Growing Up Naturally and Independently——An Analysis of Cuicui s Love Pursuit in BianCheng;自然自在的生存与成长——《边城》中翠翠情爱历程探析
2.Collision between Ideal and Reality——A Study on Shen Congwen s Writing from Cuicui in The Border Town;理想与现实的碰撞——从《边城》中的翠翠看沈从文的写作
3.Of Virtues and Love——Speaking Briefly the Image of Cuicui in Biancheng;美的聚合,爱的载体——浅淡《边城》中翠翠的形象
5)Cunninghamia konishii峦大杉
1.Study on the introduction and management density of Taiwan excellent timber species Cunninghamia konishii;台湾峦大杉引种及经营密度研究
2.The interrelation among the rooting and growth ability of Cunninghamia konishii and the type of cuttings,the types and concentration of root growth helping matters,cutting length,cutting place,cutting foliage,and cutting medium were studied.对峦大杉扦插繁殖的生根及生长能力与插穗类型、激素种类、激素质量分数、插穗长度、采穗部位、穗条年龄、留叶数量和扦插基质等相关因素进行研究。
6)Scopula superniveala Inoue峦小尺蛾
